entropy production and work in generalised gibbs ensembles

Entropy production and work in Generalised Gibbs Ensembles Mart - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Entropy production and work in Generalised Gibbs Ensembles Mart Perarnau Llobet Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory Toulouse, September 2015. Group of Prof. Jens Eisert, Freie Universit at Berlin + Quantum

  1. Entropy production and work in Generalised Gibbs Ensembles Mart´ ı Perarnau Llobet Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory Toulouse, September 2015.

  2. Group of Prof. Jens Eisert, Freie Universit¨ at Berlin + Quantum Information Theory Group (Prof. Antonio Ac´ ın), ICFO Barcelona

  3. Equilibration and Thermalisation in closed quantum systems ”Pure state quantum statistical mechanics.”

  4. Equilibration and Thermalisation in closed quantum systems ”Pure state quantum statistical mechanics.” Can closed finite quantum systems equilibrate? (subsystems, physical observables,...) And, if they equilibrate, do they reach thermalization? (”Proof” the appearance of Gibbs states).

  5. Equilibration and Thermalisation in closed quantum systems ”Pure state quantum statistical mechanics.” Can closed finite quantum systems equilibrate? (subsystems, physical observables,...) And, if they equilibrate, do they reach thermalization? (”Proof” the appearance of Gibbs states). Quantum thermodynamics Gibbs states (and/or thermalisation) are taken for granted.

  6. Equilibration and Thermalisation in closed quantum systems ”Pure state quantum statistical mechanics.” Can closed finite quantum systems equilibrate? (subsystems, physical observables,...) And, if they equilibrate, do they reach thermalization? (”Proof” the appearance of Gibbs states). Quantum thermodynamics Gibbs states (and/or thermalisation) are taken for granted. Examples: ◮ Heat engines. ◮ Resource theory of quantum thermodynamics. Gibbs states at ambient temperature are free resources, and the allowed operations are, ρ → σ = Tr B [ U ρ ⊗ e − β H U † ] Z with [ U , H ρ + H ] = 0.

  7. However, this picture is not quite true. Systems do not always thermalize, e.g., ◮ strong coupling between system and bath, ◮ integrable systems, ◮ ...

  8. ������������� ��������������� An example: a chain of fermions H = H S + H B + V with N � � � � � a † a † i a i +1 + a † a † H S = ǫ c † c , N c + c † a N H B = i a i + g i +1 a i , V = g . i =1

  9. ������������� ��������������� An example: a chain of fermions H = H S + H B + V with N � � � � � a † a † i a i +1 + a † a † H S = ǫ c † c , N c + c † a N H B = i a i + g i +1 a i , V = g . i =1 ρ 0 = ρ s ⊗ e − β H B Z B ρ ( t ) = U ρ 0 U † , U = e − iHt population = Tr( c † c ρ ( t )) thermal state = e − β H S Z S Parameters : N = 50 , g = 0 . 3 , ǫ = 2

  10. An example: a chain of fermions H = H S + H B + V with N � � � � � a † a † i a i +1 + a † a † H S = ǫ c † c , N c + c † a N H B = i a i + g i +1 a i , V = g . i =1 ρ 0 = ρ s ⊗ e − β H B ������������� 0.27 Z B 0.26 ρ ( t ) = U ρ 0 U † , U = e − iHt ��������������� Population 0.25 population = Tr( c † c ρ ( t )) 0.24 thermal state = e − β H S Z S 0.23 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time Parameters : N = 50 , g = 0 . 3 , ǫ = 2

  11. Equilibration in closed quantum systems 1 More precisely, a Hamiltonian that has no degenerate energy gaps.

  12. Equilibration in closed quantum systems Consider a Hilbert space H S ⊗ H B , with d s = dim( H S ) << d B and an interacting Hamiltonian 1 , H = H S + H B + H int . 1 More precisely, a Hamiltonian that has no degenerate energy gaps.

  13. Equilibration in closed quantum systems Consider a Hilbert space H S ⊗ H B , with d s = dim( H S ) << d B and an interacting Hamiltonian 1 , H = H S + H B + H int . Let a quantum system ρ = | ψ 0 �� ψ 0 | evolve under H , ρ ( t ) = e − iHt ρ e iHt . Equilibration of subsystems 2 For every ρ , the average distinguishability between ρ S ( t ) = Tr B ρ ( t ) and time-averaged state ω S = Tr B ω satisfies � d 2 �D ( ρ S ( t ) , ω S ) � t ≤ 1 S d eff . 2 where d eff = 1 k |� E k | ψ 0 �| 4 is the effective dimension. � 1 More precisely, a Hamiltonian that has no degenerate energy gaps. 2 P. Reimann, PRL. 101,190403 (2008), NJP 12, 055027 (2010); N. Linden, S. Popescu, A. Short and A. Winter, PRE 061103 (2009), NJP 12, 055021 (2010)

  14. Equilibration in closed quantum systems Consider a Hilbert space H S ⊗ H B , with d s = dim( H S ) << d B and an interacting Hamiltonian 1 , H = H S + H B + H int . Let a quantum system ρ = | ψ 0 �� ψ 0 | evolve under H , ρ ( t ) = e − iHt ρ e iHt . Equilibration of subsystems Equilibration of general observables 2 For every ρ , and given a finite set of measurements M , it is satisfied that �D ( ρ S ( t ) , ω S ) � t ≤ N ( M ) √ d eff . 4 where N ( M ) is the total number of outcomes for all measurements in M . 1 More precisely, a Hamiltonian that has no degenerate energy gaps. 2 P. Reimann, PRL. 101,190403 (2008), A. Short NJP (2010).

