envisioning a successful transition

Envisioning a Successful Transition The Presentation Virtual CPSI, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Envisioning a Successful Transition The Presentation Virtual CPSI, June 2020 Mary Ellyn Vicksta, Vicksta Innovative Practices LLC Learning Objectives of this session To explore a transition model for personal change To discover

  1. Envisioning a Successful Transition The Presentation Virtual CPSI, June 2020 Mary Ellyn Vicksta, Vicksta Innovative Practices LLC

  2. Learning Objectives of this session • To explore a transition model for personal change • To discover creativity tools that will help explore the transition model effectively • To Start applying the transition model, personally

  3. Goodies Workbook with worksheets Pre-conference worksheet and creativity tools

  4. ME Introduction Mary Ellyn Vicksta Vicksta Innovative Practice LLC

  5. Agreements • This is very personal stuff. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just say pass • If you don’t want to participate in a break-out group that involves personal sharing, CEF Beth is sending a message in chat; response back to her, privately • You will have a break-out session with me where I talk about my use of the model

  6. History of Bridges Transition Model and My Involvement • Created by William Bridges and published in 1991 book “Managing Transitions” • Used by organizations to help people go through big change initiatives • I started using the model in 2009 during a Corporate Re-Org, with my team, and for myself • After 2009, would use this with others to help people transition through a big change in their life

  7. Broad Overview of Bridges Transition Model

  8. Chat Input: Your Change situation • Only if you feel comfortable, please provide a one line description of the change that your are working on

  9. Walk Through of the Bridges Transition Model

  10. The Change Affecting ME

  11. Endings • Initial stage of transition after a change has occurred • People are forced to let go of something that they feel comfortable with resulting in • Resistance • Emotional Upheaval

  12. Emotions often Experienced at “Endings” • Fear • Denial • Anger • Sadness • Disorientation • Frustration

  13. Sharing the “Ending” Worksheet

  14. Endings with Control

  15. Start filling out the “Endings” Worksheet for your Change Situation Time: 4 minutes

  16. Sharing my Endings/Perspective Worksheet

  17. Break-Out: Endings • We are going to use the Perspectives Tool to stretch our thinking about what is ending for you. Before you go to the break-out, pick two of these possibilities that you will share with another person during the break-out

  18. Perspectives • Think of a friend and what they would view as “ending” for you during your change situation. Now stretch yourself and think of a (pick one) • Former Mentor • Sibling or another relative • Actor in a movie that you have watched numerous times • An 8 year old • A wise person • A friend or acquaintance that thinks differently than you • Share your two “Perspectives and what they would view as “ending” for you

  19. In the break-out • Working in pairs, one person starts: • Verbalize what your friend views as ending for you in your change situation • Verbalize what person you picked from the list views as ending for you • 3 minutes and switch and same as above • 3 minutes and then come back to the larger group

  20. Neutral Zone • Second stage of the Transition Model • Bridge between the old and the new, although there is often an attachment to the old and familiar while trying to adapt to the new and fuzzy future • Bridge between the old and the new, although often people feel a little lost, confused, uncertain, and impatient

  21. Neutral Zone • Is a stage that involves a great deal of creativity, innovation, and renewal • A time to experiment with new thinking, new ways of interacting with others, new ways of working (or not working), and new patterns and habits within one’s life • Important at this stage to note progress because sometimes it might seem like not much is changing and people still might feel a bit lost • Short term goals and acknowledgement of progress

  22. Where are YOU in the Bridges Transition Model? Look over the model and identify where you are RIGHT NOW! Sometimes lost yet re-imagining “what New ways of seeing the world is possible” between old and new. and how you interact with Realignments and new realizations that world start to become Letting go and managing start to take place; starting to daily realities. Enthusiasm loss of what will no longer be recognize “what is possible” and energy returns Check In

  23. Sharing my Worksheet Skills, Knowledge, Expertise

  24. Break-Out: Transition • We are going to use the Worksheet, Skills, Knowledge, Expertise during this breakout. • Please find that page and start jotting down notes for 3 minutes • Then we will go into the breakout with each person sharing in turn for 3 minutes. • Unconditional listening…..person talks without any interruption about their skills, knowledge and expertise. • Person listens takes notes and sends them notes either in a personal chat or through email. • Switch • Come back

  25. A New Beginning • Starting to embrace change • Building skills to live within the new way • Seeing progress and accomplishment within the new way

  26. Envisioning the Future • I am going to show you some photos. Pick the one photo that BEST represents your envisioned future. • Remember that photo and think about why it represents your future….. • And then we are going into a break out

  27. Break-Out: New Beginning • Decide who is going to share first • Describe your photo • Talk about why you believe it represents your Envisioned Future • 3 minutes per person

  28. Sharing of My Planning “New Beginning” • Started by using several tools to push myself out…..photos, writing, reviewing PEST factors, reviewing input from others….and really trying to see myself 3 years from now in a positive, successful mode. • Used the Planning my New Beginning worksheet

  29. Considering the PEST Factors

  30. Planning my New Beginning

  31. Planning my New Beginning

  32. Break-Out: Planning your New Beginning • Individually start to fill out the planning worksheet • In breakouts , you will have 3 minutes to share what you are planning for the future and then shift • Keep in mind that this is only a taste of planning…..continue this after the workshop

  33. Next Steps: • Please continue to use the Bridges Transition Model and the creativity tools that we used today or those that are in the Workbook • I am using it right now on my journey through the pandemic • I highly encourage you to participate in a “check in Zoom session” a month from now. • email me at mev500@yahoo.com. • This is a part of the workshop and I hope all will want to discuss this in a 30 minute private Zoom meeting a month from now.

  34. Post Workshop • Some things that you might want to consider: • Spend some time in the next week working further with the model • Check in with yourself and see where you are “right now” in the Bridges model • Use the worksheet and tools • Send a postcard to yourself about where you see yourself 12 months from now

  35. Thank You! Mary Ellyn Vicksta mev500@yahoo.com

  36. Appendix

  37. Some quotes…..

  38. “People are often quite uncomfortable with change, for al sorts of understandable reasons. This can lead them to resist it and oppose it.” –MindTools Article on Bridge’s Transition Model; Guiding People through Change

  39. “The essence of life takes place in the neutral zone phase of transition. It is in that interim spaciousness that all possibilities, creativity and innovative ideas can come to life and flourish” –Susan Bridges (on website https://wmbridges.com)

  40. “People don’t necessary go through the three stages sequentially. Often there is movement to an earlier phase and a re-grouping/re-thinking” –Mary Ellyn Vicksta based on personal experience

  41. “Personally, I have to say that using this model helped me go from being a successful corporate person to making a transition that enabled the creation of my own business” –Mary Ellyn Vicksta based on personal experience

  42. Reflecting on your change using the Bridges Transition model will Help you to apply skills, experience, and knowledge towards a positive future: –MindTools Article on Bridge’s Transition Model; Guiding People through Change


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