electroweak model and

Electroweak Model and (Paul indicated he wants to retire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1000 Z , had , R l , R q (1 ) Z pole asymmetries (1 ) 500 M W (1 ) m t (1 ) 300 low energy precision data (90% CL) 200 allowed by searches M H [GeV] excl. by 1 experiment excl. by > 1 experiment 100 50 30 20 10 145

  1. 1000 Γ Z , σ had , R l , R q (1 σ ) Z pole asymmetries (1 σ ) 500 M W (1 σ ) m t (1 σ ) 300 low energy precision data (90% CL) 200 allowed by searches M H [GeV] excl. by 1 experiment excl. by > 1 experiment 100 50 30 20 10 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 m t [GeV] Jens Erler and Paul Langacker Electroweak Model and (Paul indicated he wants to retire Constraints on New Physics from authorship) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 1

  2. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  3. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original results Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  4. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original results • Global fit overlaps with several other parts of RPP Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  5. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original results • Global fit overlaps with several other parts of RPP • provides input for other sections Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  6. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original results • Global fit overlaps with several other parts of RPP • provides input for other sections • values in EW review for technical and timing reasons not always identical with other sections Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  7. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original results • Global fit overlaps with several other parts of RPP • provides input for other sections • values in EW review for technical and timing reasons not always identical with other sections • fit result of M H (comparison with LHC value) now seen as BSM test (cf. Michael’s remark that Top Quark and Electroweak reviews should consider known Higgs ) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  8. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original • New physics results we discuss some aspects of the fit results in the context of BSM physics • Global fit we perform additional fits allowing new overlaps with several other parts of RPP physics • provides input for other sections • values in EW review for technical and timing reasons not always identical with other sections • fit result of M H (comparison with LHC value) now seen as BSM test (cf. Michael’s remark that Top Quark and Electroweak reviews should consider known Higgs ) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  9. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overview • Review article containing original • New physics results we discuss some aspects of the fit results in the context of BSM physics • Global fit we perform additional fits allowing new overlaps with several other parts of RPP physics • provides input for other sections • Restructuring • values in EW review for technical and move some parts? timing reasons not always identical with other sections author reshu ffl e? • fit result of M H (comparison with LHC value) now seen as BSM test (cf. Michael’s remark that Top Quark and Electroweak reviews should consider known Higgs ) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 2

  10. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  11. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction Higgs potential, electroweak currents, simple bosonic mass-coupling relations Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  12. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction Higgs potential, electroweak currents, simple bosonic mass-coupling relations • Renormalization and radiative corrections G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions for quark masses and sin 2 θ W Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  13. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction Higgs potential, electroweak currents, simple bosonic mass-coupling relations • Renormalization and radiative corrections G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions for quark masses and sin 2 θ W • Low energy electroweak observables 4-Fermi contact interactions, ν - scattering, PVES, APV Figures: (1) g V ν e vs. g A ν e , (2) C 1u + C 1d vs. C 1u − C 1d , (3) sin 2 θ W vs. μ Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  14. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction • W and Z boson physics Higgs potential, electroweak currents, e + e − scattering below the Z pole, Z pole physics, LEP 2, W and Z decays simple bosonic mass-coupling Figure: (4) g Vf vs. g Af (e ff . couplings) relations • Renormalization and radiative corrections G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions for quark masses and sin 2 θ W • Low energy electroweak observables 4-Fermi contact interactions, ν - scattering, PVES, APV Figures: (1) g V ν e vs. g A ν e , (2) C 1u + C 1d vs. C 1u − C 1d , (3) sin 2 θ W vs. μ Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  15. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction • W and Z boson physics Higgs potential, electroweak currents, e + e − scattering below the Z pole, Z pole physics, LEP 2, W and Z decays simple bosonic mass-coupling Figure: (4) g Vf vs. g Af (e ff . couplings) relations • Renormalization and radiative • Precision flavor physics corrections τ -decays and α s , muon g − 2 G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions for quark masses and sin 2 θ W • Low energy electroweak observables 4-Fermi contact interactions, ν - scattering, PVES, APV Figures: (1) g V ν e vs. g A ν e , (2) C 1u + C 1d vs. C 1u − C 1d , (3) sin 2 θ W vs. μ Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  16. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction • W and Z boson physics Higgs potential, electroweak currents, e + e − scattering below the Z pole, Z pole physics, LEP 2, W and Z decays simple bosonic mass-coupling Figure: (4) g Vf vs. g Af (e ff . couplings) relations • Renormalization and radiative • Precision flavor physics corrections τ -decays and α s , muon g − 2 G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions • Global fit results for quark masses and sin 2 θ W summary of observables, detailed • Low energy electroweak discussion of fit, implications for SM observables parameters (M H , α s , m t , m b , m c ) Figures: (5) M H vs. m t , (6) M W vs. m t 4-Fermi contact interactions, ν - scattering, PVES, APV Figures: (1) g V ν e vs. g A ν e , (2) C 1u + C 1d vs. C 1u − C 1d , (3) sin 2 θ W vs. μ Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  17. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Current structure • Introduction • W and Z boson physics Higgs potential, electroweak currents, e + e − scattering below the Z pole, Z pole physics, LEP 2, W and Z decays simple bosonic mass-coupling Figure: (4) g Vf vs. g Af (e ff . couplings) relations • Renormalization and radiative • Precision flavor physics corrections τ -decays and α s , muon g − 2 G F , Δα (M Z ), schemes and definitions • Global fit results for quark masses and sin 2 θ W summary of observables, detailed • Low energy electroweak discussion of fit, implications for SM observables parameters (M H , α s , m t , m b , m c ) Figures: (5) M H vs. m t , (6) M W vs. m t 4-Fermi contact interactions, ν - scattering, PVES, APV • Constraints on new physics Figures: (1) g V ν e vs. g A ν e , (2) C 1u + C 1d vs. C 1u − C 1d , oblique parameters, Z ʹ bosons (3) sin 2 θ W vs. μ Figure: (7) S vs. T Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 3

  18. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overlap with other sections/reviews Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 4

  19. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overlap with other sections/reviews • Section 1 on Physical Constants G F , sin 2 θ W , M W,Z , α s Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 4

  20. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overlap with other sections/reviews • Section 1 on Physical Constants G F , sin 2 θ W , M W,Z , α s • Section 9 on QCD α s (from τ -decays, Z-decays and higher- order radiative corrections to EW observables), quark masses Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 4

  21. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overlap with other sections/reviews • Section 1 on Physical Constants G F , sin 2 θ W , M W,Z , α s • Section 9 on QCD α s (from τ -decays, Z-decays and higher- order radiative corrections to EW observables), quark masses • Section 15 on GUTs gauge coupling unification (minor) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 4

  22. Electroweak Model and Constraints on New Physics Overlap with other sections/reviews • Section 1 on Physical Constants G F , sin 2 θ W , M W,Z , α s • Section 9 on QCD α s (from τ -decays, Z-decays and higher- order radiative corrections to EW observables), quark masses • Section 15 on GUTs gauge coupling unification (minor) • g μ − 2 review as EW observable included in global EW fit (vac. pol. contribution correlated with running α and sin 2 θ W ; also small dependence on M H and sin 2 θ W ) Sonntag, 23. Juni 13 4


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