eqarep workshop on stakeholders transparency needs

EQArep workshop on stakeholders transparency needs Tallinn, 6-7 May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EQArep workshop on stakeholders transparency needs Tallinn, 6-7 May 2013 Maria Kelo, Director, ENQA ENQA at a glance Umbrella NGO for European QA agencies in HE, founded in 2000. Membership: 44 Full members, of which one under

  1. EQArep workshop on stakeholders ’ transparency needs Tallinn, 6-7 May 2013 Maria Kelo, Director, ENQA

  2. ENQA at a glance Umbrella NGO for European QA agencies in HE, founded in 2000. Membership: • 44 Full members, of which one “under review” • 2 Candidate members • 43 Affiliates (covers more than 40 countries) Membership criteria: by and large the European Standards and Guidelines

  3. Mission statement • to contribute significantly to the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of European higher education at a high level • to act as a major driving force for the development of quality assurance across all the Bologna signatory countries. • ENQA promotes European co-operation in the field of QA in higher education in order to develop and share good practice in QA and to foster the European dimension of QA.

  4. Activities • Dissemination of information on experience, good practice and new developments in the field of quality assessment and QA in HE to stakeholders • Organisation of events • Publication of reports • Coordination of external reviews of QA agencies • ENQA has launched 5 working groups • Co-operation within E4 (EUA, ESU, EURASHE) • Involvement in the Bologna Follow-up Group and EQAR • Participation in transnational quality assurance projects

  5. EQArep project – why? • Need for detailed and reliable information on individual study programmes, faculties and higher education institutions, and especially on quality at programme and at institutional level. • Quality assurance is an important tool in providing transparent and reliable information on the quality of HE BUT …. • reports vary a lot in terms of structure and content and also as regards publication channels and strategies • we do not know how much they are used, by whom, and how useful are they for the users •  their contribution to the comparative dimension of transparency of higher education at the European level is still relatively limited 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 5

  6. EQArep project – who? • Consortium of ENQA and four of its member agencies: – ASHE, Croatia – EKKA, Estonia – OAQ, Switzerland – QQI, Ireland • Stakeholder Advisory Board: – Business Europe – ESU – EUA – EURASHE 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 6

  7. EQArep project – what? • map the current publication practices and analyse the typology of reports, their purposes, use, etc. • explore the different needs of stakeholders for transparent and comparable information, and the role that EQA review reports can/are expected to/do play • Provide good practice and recommendations/standards for different types of quality assurance reports in the EHEA • evaluate whether a European template for quality assurance (summary) reports is feasible  Better understanding of the needs of (potential users)  Increased comparability  increased mobility, facilitated collaboration, etc.  Better information provided to the stakeholders 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 7

  8. Activities and stages • Survey on stakeholders’ requirements for transparency • Workshop for stakeholders of quality assurance • Survey of QA agencies on publication of quality assurance reports: purpose, structure and content • Analysis of a sample of QA reports • Workshop for quality assurance agencies on publication of review reports • Elaboration of recommendations (and a template?) for external evaluation reports • Final dissemination conference • Final report and publication 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 8

  9. The perspective of stakeholders • Students, “other” HEIs’, QA agencies, world of work, policy makers, funders… • Stakeholders are important players in QA, but also important users of information provided by QA • Survey on stakeholders’ needs for transparent information and their use of QA reports • This workshop to verify the findings, discuss among stakeholders, and collect suggestions for the future of the project • Will feed into the next stages: analysis of review reports, development of recommendations, elaboration of a European template (?) 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 9

  10. This workshop • Participants: – Mainly respondent to the survey who indicated interest in participating  students, HEI representatives, government representatives, employer representatives – QA agency representatives from the project partnership – Advisory board members: representative organisations at the European level • Working methods – Plenary presentations to provide background and context to the issue at stake – Working groups  small groups to provide us with concrete suggestions and ideas 8.5.2013 replace txt View menu > Header and footer 10

  11. Thank you!


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