empathy for mvp

Empathy for MVP CREATING MEANINGFUL, SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS Prepared - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Empathy for MVP CREATING MEANINGFUL, SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS Prepared with love by Remember this? Image: Juicero.com Isnt it beautiful? Image: Ben Einstein Except for one thing Nine out of 10 startups fail If no one wants your

  1. Empathy for MVP CREATING MEANINGFUL, SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS Prepared with love by

  2. Remember this? Image: Juicero.com

  3. Isn’t it beautiful? Image: Ben Einstein

  4. Except for one thing…

  5. Nine out of 10 startups fail… If no one wants your product, your company isn’t going to succeed. - Erin Griffith Why startups fail, according to their founders , Fortune, 2014

  6. But what about this? Image: Ottobock US

  7. Love can look like this. Image: motoandtattoos.tumblr.com

  8. We fall in love with what things mean to us personally. Hierarchy of User Experience , by Stephen Anderson

  9. LADDER OF SUSTAINABLE ENGAGEMENT Enablers help us climb up each step. Climbing these steps makes Process Prototypes Pathos Principles ENDURANCE a product or service more interesting, engaging, and effective over time. PERSONALITY RHYTHM MEANING @brianpagan – Feb 2017

  10. Hi, I’m Brian! Design humanist on a mission to build a compassionate world with Empathy, Emotion, & Ethics brianpagan.net @brianpagan

  11. The Greatness Studio represents a community of User Experience professionals who explore and improve their craft in a safe, constructive environment. WE UNLOCK YOUR (TEAM’S) UX SUPERPOWERS WITH COACHING, TRAINING, & CONSULTING.


  13. If our product isn’t ENDURANCE meaningful PERSONALITY for people, no amount of "great design" will make it successful. RHYTHM MEANING

  14. People's needs are Know Say Do Feel Think Use Dream deep down, where we can't observe them. Adapted from Contextmapping: experiences from practice - Froukje Sleeswijk Visser, Pieter Jan Stappers, Remko van der Lugt

  15. Empathy bridges the gap. Know Know Feel Feel Dream Dream

  16. Design Empathy Framework “[The practitioner] makes a connection on an emotional level with the user by recalling his own feelings & resonating with the user’s experience.” - Froukje Sleeswijk Visser Adapted from: Kouprie & Sleeswijk Visser, F (2009) A framework for empathy in design: stepping into and out of the user’s life . Journal of Engineering Design 20(5) 437-448

  17. And we can use acting techniques to help us along the way.

  18. What do you think?

  19. Our Journey Today Solutions Kano Mapping Modeling Define Conduct UX MVP Needs Interviews Mapping Presentations Character Mindfulness Experience Study Exercise Mapping Sense Character Emotional Memory Mapping Vocabulary Warm Up

  20. Ok, let’s stand up!

  21. Ability An empathic connection Develop our own empathy skills depends on these two factors: Proximity Align our own experience with the other person’s

  22. Ability Develop our own empathy skills

  23. Experience as much as The more diverse experiences you possible. have to draw from, the easier it is to relate to others’ experiences. Image adapted from Moyan Brenn

  24. Take acting classes. Acting is allowing your authentic self to resonate with a character the same way we resonate with other people. Image adapted from The Los Angeles Method

  25. Develop your emotional vocabulary. Our language and reality shape each other. Specificity helps us understand ourselves and each other. Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotion , classtools.net

  26. How are you feeling?

  27. Practice Mindfulness. People who meditate or practice Mindfulness regularly, show increased activity in the brain’s empathy circuit. Image: Keysers, C.

  28. How do you feel now?

  29. Decide your brief (& take a break) 15 minutes Think about one customer journey, related to travel, you’d like to “design” for today. #empathy4design

  30. Proximity Align our own experience with the other person’s

  31. Simulate people’s contexts. Place yourself in other people’s worlds with stimuli like rituals, artifacts, places, and people.

  32. Use your own Get your team together and use the thing you’re creating. Go through the whole products. process and see how it makes you feel. Image: Andrew Walker

  33. Hire your Burton Snowboards only hires snowboarders for customer. product development. Image: Burton

  34. Become your customer. “The key is the mental and the emotional issues. I realized those issues are real.” - Drew Manning, Fit2Fat2Fit

  35. Get out and talk to people. Observe without judgement. Know what you want to learn. Be mindful of your body language. Center yourself before each interview. Silence can be a powerful way to elicit more info. Follow your instincts: valuable insights are often hidden. Pay more attention to your interviewee than your script or notes

  36. Why? Remember the 5 Why's Why? Why? Don’t ask people “why” Why? directly. Instead, ask Know Think follow-up questions, Say Use Why? Do Feel Dream observe body language, and be specific. I need…

  37. Simple Character Map For what What pains does delights is this What’s holding this this person need person back? person hunting? to relieve? What puts us in a position to help?

  38. Conduct your interview 10 minutes Split into pairs, interview for 5 minutes, then swap. What pains does this What’s holding this person need to relieve? person back? For what delights is this What puts us in a person hunting? position to help? #empathy4design

  39. Include stakeholders in your analysis process. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” - African proverb

  40. The Experience Flow Worksheet can help you map the steps in a person’s journey. Download

  41. The Character Map Canvas can help put together research insights. Download

  42. Debrief your stakeholders 30 minutes Fill in the Experience Flow Worksheet and Character Map Canvas. #empathy4design

  43. “Acting is the ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.” - Sanford Meisner

  44. Creating emotional reality Method acting, at its core, has Expressing two components: emotional reality

  45. Sense Memory helps us recall Know Feel Dream emotions with our imagination.

  46. Sense Memory for Affect 10 minutes Connect others’ emotional experiences to our own reality. #empathy4design

  47. We can also feed our emotional Know Feel Dream reality by expressing it.

  48. Write a letter 5 minutes Become your character Rules: and write a letter to 1. Don’t stop someone you love. 2. Don’t think (feel instead) 3. Don’t edit or proofread 4. Just write! #empathy4design

  49. Walk & Talk 5 minutes Become your character, walk around, and interact with the others. #empathy4design

  50. Jobs to Be Done “…the goal is to identify what customers are trying to get done at every step, not what they are doing currently.” - Anthony W. Ulwick Image adapted from Chris Massey

  51. Opportunities to innovate PEOPLE’S Opportunities to engage NEEDS Opportunities to make change

  52. Why? Remember the 5 Why's Why? Why? Always go for the Why? deepest layer of truth. Know Think Say Use Why? Do Feel Dream I need…

  53. We can use the Experience Flow to start our Requirements Map. Download

  54. Needs Mapping 10 minutes For each stage in the Experience Flow, add the character’s needs. #empathy4design

  55. Solutions Mapping 10 minutes For each need, add solutions you can think of. Label each Basic, Medium, or Advanced. #empathy4design

  56. Kano Modeling The formal process includes surveys and quantitative research. The informal process is more qualitative and useful for novel innovation. Professor Noriaki Kano

  57. The Kano Model helps us prioritize our requirements.

  58. For example: Hotel Internet

  59. George Clooney Another: Coffee Maker in the Room

  60. Define your MVP 10 minutes Use the Kano Model to prioritize requirements.

  61. Prepare your presentation 15 minutes #empathy4design

  62. Empathy over ego “The best user experience designers practice UX because they love getting to know people on a very personal level. Their passion in life is connecting with other people and understanding them in ways others don’t.” - Whitney Hess Image adapted from John Morrison

  63. #empathy4design

  64. Thank you! Let’s connect with people Get the slides here and bring humanity back to design - together d3e.co/mobx @brianpagan #empathy4design


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