elder basic benefits training

Elder Basic Benefits Training Additional Options for Income - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elder Basic Benefits Training Additional Options for Income Maximization June 30, 2020 Rachel Shannon Brown Session Objectives Identify several programs that can assist with income maximization, as well as whether those programs have

  1. Elder Basic Benefits Training Additional Options for Income Maximization June 30, 2020 Rachel Shannon Brown

  2. Session Objectives  Identify several programs that can assist with income maximization, as well as whether those programs have changed in light of COVID-19:  SNAP (aka “food stamps”)  LIHEAP (aka “fuel assistance”)  State Veterans Services Benefits (aka “chapter 115 benefits”)  Senior Circuit Breaker Credit  Economic Impact Payments  Understand where to get more information Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 2

  3. SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (aka Food Stamps)  Title 106 Code of Mass. Regulations §§ 360-367  Use for household foods; cannot use for alcohol, tobacco, nonfood items (such as household supplies and paper products), vitamins and medicines  Online purchasing now available through Amazon and Walmart  Administered in Massachusetts by the Department of Transitional Assistance  Apply online (https://dtaconnect.eohhs.mass.gov/), in person, or by mail.  Simplified application for elder applicants (60 or older)  Elders are not required to have an in-office interview  DTA Senior Assistance Office: 833-712-8027 Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 3

  4. SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program  Benefits are determined based on financial eligibility  http://www.gettingsnap.org/  Some households will be subject to an asset limit  Elder applicants can deduct uncapped shelter expenses and unreimbursed medical expenses from their income  Once approved, most households are certified for 12 months. If all household members over 60 or have disabilities, and have stable income such as SSI, the benefits are certified for three years. Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 4

  5. SNAP Appeal Rights  Applicants can appeal denials and benefit calculations  Appeal within 90 days from the date of the DTA notice for reductions, terminations, or denials  Appeal within 120 days for worker “bad conduct” and cases where DTA does not act on a request  If lose at the fair hearing level, additional appeal rights available through the court system Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 5

  6. SNAP COVID-19 Changes  Households already receiving SNAP benefits were temporarily increased to the maximum benefit for April – June in response to the pandemic  DTA offices are closed, so all hearings are currently being conducted on the phone and applications should be done online or through the mail Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 6

  7. LIHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (aka Fuel Assistance)  Benefits vary based on household income, housing status, fuel type, and heating costs  Households with incomes up to 60% of the area median income can qualify  For FY2020, can receive up to $1,360 (oil, propane, kerosene, or other) or $1,005 (utilities or heat included in the rent)  Can qualify for additional help under the “high energy benefit” if a household’s fuel bills were high last year Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 7

  8. LIHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program  Apply through town-specific agency  Locate your nearest office via the Cold Relief Heatline (800-632-8175) or online (https://hedfuel.azurewebsites.net/)  Apply from November 1 – April 30; if denied, appeal through the agency  First-time applicants must apply in person at the fuel assistance agency in their area  Households must apply each year; applications are mailed to households after the first year Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 8

  9. LIHEAP: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program  Those facing a heating emergency can get their application processing expedited  Other benefits:  Free weatherization assistance such as insulation and weather-stripping  Heating system repairs/replacement through HEARTWAP (Heating Energy Assistance Retrofit Weatherization Assistance Program)  Discounts for some utility and telephone rates Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 9

  10. LIHEAP COVID-19 Changes  As of April, all Fuel Assistance Agencies were waiving the face to face requirement to apply and were taking applications over the phone  So far, there has not been an announcement about whether this will be the case for the next round of applications Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 10

  11. State Veterans Services Benefits (aka Chapter 115 Benefits)  Title 108 Code of Mass. Regulations  Needs-based program provides financial assistance for food, shelter, clothing, and medical care  Cash benefits depend on living arrangements, shelter expenses, ages of children, disability needs, etc  Can also offer:  Medical coverage;  Moving and transportation assistance (including medical  Referrals; transportation);  Catastrophe/disaster benefits;  Home health aid and visiting  Back rent/mortgage arrears; nurse services; and,  Utility arrears;  Dental services  Emergency home repairs; Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 11

  12. State Veterans Services Benefits  Income limits are tied to 200% of the federal poverty level  Chapter 115 program income limits change with the fiscal year, so the income limits will change as of July 1, 2020  In FY19, single applicants living alone could qualify for up to $1436/month in cash benefits  Those exceeding the income limits may still qualify for medical expense reimbursements  FY19 asset limits:  $5000 for an individual  $9,800 for a couple Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 12

  13. State Veterans Services Benefits  Must be a Veteran or an “eligible dependent”  Veteran: more information about length of service requirements (both peacetime and wartime) available at https://www.masslegalservices.org/system/files/library/ Definition%20of%20Massachusetts%20Veteran.pdf  Eligible dependents include spouses, widows/widowers, parents, and children under certain circumstances  Benefit does not count as income in determining financial eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or MassHealth Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 13

  14. State Veterans Services Benefits  To apply, contact your local Veterans’ Services Officer (VSO)  http://www.mass.gov/veterans/utility/local-veterans-service- officers-3.html  Can appeal any action taken by a VSO by filing an appeal to the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) within 21 days of the date of the Notice of Action Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 14

  15. State Veterans Services Benefits COVID-19 Changes  DVS has made temporary changes which will last through September 1, 2020, including:  VSOs can approve applications without first obtaining DVS preapproval  VSOs will exercise “liberal judgment” and have been instructed to draw “reasonable conclusions” in favor of the applicant  Applicants are only required to provide minimum proof of eligibility  Unemployed applicants do not have to actively seek work during the public health crisis  Appeal hearings will be held telephonically Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 15

  16. Senior Circuit Breaker Credit  Refundable credit of up to $1130 (for tax year 2019) on personal state income tax returns  Does not count as income for most benefits programs  Requirements:  Massachusetts resident (or part-year resident);  65 or older by December 31, 2019;  Own or rent residential property in Massachusetts and occupy it as a primary residence; Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 16

  17. Senior Circuit Breaker Credit  For the tax year 2019, total Mass. income cannot exceed:  $60,000 for a single individual who is not the head of household;  $75,000 for a head of household; or,  $90,000 for married couples filing a joint return  For homeowners, Mass. property tax payments, together with half of water and sewer expense, must exceed 10% total Mass. income for the tax year  For renters, 25% of annual Mass. rent must exceed 10% of total Mass. income for the tax year Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 17

  18. Senior Circuit Breaker Credit  Example: Alpha Renter has an annual income of $18,000 ($1,500/month) from Social Security and pays an annual rent of $9,600 ($800/month). How much does Alpha qualify for?  Answer: $600.  10% income = $1,800  25% rent = $2,400  $2,400-$1,800 = credit to elder Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 18

  19. Senior Circuit Breaker Credit  Example: Beta Homeowner has an annual income of $18,000 ($1,500/month) from Social Security and annual real estate taxes (plus ½ water and sewer) of $3,600/year. How much does Beta qualify for?  Answer: $1,130.  10% income = $1,800  Real Estate taxes (plus ½ water and sewer) = $3,600  $3,600-$1,800 = $1,800  This exceeds the 2019 tax year limit, so the credit would be reduced to the $1,130 maximum amount Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 19

  20. Senior Circuit Breaker Credit COVID-19 Changes  State and Federal income tax deadlines were extended from April 15, 2020 to July 15, 2020, so it is not too late to take advantage of the Senior Circuit Breaker Credit for 2019 Community Legal Aid Last updated 6.22.2020 20


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