emergent pattern detection in vegetable population

Emergent Pattern Detection in Vegetable Population Dynamics S. - PDF document

Emergent Pattern Detection in Vegetable Population Dynamics S. Bandini, S. Manzoni, G. Mauri, S. Redaelli Dept. Of Computer Science, Systems and Communication University of Milan-Bicocca 1 CAFFE (Cellular Automata For Forest Ecosystems)

  1. Emergent Pattern Detection in Vegetable Population Dynamics S. Bandini, S. Manzoni, G. Mauri, S. Redaelli Dept. Of Computer Science, Systems and Communication University of Milan-Bicocca 1 CAFFE (Cellular Automata For Forest Ecosystems) project CAFFE project : interdisciplinary research involving computer scientists of University of Milano-Bicocca and biologists and ecosystem managers of Austrian Research Center. 2 1

  2. Studying forests � Studying interaction of forest ecosystem with other dynamic systems (humans or other natural phenomena) � Importance of studying forests by simulation. Forest byorithm are very long. - It is impracticable to do some experiments with real plants - in a real area. � One of the main goal: design a method to support the analysis step of simulations of forests modeled according to a distributed approach. 3 The CA-based forest model (1) The model permits the simulation of the dynamics of an heterogeneous plant population: – Different plant species can inhabit the same area and compete for the same resources – The CA reproduces a given territory area, divided in cells – Each cell can be inhabited by a tree – Each cell contains a given amount of resources needed by plants to sprout, grow, survive, and reproduce themselves. 4 2

  3. The CA-based forest model (2) l The resources considered in the model are: – Water – Nitrogen – Potassium – Sunlight l Each cell contains a given amount of each resource l At each update step of the CA the plants living in the area need a minimum amount of resources to survive, competing with the others for them 5 The CA-based forest model (3) l The presence of a plant in a cell can also influence surrounding area and the trees living in it l This influence has been modeled so to keep interactions local as follows: – Resources flow from richer cells to poorer neighbors – Thus, a cell containing a large tree is poorer on resources, since the tree is more “greedy” 6 0 4 3 5 2 6 3

  4. Example of forest simulation with “FORESTE”, a CA-based simulation tool. In this simulation screenshot we have two vegetal polulations represented in two different colors (light green and dark green) During a simulation we can notice some emergent phenomena 7 We can notice the progressive shift of the selected group. 8 4

  5. Some considerations... l The vegetal movement is considered in a space-time dimension through the birth/death process. l With more plant groups emergent dynamics are more complex and for a human operator it is very difficult to recognize all collective behaviors during a simulation. 9 Detecting emergent properties l The idea : find meaningful recurrent patterns of emergent phenomena l Meaningful patterns: more definables, easyer recognizables l Problems : - Patterns classification - Patterns detection 10 5

  6. Using Go game patterns l Affinity between Go and forest systems in competition scenario. l Using well known spatial pattern in Go game to detect forest emergent phenomena 11 Go basic rules Two people play with a Go board and Go pieces, which have two colors, black and Territory If I put the white . The players take last turns putting black and white surrounder pieces on the board to surround area, or territory. piece... Capture Concept of liberty : free spaces around a piece, or a group of pieces. 12 6

  7. Go affinities l With forests – Representation of territory competition – Representation of two species – Single pieces can appear, disappear and can not move. l With CA – The presence of a grid that represents the territory area – The grid cells can have three states: void, black or white – The presence of local evolution rules 13 Go-like patterns detected for forests ecosystems (1) Go game Forests Ko: Turn over in a shared area. Geta: Colored arrows represent possible A group directions of completely reproduction and surrounded it free space. will die. 14 7

  8. Go-like patterns detected for forests ecosystems (2) Go game Forests Shicho: A group shifts toward more suitable area. Iki: A strong group that can survive for long time. Tsugi: Connected groups 15 are stronger. Now we have a name for the observed phenomena. 16 8

  9. SHICHO 17 Experiments and simulations l Goal: – validation of Go-like patterns: from a pattern suitable starting point to a specific final configuration (we let evolve the starting situation observing if the final state is in accordance with the expected result) l Method: – variation of some meaningful parameters: (pattern size, characteristic of the involved species, species initial configurations, and others) 18 9

  10. Simulation experiments: example and results Patterns occurrence simulations / pattern ≈ 20 occurrence In general we have 100% a high occurrence. An example of Geta simulation experiment: Patterns evolve toward the expected From a given starting final configuration point to an expected for the phenomenon conclusion. occurrence. We have low results 0% when it is difficult to Ko Geta Shicho Iki Tsugi establish a good starting situation. 19 Toward an analysis automatization in CA-based simulator system Formalization and implementation of detection algorithms to find the studied patterns in a CA system. Simulation Simulation Step n+1 Step n Go-like patterns detection and interpretation 20 10

  11. An idea: the concept of group Ni = cell i neighborhood; n ∈ Ni Von Neumann neighborhood Definition 1 connection Given the individuals t and s we say that t is connected to s (and vice versa) if t ∈ Ns . We will indicate this with the simbol t → s . Definition 2 belonging to a group Given an individual t and a group A we say that t ∈ A if t → k where k ∈ A . trivial group definition a single isolated element i is consider a trivial group composed by only one individual. 21 Finding rules for pattern detection (examples) Geta: verify if a group Shicho: verify if there Tsugi: two groups is completely surrounded is the shift of the group become one mass centre 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 22 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

  12. Conclusions and future works Suitability of Go-like patterns. 1. Detecting all patterns of emergent phenomena is 2. very difficult for a human operator. (we remark the necessity of an automatic detection method). We will further improve the functionalities of the 3. proposed CA-based method for forest ecosystem representation. We will implement a simulator with automatic tools 4. for pattern detection and analysis. 23 12

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