Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund 2012-2013 Request for Proposals (RFP) 136-H ENRTF ID: Project Title: Renewable Energy Leadership Centers H. Renewable Energy Topic Area: Total Project Budget: $ 1,400,000 Proposed Project Time Period for the Funding Requested: 3 yrs, July 2013 - June 2016 Other Non-State Funds: $ 0 Summary: Install 240 KW of renewable energy and engage park visitors in an interactive learning environment that informs, educates and entertains while interpreting the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Name: Rob Bergh Sponsoring Organization: MN DNR Address: 500 Lafayette Rd St. Paul MN 55155 Telephone Number: (651) 259-5522 Email rob.bergh@state.mn.us Web Address http://www.dnr.state.mn.us Location Region: NW, NE County Name: Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Hubbard, St. Louis City / Township: _____ Funding Priorities _____ Multiple Benefits _____ Outcomes _____ Knowledge Base _____ Extent of Impact _____ Innovation _____ Scientific/Tech Basis _____ Urgency _____ Capacity Readiness _____ Leverage _____ Employment _______ TOTAL ______% 05/03/2012 Page 1 of 6
E Environm ent and N Natural Re esources T Trust Fund d (ENRTF) ) 2013 ‐ 2013 2 3 Main Pr roposal PROJECT TIT LE: Renewab le Energy Lea adership Cent ters I. PROJECT ST TATEMENT Each year the e Minnesota DNR consum es an amount t of energy eq quivalent to 5 50,000 barrel ls of crude oil l in its fleet and faci ilities. This en nergy has a to otal cost of $6 6.5 million an nd releases ov ver 60 million n pounds of c arbon emissions ea ch year. Red ucing energy consumption n reinforces t the DNR miss ion to conser rve and mana age the state's natura al resources i n a way that creates a sus stainable qua lity of life. Re educing annu ual energy spe ending will allow DN NR to lead by e example in m mitigating clim mate change a and enhancin g the sustain ability of our buildings and d operations. By educating g visitors abo out the benefi its of energy efficiency and d renewable energy DNR can driv ve a “multiplie er effect” by m motivating in dividual effor rts and purch hasing behavi ors, leading t to job creation acro oss Minnesota a. The prima ry goal of this s project is to o install a sign nificant amou unt of renewa able energy gener ration and en ngage park an d website vis sitors in an int teractive lear rning environ ment that inf forms, educates and d entertains w while interpre eting the bene efits of energ gy efficiency a and renewabl le energy. Th he secondary go oal of the proj ject is to prov vide a renewa able energy le earning infras structure for high school a and technical coll lege students s. The Iron Ran ge OHV Recre eation Area n near Virginia, MN is alread y one of DNR R’s most ener gy efficient si ites, with three photov voltaic arrays and extensiv ve use of LED lighting. The ere is a well eq quipped class sroom on ‐ site e suitable for h hosting learni ng events rel ated to renew wable energy y and energy e efficiency. Th he addition o of a 20 KW wind gen nerator will ad dd another di imension for interpretatio on of renewab ble energy an nd provide a r rich set of data for us se in the class sroom. The i interpretative e program de evelopment w will be done in n partnership p with local educato ors, who have e already visit ted the site an nd expressed d an interest i n participatin ng. The 20 KW W wind generator wi ll be mounte d on a 30 me ter tilt ‐ up tow wer that can be lowered to o the ground for easy acce ess. Students will be able to in nspect the gen nerating mec hanism and o observe perio odic maintena ance activitie s in a safe, supervi sed setting w without having g to climb the e tower. Stud dent interest and prepared dness for care eers in Minnesota’s wind industry y will be enha anced by this opportunity. . Itasca State P Park is the fla gship of the M Minnesota sta ate park syste em and consu umes more e nergy than an ny other state park in Minnesota. T There is curre ently no rene ewable energy y generation in the park. T This project w will provide a 220 0 KW photovo oltaic system that will gen nerate about 2 25% of Itasca a’s total electr ricity consum mption. In addition, a a “hands on” Learning Lab and interpre tive program m covering ren newable ener rgy, energy ef fficiency and climate c change will be e created to i inform, educa ate