Engineer ing your futur e
Delivering Global Manufacturing Solutj ons Sylat ech is a gr oundbr eaking design and manufacturing business deli v ering precision custom engineering solutions for our cust omers. Oper ating from the UK, S ylat ech has a global customer base across multiple business sectors including A er ospace, Space, Defence, Medical, A utomotiv e and Construction. As a trusted partner for deli v ering high quality s yst ems and components to e x acting standards, S ylat ech often partners on pr ogr ammes with se ver al international primes and our customer base spans all tiers of the manufacturing suppl y chain.
SYLATECH TURNOVER BY TERRITORY UK Sylatech in Numbers 8% 3% USA 7% GERMANY 10% 50% Throughout 201 6 Sylatech manufactured systems, INDIA assemblies and components for 228 customers across a SWEDEN 22% diverse range of industry sectors. OTHER Our customer base spans 24 countries globally and total exports account for 50 % of our turnove r. The A er ospace and Defence sectors account for almost two thir ds of our turno ver , both of which are consist entl y very SYLATECH TURNOVER BY SECTOR str ong in terms of their annual order v alue. As our heritage in the Space mar k et matures, we expect to AEROSPACE see strong gr o wth in this sect or. 21% DEFENCE Sylat ech is a fantastic global ambassador and demonstr at es MEDICAL 41% the strength and quality of British manuf acturing. 4% CONSTRUCTION 6% 8% SPACE 19% OTHER
Our service offering spans four core functions. Systems Innovatjon > CNC Machining > RF and Microwave > Investment Castjng > Groundbr eaking technological Adv anced engineering of Design and manuf actur e of Comple x component casting syst em de velopment. pr ecision components. sub-syst ems and assemblies. and assembl y.
Investment Casting Heritage > Lost wax process. Also known as investment casting > Sylatech’s casting heritage dates back to 1964 and it’s founder, Christopher Shaw, remains today as a technical adviser to the business > His founding ethos for precision, quality and innovation remains paramount > As one of the largest businesses in our locality, Sylatech employs a workforce of 119 people. Many of our staff are professionally or apprentice trained engineers > Sylatech’s specialist casting capability excels in the manufacture of small intricate parts, thus offering a global uniqueness > Our process is highly capable of manufacturing fine detail, thin walled castings, to very tight tolerances that can’t be achieved by other casting processes.
Sylatech Foundry Process > Los t wax p r ocess. Also known as in v estment casting > Plast er in vestment , block moulding. Differs fr om the shell in v estment pr ocess > Non f err ous al loy s of aluminium and br ass
Sylatech Process Benefi ts ✓ ✓ Reduc ed o ver all costs by Hig h quality details, designing for manufactur e �inish and speci�ication ✓ ✓ Affor ds design �le xibility Reduc ed time to mar ket
✓ ✓ ✓ Comple x detail on in ternal Ideal for small or Thin walls as �ine as 0.2mm and e xtern al featur es micr o c omponents (0.008”) typically 1-3mm Sylatech Process Capability ✓ ✓ ✓ Super �ine �in ishes Comple x wax assembl y Lig ht w eig ht c omponents t o 1 μm
In-house Tooling > Lo w cost tooling made from aluminium > Sho rt lead-time. T ypicall y within 2-5 w eeks > Manual t ooling - Wher e volumes are unlik el y to e x ceed 1,000 off per annum > Aut omatic t ooling - Useful f or parts w her e high quantities are needed > Mul ti-part coring - Produces internal f eatur es by using split cor es > Multi-impress ion t ooling - Enables parts to be made quickly and economic all y without sacri�icing detail
Rapid Prototyping > 3-D printing of parts thr oug h an additi v e la y er building pr ocess > Deliv ery of in v estment cast pr ot otype parts within 10 d ays > Deliv ers hi g h accuracy castings with smooth surf ace �inish > Cos t eff ectiv e pr ocess
1 WAX INJECTION 2 WAX PATTERN 3 WAX TREE Wax Process > 12 wax ma chines > Soluble wax capability > Wax assembly Wax patu erns fi xed to runner wher e r equired system to form tree.
INVESTING Boxing and Investj ng > F oundry box acts as a con ta iner for ‘in vestment’ > Inv estment pl ast er enables a �ine surface �inish > V acuum as sist ed to r emov e air > F ast pr oces sing time > Ideall y a maximum size of 190mm x 160mm x 160m m Foundry box fi lled with plaster in vacuum chamber.
Mould Firing and Pour > 50 bo x es per o ven > Slo w transition to pouring t emperature > 18 hour o v en cycle up to 700 o C > V acuum as sist ed pour > Alum inium all oy s including A356, LM31 > C opper allo y s including MB1, AB2 and HTB3 FIRING OF MOULDS POURING Wax melted out and Molten metal poured into mould fi red. mould with vacuum assist.
1 WASH 2 SAW Post Processing > Bosh > Linishing – f eedgat e r emoval Mould material removed and > H eat treatment metal tree washed. > Sizing 3 DE-GATING > Blasting/rumbling
Machining > 10 x Fanuc R obodrills > 4 x Mazak > 3 x Lathe > 1 x wir e er oder > 1 x CNC spa r k er oder > 1 x Mitutoy o C MM > Renisha w p r obing on all F anuc machining centr es
Labelling and Surface Treatment > Integrat ed lab elling Raised letu ering/instructj ons Label recess > Alochrome > Anodising > Plating > Hipping > Impregnation Drg. no. and issue on recessed pad Graduatj on markings > Paint/Powder Coating Recessed letu ering Logo, no., date raised on recessed pad
Quality > A S9100C certi�ication > Nadcap certi�ication for T or ch Br azing > Full y aut omat ed CMM with SPC Softw are > Full batch metal tr aceability
ENGINEERING Y OUR FUTURE Kirkdale Road, Kirkbymoorside, YO62 6PX E: T: +44 (0) 1751 432 355
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