environment management series

Environment Management Series VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Environment Management Series VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT TOOLBOX PRESENTATION WHYALLA SHARED FACILITY Environment Management Series: EMS002 Key Information: Vegetation Clearance & Soil Management (V2) (Whyalla Shared

  1. Environment Management Series VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT TOOLBOX PRESENTATION – WHYALLA SHARED FACILITY Environment Management Series: EMS002 – Key Information: Vegetation Clearance & Soil Management (V2) (Whyalla Shared Facility – includes PP & Port Facilities) 1 www.gfgalliance.com 2018 1 1

  2. VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT WHY CAN’T WE JUST CLEAR VEGETATION WHEN WE NEED TO? • Native vegetation is protected by law. • The Native Vegetation Act (1991) and associated NV regulations (2003) in South Australia regulates all vegetation clearance activities. • PEPR requirements in mining areas require that we manage all vegetation clearance and soil management activities • We have 2 QP’s to ensure compliance to this legislation: QP50_65 Vegetation Clearance QP50_66 Soil Management Plan 2 www.gfgalliance.com 2

  3. VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT WHEN IS A PERMIT REQUIRED? A permit is required for any land disturbance or vegetation clearance Examples below: • any clearance of vegetation for construction of infrastructure at the Steelworks site • access roads • offices • laydown areas • new or expansion of stockpile areas • new excavations or expansion of existing excavations • any other activity that will result in the removal, disturbance or clearance of native vegetation 3 Any vegetation clearance without the prior approvals must be reported as an environmental incident. www.gfgalliance.com 3

  4. VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT Requirement to clear native vegetation is WHAT IS THE PROCESS? identified NOTE to Contractors - Go through your Contractor Submit written request Controller if any vegetation Environment Assurance Manager (QP50_65 Att A) to clearance is required performs a Vegetation Clearance Environment Compliance Assessment (VCCA) Department (QP50_65 Att B secn A) accompanied by information and a map Not Compliant- Don’t Operations / Project Compliant with conditions proceed Manager signs & issues permit (QP50_65 Att B secn B) to proceed with Vegetation Clearance Post clearance assessment Notify Environment to be completed by 4 Department on Environment Department completion of works (QP50_65 Att B secn C) www.gfgalliance.com 4

  5. VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT WHY IS SOIL MANAGEMENT IMPORTANT? Effective Soil Management is required to preserve soil health to enable successful rehabilitation There are specific regulations & requirements relating to soil management WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? • QP50.66- Soil Management Plan contains all relevant information regarding correct soil collection & management • QP50.66 is to be applied to all Mining and Steelworks operations 5 www.gfgalliance.com 5

  6. VEGETATION CLEARANCE & SOIL MANAGEMENT WHY IS VEGETATION CONSERVATION IMPORTANT? Native vegetation plays a vital role in the health and prosperity of South Australia's ecosystems, communities and natural resource-based industries Remnant vegetation plays a vital role in rehabilitating mine sites and industrial sites 6 www.gfgalliance.com 6


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