
ETAP Escuela Tcnica de Agua Potable Program of Agua Para La Vida P - PDF document

  1. ��� ��� ��� ����������������� ��� ����������������� ����������������� � ����������������� � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!������ ETAP Escuela Técnica de Agua Potable Program of Agua Para La Vida P RESENTATION

  2. ��� ��� ��� ��� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� � � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!������ CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................3 2. AGUA PARA LA VIDA (APLV) ...............................................................................................3 3. ESCUELA TÉCNICA DE AGUA POTABLE: ETAP................................................................4 4. ETAP STUDENTS.......................................................................................................................6 5. THE TITLE OF HYDRAULIC TECHNICIAN..........................................................................7 5.1 General Skills .......................................................................................................................7 5.2 Modules taught.....................................................................................................................7 5.3 Practice in the field...............................................................................................................8 6. FINANCIAL SUPPORT..............................................................................................................9 6.1 Donations as scholarship......................................................................................................9 6.2 Donations for long-term investments.................................................................................10 7. CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................................10 2/10

  3. ��� ��� ��� ����������������� ��� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� � � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!������ 1. INTRODUCTION In Nicaragua, the coverage level of potable water and sanitation services is low: UNDP estimates that 52% of the rural population live without access to clean water or adequate sanitation. This situation is even more acute in indigenous communities, where 80% of the population lacks basic services, increasing infant mortality rates. The ability of government and Nicaraguan citizens to create systems of drinking water and sanitation is limited by both the lack of financial resources to finance systems and the lack of Nicaraguan hydraulic technicians able to design and build these systems. For these reasons, in addition to their own drinking water projects, the NGO Agua Para La Vida (Water For Life) (APLV) has created a Drinkable Water Technical School called ETAP (Escuela Técnica de Agua Potable) with the goal of teaching young people from rural areas how to design and build drinking water projects. This training completely free for students, enables them to improve their economic status and give them the skills necessary to be involved in the development of their own country. Graduates are Hydraulics Technicians. 2. AGUA PARA LA VIDA (APLV) Agua Para La Vida is an international non-profit organization founded in 1987 with the aim of improving the living standards of rural communities in Nicaragua. The organization has 23 years of running integrated projects on water, sanitation, health and environment for rural communities, designing and installing up to date, 62 projects of gravity water systems that serve around 20,000 people with drinking water. Today, the organization is registered as an NGO in France and the US, with funding from international cooperation and individual donors in France and the US. RAAN RAAN • 7 proyectos • 7 proyectos • 4,397 beneficiarios • 4,397 beneficiarios Influence area of Agua Para La Vida in Nicaragua MATAGALPA MATAGALPA •38 Proyectos •38 Proyectos •7,853 beneficiarios •7,853 beneficiarios Río Blanco Río Blanco RAAS RAAS • 14 Proyectos • 14 Proyectos • 6,514 beneficiarios • 6,514 beneficiarios Managua Managua BOACO BOACO • 3 Proyectos • 3 Proyectos • 620 beneficiarios • 620 beneficiarios 3/10

  4. ��� ��� ��� ��� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� � � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!������ APLV consists of 5 integrated components: o Drinking Water: Design and construction of potable water gravity-fed system with public or individual waterstands, education and training of CAPS (Water and Sanitation Committee). o Sanitation: Help in building VIP latrines (Ventilated Improved Pit) for families with inadequate health services. o Health: Community diagnosis and organization of workshops and training chat to promote health and hygiene. o Environment: Identification and conservation of the source / watershed through reforestation. o Water Technical School (ETAP): Training of students from rural communities in order to make Hydraulic Technicians who will be able to design and manage water supply and sanitation projects funded by the government, municipalities or NGOs. Deforested area in the watersheed of Young girl using her new water tap in the comunity of Monte de Cristo Likia-Los Olivos 3. ESCUELA TÉCNICA DE AGUA POTABLE: ETAP The Technical School of Water Supply was created in 1996 to train young technicians as capable of performing analysis, design, and implementation of projects related to gravity-fed distribution systems of drinking water for rural communities. Specifically, these are systems that include small water aqueduct and distribution networks. 4/10

  5. ��� ��� ��� ����������������� ��� ����������������� ����������������� � ����������������� � � � �������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������!������ This school is unique in Nicaragua. Its objectives are: - To make hydraulics technicians capable of designing and implementing entirely a project of drinking water supply by gravity in rural communities - To give young people from rural communities and with very limited resources the opportunity to continue their studies, - To allow municipalities, communities, NGOs and of course Agua Para La Vida to use highly trained and competent people for all kinds of work on water projects. In order to produce highly trained technicians with the required amount of experience: 〉 〉 the course lasts at least two years full time. 〉 〉 〉 〉 The course is made of studies and practices. The student spends approximately 40% of 〉 〉 the time in practice (on projects in the field) and 60% in the study (in class). In this way the student can assimilate the information of the class with their experience in the field. The number of students is limited to eight so that each student receives the attention he needs and deserves. The school is located in the city of Rio Blanco in the Department of Matagalpa. To date, the school had 4 promotions that have graduated. 25 students received the title of Hydraulic Technician. All technicians employed by APLV are graduates of the ETAP. Students of the fourth promotion in their classroom 5/10


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