ep 228 quantum mechanics

EP 228: Quantum Mechanics Lecture 2: review of particle in a box, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

EP 228: Quantum Mechanics Lecture 2: review of particle in a box, potential well, barrier,harmonic oscillator P. Ramadevi, 2 nd floor Dept of Physics, IIT Bombay rama0072006@gmail.com Extn: 7563 Particle in a one-dimensional box Particle in

  1. EP 228: Quantum Mechanics Lecture 2: review of particle in a box, potential well, barrier,harmonic oscillator P. Ramadevi, 2 nd floor Dept of Physics, IIT Bombay rama0072006@gmail.com Extn: 7563

  2. Particle in a one-dimensional box

  3. Particle in a two dimensional box • We will first write schrodinger equation in two dimensions • Seperable wavefunctions for potential energy U(x,y)= u(x)+v(y) • Then, we will look at the solution for the particle in the two-dimensional box

  4. Two dimensional Schrodinger equation

  5. Finite potential well

  6. Wavelength in the finite potential well is greater than that in infinite well

  7. Time-dependent wavefunction

  8. Tunnel effect • We have seen infinite potential well and finite potential well problems. • Also for time independent potential energy, we know the time dependence of the wavefunction.


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