epub in the wild

EPUB in the Wild Liz Castro @lizcastro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EPUB in the Wild Liz Castro @lizcastro http://PigsGourdsandWikis.com http://www.elizabethcastro.com/epub Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications

  1. EPUB in the Wild Liz Castro @lizcastro http://PigsGourdsandWikis.com http://www.elizabethcastro.com/epub

  2. Specifications

  3. Specifications

  4. Specifications

  5. Specifications

  6. Specifications

  7. Specifications

  8. Specifications

  9. Specifications

  10. Manufacturer Guidelines

  11. Manufacturer Guidelines

  12. Manufacturer Guidelines

  13. Objective: One file to rule them all

  14. 3 problems 1. They can’t do it. 2. They want to do it their own way. 3. They won’t let you do it.

  15. Secrecy http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/bz/archives/2012/02/vendor_interactions_with_the_c.html

  16. Three strategies • Create cross platform code • Use media queries when cross platform code isn’t possible • Make informed decisions about not supporting certain platforms

  17. Everybody supports bold and italic font-size text-indent top and bottom margins images

  18. Original iBooks on iPad iBooks/iPhone Adobe Digital Editions ->

  19. Kindle Fire Kindle

  20. NOOK NOOK Color

  21. Many support font family small caps leading left and right margins float and width text wrap (around images, sidebars, and drop caps) borders, backgrounds color

  22. Adobe Digital Editions

  23. iBooks on iPad

  24. iBooks on iPhone

  25. NOOK Color with Publishers Defaults OFF

  26. NOOK Color with Publishers Defaults ON

  27. NOOK

  28. Kindle Fire

  29. Kindle

  30. Media Query example @media amzn-mobi { span.dropcap { span.dropcap { font-size : 5em; font-size : 3em; float : left; float: none; line-height : 1.5; line-height : 1; margin-right : 0.1em; margin-top : auto; margin-bottom: -.3em; margin-right : auto; font-family : margin-bottom: auto; DavysArtNouveauInitials, font-family : sans-serif; sans-serif; color : #512a37; color : #512a37; } } }

  31. Kindle

  32. Watch out for...

  33. Aligning drop cap span.dropcap { ... line-height : 1; margin-top : .2em; margin-right : 0.1em; margin-bottom: 0em; ... } span.dropcap { ... line-height : 1.5; margin-right : 0.1em; margin-bottom: -.3em; ...}

  34. Adjusting for narrow screen Don’t try to fit too much in a single paragraph—float on one side or other, but not both! Don’t indent excessively

  35. Adjusting for narrow screen p.Poem-line { font-size: .8em; text-indent : -20px; margin : 0 0 0 20px ; padding: 0px 28px; }

  36. iBooks and fonts Don’t forget the .com file or else iBooks won’t display embed fonts

  37. Cross platform dilemmas

  38. Discretional page breaks page-break-after: avoid Kindle, iBooks don’t support.

  39. Discretional page breaks Both NOOK and NOOK Color support all page-break properties

  40. Discretional page breaks But Kindle Fire and iBooks do support page- break-inside: avoid Create a div with header and first paragraph.

  41. Discretional page breaks iBooks supports page- break-inside: avoid (but no other “avoids”)

  42. Widows and orphans .body { widows: 3; orphans: 3; }

  43. Widows and orphans Neither iBooks nor Kindle Fire support widows or orphans

  44. Widows and orphans Again, NOOK comes through

  45. Tables Very problematic in narrow pages

  46. Tables

  47. Tables <manifest> ... <item id="table1" href="table1.html" media- type="application/xhtml+xml" /> <item id="table2" href="table2.html" media- type="application/xhtml+xml" /> ... </manifest> <spine toc="ncx"> <itemref idref="maintext" /> <itemref idref="table1"/> <itemref idref="table2" linear="no" /> </spine>

  48. Tables

  49. Tables

  50. Tables Kindle Fire does not support non-linear tables

  51. Tables Neither does NOOK

  52. Tables Results are pretty awful on Kindle

  53. Audio and Video iBookstore: yes, B&N + Amazon: no

  54. Fixed Layout iBooks and Kobo Vox use very similar systems; NOOK has closed system, Amazon new system

  55. Javascript Works best in iBooks; allowed in iBookstore Sketchy support on other platforms

  56. Read Aloud iBooks and Kobo Vox only; media overlay on top of fixed layout; laborious

  57. Informed choices • How to create the best ebook that works on the most platforms • Sometimes, you’ll decide to leave some devices behind

  58. Liz Castro • EPUB Straight to the Point • Fixed Layout for iBooks • Audio and Video in EPUB • Read Aloud EPUB • From InDesign CS 5.5 to EPUB and Kindle • HTML/CSS Visual QuickStart Guide • www.elizabethcastro.com/epub • www.PigsGourdsandWikis.com • Twitter: @lizcastro, #eprdctn, #edigital


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