  15. Equilibration in closed quantum systems Consider a Hilbert space H S ⊗ H B , with d s = dim( H S ) << d B and an interacting Hamiltonian 1 , H = H S + H B + H int . Let a quantum system ρ = | ψ 0 �� ψ 0 | evolve under H , ρ ( t ) = e − iHt ρ e iHt . Equilibration of subsystems Equilibration of general observables Closed finite quantum systems equilibrate for all practical purposes . 1 More precisely, a Hamiltonian that has no degenerate energy gaps.

  16. Equilibration and the time-averaged state To which state do quantum systems equilibrate?

  17. Equilibration and the time-averaged state To which state do quantum systems equilibrate? The state equilibrium state ω is given by the time-averaged state, � T 1 e − i Ht ρ e i Ht d t , ω ( ρ, H ) := lim T T →∞ 0

  18. Equilibration and the time-averaged state To which state do quantum systems equilibrate? The state equilibrium state ω is given by the time-averaged state, � T 1 e − i Ht ρ e i Ht d t , ω ( ρ, H ) := lim T T →∞ 0 A simple calculation yields, � ω ( ρ, H ) = P k ρ P k , k with H = � k E k P k .

  19. Thermalization The equilibrium state ω ( ρ, H ) will in general not be a Gibbs state. In particular ω will depend on the initial state ρ . For a system to thermalize , we further require: 2 2 N. Linden, S. Popescu, A. Short and A. Winter, PRE 79:061103 (2009).

  20. Thermalization The equilibrium state ω ( ρ, H ) will in general not be a Gibbs state. In particular ω will depend on the initial state ρ . For a system to thermalize , we further require: 2 1. Bath state independence. The equilibrium state of the system should not depend on the precise initial state of the bath, but only on its macroscopic parameters (e.g. its temperature) 2 N. Linden, S. Popescu, A. Short and A. Winter, PRE 79:061103 (2009).

  21. Thermalization The equilibrium state ω ( ρ, H ) will in general not be a Gibbs state. In particular ω will depend on the initial state ρ . For a system to thermalize , we further require: 2 1. Bath state independence. The equilibrium state of the system should not depend on the precise initial state of the bath, but only on its macroscopic parameters (e.g. its temperature) 2. Subsystem state independence. If the subsystem is small compared to the bath, the equilibrium state of the subsystem should be independent of its initial state. 2 N. Linden, S. Popescu, A. Short and A. Winter, PRE 79:061103 (2009).

  22. Thermalization The equilibrium state ω ( ρ, H ) will in general not be a Gibbs state. In particular ω will depend on the initial state ρ . For a system to thermalize , we further require: 2 1. Bath state independence. The equilibrium state of the system should not depend on the precise initial state of the bath, but only on its macroscopic parameters (e.g. its temperature) 2. Subsystem state independence. If the subsystem is small compared to the bath, the equilibrium state of the subsystem should be independent of its initial state. 3. Gibbs form of the equilibrium state. Here we distinguish between, ◮ weak thermal contact, ρ S = e − β HS . Z S ◮ beyond weak interactions, ρ S = Tr B e − β H Z . 2 N. Linden, S. Popescu, A. Short and A. Winter, PRE 79:061103 (2009).

  23. Equilibration, thermalisation, and the maximum entropy principle k E k P k and ρ ( t ) = e − iHt ρ e iHt . Consider all conserved Let H = � quantities A d tr( A ρ ( t )) = 0 , with [ H , A ] = 0 . dt If H is non-degenerate, then it suffices to take all P k .

  24. Equilibration, thermalisation, and the maximum entropy principle k E k P k and ρ ( t ) = e − iHt ρ e iHt . Consider all conserved Let H = � quantities A d tr( A ρ ( t )) = 0 , with [ H , A ] = 0 . dt If H is non-degenerate, then it suffices to take all P k . ◮ If one fixes all the conserved quantities Tr A ρ ( t ) ∀ A , then the time averaged state ω = � ρ � t is the state maximizing the Von Nemann entropy, S = − tr ρ ln ρ .

  25. Equilibration, thermalisation, and the maximum entropy principle ◮ If one fixes all the conserved quantities Tr A ρ ( t ) ∀ A , then the time averaged state ω = � ρ � t is the state maximizing the Von Nemann entropy, S = − tr ρ ln ρ . ◮ The Gibbs state ω Gibbs ( ρ, H ) maximises S when only one constant of motion, the energy tr( H ρ ), is fixed. This maximization yields, ω Gibbs ( ρ, H ) = e − β H Z where β is found through tr( H ρ ) = tr( H ω Gibbs ( ρ, H ). 3 Cramer, Dawson, Eisert, Osborne, PRL 100, 030602 (2008), Cassidy, Clark, Rigol, PRL106, 140405 (2011), Caux, Essler PRL 110, 257203 (2013).


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