epidemiology and outcomes of traumatic brain injury tbi in

Epidemiology and Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) in Korean - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Concurrent Session 2: IP in a GLOBAL SETTING 1 [BURNS]_ROP Epidemiology and Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) in Korean Children Seung Chul Lee, MD Department of Emergency Medicine Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital South Korea Methods

  1. Concurrent Session 2: IP in a GLOBAL SETTING 1 [BURNS]_ROP Epidemiology and Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) in Korean Children Seung Chul Lee, MD Department of Emergency Medicine Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital South Korea

  2. Methods Introduction • Design: A cross-sessional study • Traumatic brain injury(TBI) • Source of data ➢ A major cause of death and disability in ➢ Emergency Department(ED) based Injury In- children. depth Surveillance(EDIIS) database • First step for developing preventative : total 23 EDs of tertiary hospital in South Korea. strategies of children TBI. • Inclusions ➢ Understanding epidemiologic characteristics ➢ Between Jan. 2011 and Dec. 2015 and outcomes. ➢ Children(aged 0 to 18) with TBI • Aims • Two aged categories ➢ Pre-school group: under 7 years old ➢ Epidemiologic features and outcomes ➢ School-aged group: 7 years old and over according to aged groups(Pre-school vs School- aged group) in children TBI.

  3. Results Preschool age (<7) School age (≥7) Preschool age (<7) School age (≥7) N % N % N % N % Total 19,231 62.3 11,635 37.7 * Mechanisms of injury * Sex Fall/Slip down 13,887 72.2 4,267 36.7 Male 11,278 58.6 8,696 74.7 Traffic accident 1,949 10.1 4,144 35.6 Female 7,953 41.4 2,939 25.3 Blunt injury 3,259 16.9 3,127 26.9 * Place of injury Penetrating injury 57 0.3 30 0.3 Home 12,534 65.2 1,789 15.4 Others * Time of injury Road 2,746 14.3 4,647 39.9 Education facilities 737 3.8 2,582 22.2 daytime 9,860 51.3 6,637 57.1 * Day of injury Sports facilities 200 1.0 925 8.0 Others 3014 15.7 1,692 14.5 Weekday 12,302 64.0 8,358 71.8 * Activity when injured Weekend 6,929 36.0 3,277 28.2 Education 556 2.9 1,945 16.8 Sports and Leisure 3,844 20.0 4,896 42.1 Daily living 14,405 74.9 3,598 30.9 * P value <0.01 Others 426 2.2 1,196 10.3

  4. Results Total Positive Unadjusted *Adjusted N N % OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) Primary outcome: Intracranial injury Preschool age (<7) 19,231 1,404 7.3 ref ref School age (≥ 7) 11,635 1,675 14.4 2.1 (2.0-2.3) 1.6 (1.5-1.8) Secondary outcome: Case-Fatality Preschool age (<7) 19,231 60 0.3 ref ref School age (≥ 7) 11,635 127 1.1 3.5 (2.6-4.8) 1.6 (1.1-2.2) * Adjusted for gender, time, mechanism. OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. Conclusion • The epidemiological characteristics of TBI in school-aged group are differentiated from pre-school group. • It is necessary to develop differentiated preventative strategies and treatment systems according to aged groups in children TBI.


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