entropy and mixing for z d sfts

Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov University of Denver - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov University of Denver www.math.du.edu/ rpavlov 1st School on Dynamical Systems and Computation (DySyCo) CMM, Santiago, Chile

  1. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov University of Denver www.math.du.edu/ ∼ rpavlov 1st School on Dynamical Systems and Computation (DySyCo) CMM, Santiago, Chile Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  2. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Begin with finite set A called alphabet ; elements called letters Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  3. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Begin with finite set A called alphabet ; elements called letters A pattern is a member of A S for some finite S ⊆ Z d , called the shape Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  4. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Begin with finite set A called alphabet ; elements called letters A pattern is a member of A S for some finite S ⊆ Z d , called the shape Any set F of patterns defines a subshift X = X ( F ) := { ω ∈ A Z d : ω does not contain any pattern from F} Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  5. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Begin with finite set A called alphabet ; elements called letters A pattern is a member of A S for some finite S ⊆ Z d , called the shape Any set F of patterns defines a subshift X = X ( F ) := { ω ∈ A Z d : ω does not contain any pattern from F} Equivalently, a subshift is a closed shift-invariant subset X of A Z d w.r.t. the product topology Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  6. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Begin with finite set A called alphabet ; elements called letters A pattern is a member of A S for some finite S ⊆ Z d , called the shape Any set F of patterns defines a subshift X = X ( F ) := { ω ∈ A Z d : ω does not contain any pattern from F} Equivalently, a subshift is a closed shift-invariant subset X of A Z d w.r.t. the product topology Subshifts are topological dynamical systems (t.d.s.) when endowed with Z d -action by shifts Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  7. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  8. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Any continuous shift-commuting map between subshifts has a simple structure Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  9. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Any continuous shift-commuting map between subshifts has a simple structure Any such map φ is a sliding block code ; exists n so that ( φ ( x ))(0) is determined by x ( {− n , . . . , n } d ) Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  10. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Any continuous shift-commuting map between subshifts has a simple structure Any such map φ is a sliding block code ; exists n so that ( φ ( x ))(0) is determined by x ( {− n , . . . , n } d ) Say X factors onto Y if there is a surjective SBC from X to Y Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  11. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Any continuous shift-commuting map between subshifts has a simple structure Any such map φ is a sliding block code ; exists n so that ( φ ( x ))(0) is determined by x ( {− n , . . . , n } d ) Say X factors onto Y if there is a surjective SBC from X to Y Say X embeds into Y if there is an injective SBC from X to Y Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  12. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions Important problem: study maps between topological dynamical systems Any continuous shift-commuting map between subshifts has a simple structure Any such map φ is a sliding block code ; exists n so that ( φ ( x ))(0) is determined by x ( {− n , . . . , n } d ) Say X factors onto Y if there is a surjective SBC from X to Y Say X embeds into Y if there is an injective SBC from X to Y Say X is conjugate to Y if there is a bijective SBC from X to Y Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  13. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions When F is finite, we say X ( F ) is a shift of finite type or SFT Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  14. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions When F is finite, we say X ( F ) is a shift of finite type or SFT Special case: if F consists only of pairs of adjacent letters, X is a nearest neighbor SFT Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  15. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions When F is finite, we say X ( F ) is a shift of finite type or SFT Special case: if F consists only of pairs of adjacent letters, X is a nearest neighbor SFT Every SFT is conjugate to a nearest-neighbor SFT, so w.l.o.g. can reduce to this case Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  16. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions When F is finite, we say X ( F ) is a shift of finite type or SFT Special case: if F consists only of pairs of adjacent letters, X is a nearest neighbor SFT Every SFT is conjugate to a nearest-neighbor SFT, so w.l.o.g. can reduce to this case Wish to study conjugacies/factors between SFTs Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  17. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions When F is finite, we say X ( F ) is a shift of finite type or SFT Special case: if F consists only of pairs of adjacent letters, X is a nearest neighbor SFT Every SFT is conjugate to a nearest-neighbor SFT, so w.l.o.g. can reduce to this case Wish to study conjugacies/factors between SFTs Two useful tools: entropy and mixing Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  18. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions The language L ( X ) of an SFT X is the set of patterns appearing in points of X Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  19. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions The language L ( X ) of an SFT X is the set of patterns appearing in points of X log | L ( X ) ∩ A { 1 ,..., n } d | Topological entropy of X is h ( X ) := lim n →∞ n d Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  20. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions The language L ( X ) of an SFT X is the set of patterns appearing in points of X log | L ( X ) ∩ A { 1 ,..., n } d | Topological entropy of X is h ( X ) := lim n →∞ n d Measures “complexity” of X Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  21. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions The language L ( X ) of an SFT X is the set of patterns appearing in points of X log | L ( X ) ∩ A { 1 ,..., n } d | Topological entropy of X is h ( X ) := lim n →∞ n d Measures “complexity” of X If X factors onto Y , then h ( X ) ≥ h ( Y ) (PROVE) Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  22. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions The language L ( X ) of an SFT X is the set of patterns appearing in points of X log | L ( X ) ∩ A { 1 ,..., n } d | Topological entropy of X is h ( X ) := lim n →∞ n d Measures “complexity” of X If X factors onto Y , then h ( X ) ≥ h ( Y ) (PROVE) Topological entropy is a conjugacy invariant Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  23. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions For any w ∈ L ( X ), define cylinder set [ w ] = { x ∈ X : x ( S ) = w } Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  24. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions For any w ∈ L ( X ), define cylinder set [ w ] = { x ∈ X : x ( S ) = w } Cylinder sets are clopen sets generating topology of X Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  25. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions For any w ∈ L ( X ), define cylinder set [ w ] = { x ∈ X : x ( S ) = w } Cylinder sets are clopen sets generating topology of X For d = 1, X is topologically mixing if ∀ v , w ∈ L ( X ) , ∃ N s.t. ∀ n > N , [ v ] ∩ σ − n [ w ] � = ∅ Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov

  26. Introduction Mixing conditions Consequences of mixing conditions Definitions For any w ∈ L ( X ), define cylinder set [ w ] = { x ∈ X : x ( S ) = w } Cylinder sets are clopen sets generating topology of X For d = 1, X is topologically mixing if ∀ v , w ∈ L ( X ) , ∃ N s.t. ∀ n > N , [ v ] ∩ σ − n [ w ] � = ∅ Topological mixing is conjugacy invariant Entropy and mixing for Z d SFTs Ronnie Pavlov


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