EMS Infectious Disease Playbook Risk Based PPE Usage - Mike Deit schman, MPH, CPH, NDHP, NRP Execut ive Director Sout h Dakot a Healt hcare Coalit ion
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Risk Based PPE Usage: Obj ect ives Identify PPE needs based on disease transmission risk categories: St andard Precaut ions Cont act Precaut ions Droplet Precaut ions Airborne Precaut ions Special Respirat ory Precaut ions Name common contact, droplet and airborne spread diseases Understand difference between a surgical mask and a respirator Describe proper PPE donning and doffing procedures
A Tiny Bit of Epidemiology Not all infections can be spread from person to person. Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi Contagious diseases are infectious diseases that can be spread from person to person. Mode of transmission is how a disease is spread. Heavily dependent upon HOW the infectious agent leaves the body in a way that can spread infection. Legionnaires disease is caused by a respirat ory cont act wit h a wat er-borne bact eria. Typically causes a severe pneumonia, but is not spread from person t o person. The mode of t ransmission is t he cont aminat ed wat er, t he bact eria don’ t leave t he body in a way t hat causes infect ion t o ot hers. Mode of transmission determines PPE needs, i.e. “ risk based PPE” .
EMS Infect ious Disease Playbook Planning resource produced by HHS –AS PR-Tracie R eleased in 2017 Available in PDF at https:/ / www.ems.gov/ pdf/ AS PR-EMS -Infectious-Disease- Playbook-June-2017.pdf. Just Google “ EMS Playbook” . PDF version has hyperlinks to more resources than you will probably ever be able to read. Approach is to present PPE on a continuum from S tandard Precautions to EVD- VHF based on disease risk.
EMS Playbook- Dispat ch Considerat ions S tarts with discussing risk assessment at the level of dispatch Gathering information about possible communicable disease: Fever Cough Vomit ing/ Diarrhea Travel (14-21 days) During specific outbreaks using more focused questions Possibly limit ing number of responders sent Doorway Assessment upon arrival
St andard Precaut ions Risk – Bloodborne pathogens. Diseases causing infectious drainage. Common sense protection against “ germs” . Example Diseases AIDS – Spread person-person, but infect ious agent resides in t he blood. Mode of Transmission is infect ed blood or semen. Zika –Typically spreads Mosquit o-Person. Infect ious agent resides in t he blood or semen. Mode of t ransmission is again blood or semen. Ant hrax- Spread from cont act wit h infect ed animals. Pulmonary infect ions in people are not cont agious, but cut aneous ant hrax drainage can be. Minor wound infect ions/ sores, cellulit is. Gloves, handwashing, facial protection or gowns if manipulating airway or splash risk.
St andard Precaut ions Cont . GOAL: Apply common sense base set of PPE against disease transmission based on risk Typically hand hygiene and gloves Add eye/ facial prot ect ion for pat ient s wit h respirat ory sympt oms during airway int ervent ions Gowns for pot ent ial splash exposures
Cont act Precaut ions - Excessive wound drainage ∙ MRSA ∙ Vancomycin -resistant EXAMPLES enterococci (VRE) ∙ C. difficile ∙ norovirus ∙ other suspected infectious diarrhea GOAL - Provide impermeable barriers to infectious agents that are either that can easily be contracted or spread to other environments via fomites and surface contact NEW PPE - Disposable fluid-resist ant gown t hat prot ect s t he provider’s legs; consider disposable fluid-resist ant coveralls if t here is a preference Hand hygiene, gloves included as part of standard precautions
Cont act Precaut ions TRANS POR T CONS IDERATIONS – Impermeable barrier in t he presence of excessive wound drainage, fecal incont inence, or ot her discharges. AMBULANCE DECONTAMINA TION Any visibly soiled surface must first be decont aminat ed using an EP A-regist ered hospit al disinfect ant Medical equipment (st et hoscope, BP cuff, et c.) making pat ient cont act should be disposable or cleaned and disinfect ed before use on anot her pat ient Ot her visibly cont aminat ed equipment should similarly be cleaned and disinfect ed