and enter rtain visitors. Each year these project ts will reduce DNR e energy costs by over $30,0 000 and carbo on emissions by over 500, ,000 pounds. The majority y of the 220 KW phot tovoltaic syste em will be ins stalled up fro nt by a certif fied contracto or. The rest o of the system will be installed in 1 KW increme nts by qualifi ed technical c college stude ents with over rsight from ce ertified photo ovoltaic installers. Th he 1 KW syste em will count toward the s student’s requ uired numbe r of installatio ons to qualify y for taking the ce ertification ex am to becom me a photovol taic installer. Student inte erest and pre eparedness fo or careers in Mi innesota’s so lar industry w will be enhanc ced by this op pportunity. II. DESCRIPTI ION OF PROJ ECT ACTIVITI ES Activity 1: Re enewable Ene ergy System D Design Budget: $ $20,000 This activity i includes deta iled design of f the photovo oltaic system for Itasca Sta ate Park and a a site wind re esource analysis for Ir ron Range OH HV Recreation n Area. Speci ification docu uments will al lso be develo oped to suppo ort the contracting p process. Outcome Com pletion Date 1. Photovolt aic system de esign for Itasc ca State Park 10/1 /2013 2. Wind reso ource analysis s requiremen ts 10/1 /2013 3. Specificat ions defined and Bid Packa ages develop ed. 11/1 5/2013 1 05/03/2012 Page 2 of 6
Renewable Energy Leadership Centers Activity 2: Interpretive Program Development Budget: $30,000 This activity will be a cooperative effort with local educators and DNR Interpretive Specialists to design and develop an innovative, substantive and entertaining interpretive program including static signage, interactive website content and lesson plans for high school and technical college students. Outcome Completion Date 1. Conduct Ideation Session with educators and interpretive specialists 9/1/2013 2. Define requirements and implementation approach for interpretive program 11/1/2013 3. Develop static signage and lesson plans 2/1/2014 4. Develop interactive website content 3/1/2014 Activity 3: Renewable Energy System Procurement and Installation Budget: $1,300,000 This activity is focused on the procurement and installation of the renewable energy systems. The specifications developed in Activity 1 will be used to create Bid Packages for a 20 KW Wind Generator and a 220 KW photovoltaic system. After bids are awarded the systems will be installed, commissioned and interconnected to the electrical grid. Outcome Completion Date 1. Create Bid Packages for the Wind Generator and Photovoltaic System 1/15/2014 2. Bids awarded 3/1/2014 3. 20 KW Wind Generator installed at the Iron Range OHV Recreation Area 12/1/2014 4. Phase 1 of 220 KW Photovoltaic System installed at Itasca State Park 12/1/2014 5. Full capacity of 220 KW Photovoltaic System installed at Itasca State Park 9/1/2016 Activity 4: Upgrade existing facilities to support Learning Lab requirements Budget: $50,000 Existing space will be upgraded with the technology to support the hands ‐ on, interactive learning environment. Outcome Completion Date 1. Specify facility upgrades and technology 3/1/2014 2. Procure and install facility upgrades 9/1/2014 III. PROJECT STRATEGY A. Project Team/Partners DNR Project Team Members - Parks & Trails Division Interpretive Specialists: Develop interpretation strategy and approach - Park Managers: Ensure alignment with park strategic direction and facilities master plan - Energy Team Leader: Provide technical expertise to system design and installation - Facilities Manager: Coordinate facility upgrades Local Educators - Hibbing Community College: Develop photovoltaic interpretation strategy, approach and lesson plans - Mesabi Range Technical College: Develop wind interpretation strategy, approach and lesson plans - Northwest Technical College, Bemidji: Develop renewable energy interpretation strategy, approach and lesson plans B. Timeline Requirements This project is expected to take 3 years from start to finish. C. Long ‐ Term Strategy and Future Funding Needs Ongoing maintenance costs for the renewable energy systems and learning labs will be the responsibility of the DNR. Ongoing participation of local educators in on ‐ site learning activities will be funded by their respective educational institutions. 2 05/03/2012 Page 3 of 6
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