EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling Rabat Process Thematic meeting on Return, Readmission and Reintegration 31 May-1 June 2016 – Brussels, Belgium Monique Besseling The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) EURINT Through which mechanisms can states assist each other in order to permit a 1 reliable identification? Which joint projects can be developed for this purpose? EUROPEAN RETURN INITIATIVE (EURINT PROGRAM) • Contribute to strengthened EU / SAC cooperation with h regard d to ide dentification and nd return matters in n close cooperation with Frontex • Impr proved cooperation with the Countries of Origin The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 1
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling Program Partners – NCP 14. Latvia (The State Border Guard of the Ministry of 1. Austria (Federal Ministry of the Interior) Interior) 2. Belgium (Federal Public Service of the Interior, 15. Liechtenstein (Migration and Passport Office National Immigration Office) Public Administration) 3. Bulgaria (Ministry of Interior) 16. Lithuania (Ministry of Interior, State Border Guard 4 . Czech Republic (Ministry of Interior, Department of Service) Asylum and Migration Policy) 17. Luxembourg (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, 5. Denmark (Danish National Police, National Aliens Directorate of Immigration) Centre) 18. Netherlands (Ministry of Security and Justice, 6. Estonia (Estonian Police and Border Guard Board) Repatriation and Departure Service) 7. Finland (Helsinki Police) 19. Norway (National Police Immigration Service) 8. France (Ministry of the Interior, la direction générale des 20. Poland (Border Guard Headquarters) étrangers) 21. Portugal (Immigration and Borders Service) 9. a) Germany (Bundespolizeipräsidium) 22. Romania (General Inspectorate for Immigration - b) Germany (Central Foreigners Authority Bielefeld) Ministry of Interior Affairs) 10. Greece (Ministry of Interior, European and 23. Slovenia (Ministry of Interior) Development Programs Division) 24. Spain (National Police) 11. Hungary (Office of Immigration and Nationality) 25. Sweden (National Swedish Police Authority, National 12. Italy (Ministry of Interior, Department of Public Operations Department) Security, Central Directorate for Immigration and Border 26. Switzerland (State Secretariat for Migration) Police) 27. United Kingdom (UK Home Office, Immigration 13. Ireland (The department of Justice and Equality) Enforcement Frontex The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Components of the Program EURINT Specific Action nr. 5 1. Development of a European approach towards countries of origin 2. Improve the operational cooperation between EU MS / SAC and EU agencies (Frontex) 3. Sharing of best practices among EURINT members 4. Raising capacity at country of origin level with the aim of creating a sustainable basis for EU MS / SAC cooperation and third countries 5. Information Management 6. Innovation The EURINT Program is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling EURINT Structure NCP The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) EURINT WORKING GROUPS COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN – Development of a European Approach Towards Third Countries Iran Egypt Afghanistan Morocco Algeria Iraq Bangladesh Ethiopia Guinea India Nigeria Somalia ECOWAS Democratic Republic of Congo Brazil The EURINT Program is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 3
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling WG CHAIRS AND MEMBERS COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN – Development of a European Approach Towards Third Countries EU COM and FRONTEX Member of all WGs Chair Members EU MS / SAC 1 AFG NL AT, BE, BG, CH,DE, FI, FR, GR, HU, LU, NO, RO, SE, UK 2 DZE FR AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,FR, GR, HU, LU, MT, NL, NO, PT, RO, SE, UK BE, CH, DK, NO, RO 3 BGD DE IE, HU CH, FI, FR, IE, LU, MT, NL, NO, 4 DRC BE UK, 5 EGY Open CH, FR 6 ETH CH BE, DE, NL, NO, UK 7 GIN BE DE, EE, LU, NL, UK 8 IND UK AT, BE, CH, DE, EE, FR, LU, NL 9 IRN CH AU, AT, BE, DE, DK, FI, HU, LU, NL, NO, SE, UK 10 IRQ AU BE, DE, DK, FI, HU, NL, NO, RO, UK, (+non EU: AU, CA and US) HU 11 MAR BE AT, CH, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, EL, HU, IE, LU, NL, PT, SE, RO, UK 12 NGA AT DK, FR, EE, HU, NL, NO, SE 13 SOM NO BE, CH, DK, FI, LU, MT, NL, SE, UK Open Pakistan CH Open ECOWAS CH The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) EURINT WORKING GROUPS Operational TOOLBOX Identification Incoming missions Meetings WG Outgoing missions Taskforces (complex Other actions from 3C cases) Seconding third Establish / Face-to-face Common country officials reinforce dialogue Identification Presentation to the Teleconference interviews Problems and Visit core Participating meetings Actions stakeholders in countries fast identification return matters Lead MS or WG + eventually direct Thematic delivery of Travel EURLO can be conferences Common documents. used to presentation of coordinate Workshops for problems Taskforce field practitioners Incoming Mission evaluation Form Report Propose solutions Note questions / obstacles Coordinated lead MSI The EURINT Program is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 4
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling EURINT cooperation with other Programs � � Structural EU assistance � Reintegration cooperation on location support and � � Identification Case-by-case counselling for � � Return Identification returnees (incl. for � Return forced return) � Sharing services The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Actions undertaken in the Working Group Example Issues identified by Working Group Members • High Quality Applications yet no response • Long processing time • Limited validity of an Emergency Travel Certificate Actions – state of play • Working group meeting analysis of the state of play • Identification of needs and development of common actions • Incoming mission to two EU MS (awareness raising; exchange of experience) • Outgoing mission to hold dialogue with key stakeholders on common obstacles encountered Outcomes / planning � Commitment to step up cooperation – Memorandum of Understanding or Standard Operating Procedures � Increase length of validity of Emergency Travel Certificate � Future discussions on implementation of identification taskforce The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 5
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling Sharing best practices Workshops For Field Practitioners Taskforces EURESCRIM The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Sharing best practices among EURINT Partners Calls for Interest or Information Ad-hoc “calls for information” or “Interest”: a EURINT Partner can submit a request to acquire information regarding working procedures on identification, acquisition of travel documents and return. EURINT registers answers from all partners and uploads the results to a platform to share with EURINT partners. The EURINT Program is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 6
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling Conclusions Measures and good practices � Established return practitioners network � Rapid information exchange � Country of Origin network – sharing among Eurint partners � Exchange of experience and development of best practices � Common approach to complement existing bilateral cooperation frameworks with countries of origin � Flexibility – demand driven Challenges and way forward � Increased demand by Member States and EU COM for actions under EURINT � Consistency and sustainability – integrated return management The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Questions / Comments? The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 7
EURINT Presentation, 31/5/2016 - M. Besseling THANK YOU For your attention EURINT Program Management The Netherlands Monique Besseling OUR EMAIL The EURINT-network is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 8
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