Droplet Precaut ions - Meningitis ∙ Streptococcal and many other causes of pneumonia ∙ EXAMPLES Pertussis ∙ Rhinovirus ∙ Seasonal Influenza ∙ Strep Throat GOAL • Additional respiratory protection against inhalation of larger infectious droplets during direct patient care activities. NEW PPE - S urgical masks and possibly eye protection P ATIENT CARE CONS IDERATIONS – Provide a surgical mask for all pat ient s wit h acut e infect ious respirat ory sympt oms who can t olerat e it Provide t issues for secret ion cont rol and encourage cough et iquet t e pract ices Medical dist ancing Nebulizers increase droplet s
Droplet Precaut ions TRANS POR T CONS IDERATIONS Consider ambulance airflow. Exhaust vent , driver compart ment Increase vent ilat ion by having air or heat on non-recirculat ing cycle and/ or opening windows. AMBULANCE DECONTAMINA TION (S ame as contact precautions) Any visibly soiled surface must first be decont aminat ed using an EP A-regist ered hospit al disinfect ant Medical equipment (st et hoscope, BP cuff, et c.) making pat ient cont act should be disposable or cleaned and disinfect ed before use on anot her pat ient Ot her visibly cont aminat ed equipment should similarly be cleaned and disinfect ed
Airborne Precaut ions - Measles ∙ TB (suspected or confirmed pulmonary or laryngeal) ∙ EXAMPLES Chickenpox GOAL - Provide respiratory protection against inhalation of infectious aerosols (agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air). NEW PPE –R espirators for EMS (N-95) P ATIENT CARE CONS IDERATIONS Ensure st rict adherence wit h st andard precaut ions Ask t he pat ient t o wear a surgical mask if t hey are able t o t olerat e it Provide t issues for secret ion cont rol and encourage cough et iquet t e pract ices Nebulizers, suct ioning, int ubat ion increase aerosols –Facial Prot ect ion
Airborne Precaut ions TRANS POR T CONS IDERATIONS Not ify t he receiving hospit al of t he need for negat ive pressure room Consider ambulance airflow. Exhaust vent , driver compart ment Increase vent ilat ion by having air or heat on non-recirculat ing cycle and/ or opening windows N95 if can’ t isolat e cab of t he ambulance Int ubat ed should be vent ilat ed wit h a wit h a HEP A filt er on exhalat ion port AMBULANCE DECONTAMINA TION (S ame as contact precautions)
Special Respirat ory Precaut ions - SARS ∙ MERS ∙ Novel influenza strains EXAMPLES GOAL - Additional respiratory protection against inhalation of larger infectious droplets during direct patient care activities as well as impermeable barrier to reduce spread of highly pathogenic viruses on surfaces (standard + contact + airborne) NEW PPE - S tandard + Contact + Airborne P ATIENT CARE CONS IDERATIONS Ensure st rict adherence wit h st andard precaut ions Ask t he pat ient t o wear a surgical mask if t hey are able t o t olerat e it Provide t issues for secret ion cont rol and encourage cough et iquet t e pract ices Nebulizers, suct ioning, int ubat ion increase aerosols –Ext ra Caut ion
Special Respirat ory Precaut ions TRANS POR T CONS IDERATIONS Not ify t he receiving hospit al of t he need for negat ive pressure room Consider ambulance airflow. Exhaust vent , driver compart ment Increase vent ilat ion by having air or heat on non-recirculat ing cycle and/ or opening windows N95 if can’ t isolat e cab of t he ambulance Int ubat ed should be vent ilat ed wit h a wit h a HEP A filt er on exhalat ion port Have a plan for family members wishing t o accompany t he pat ient t hat prevent s crew exposures t o highly infect ious diseases AMBULANCE DECONTAMINA TION (S ame as contact precautions)
EVD/ VHF Precaut ions - Ebola ∙ Marburg virus ∙ Lassa fever ∙ Crimean -Congo Fever EXAMPLES GOAL - Provide maximal impermeable barrier and respiratory protection against highly pathogenic VHF viruses. New PPE –Just in time training S tate Plan Waste is considered Level A and requires special disposal Ambulance decon requires PPE
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