elastic deformations on the plane and approximations

Elastic deformations on the plane and approximations (lecture I) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elastic deformations on the plane and approximations (lecture I) Aldo Pratelli Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia (Italy) Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs, Dispersive and Transport Equations: Analysis and Control, Sissa, June

  1. Elastic deformations on the plane and approximations (lecture I) Aldo Pratelli Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia (Italy) “Nonlinear Hyperbolic PDEs, Dispersive and Transport Equations: Analysis and Control”, Sissa, June 20–24 2011 A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 1 / 52

  2. Plan of the course A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  3. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  4. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . • Lecture II: Approximation questions: hystory, strategies and results . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  5. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . • Lecture II: Approximation questions: hystory, strategies and results . • Lecture III: Smooth approximation of (countably) piecewise affine homeomorphisms . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  6. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . • Lecture II: Approximation questions: hystory, strategies and results . • Lecture III: Smooth approximation of (countably) piecewise affine homeomorphisms . • Lecture IV: The approximation result . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  7. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . • Lecture II: Approximation questions: hystory, strategies and results . • Lecture III: Smooth approximation of (countably) piecewise affine homeomorphisms . • Lecture IV: The approximation result . • Lecture V: Bi-Lipschits extension Theorem (part 1) . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  8. Plan of the course • Lecture I: Mappings of finite distorsion and orientation-preserving homeomorphisms . • Lecture II: Approximation questions: hystory, strategies and results . • Lecture III: Smooth approximation of (countably) piecewise affine homeomorphisms . • Lecture IV: The approximation result . • Lecture V: Bi-Lipschits extension Theorem (part 1) . • Lecture VI: Bi-Lipschits extension Theorem (part 2) . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 2 / 52

  9. Jordan curves A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 3 / 52

  10. Jordan curves A Jordan curve is any continuous map γ : S 1 → R 2 . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 3 / 52

  11. Jordan curves A Jordan curve is any continuous map γ : S 1 → R 2 . One has the disjoint union R 2 = γ ( S 1 ) ∪ I ∪ E , with I ⊂⊂ R 2 and ∂ I = ∂ E = γ . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 3 / 52

  12. Jordan curves A Jordan curve is any continuous map γ : S 1 → R 2 . One has the disjoint union R 2 = γ ( S 1 ) ∪ I ∪ E , with I ⊂⊂ R 2 and ∂ I = ∂ E = γ . A Jordan curve can be oriented clockwise or counterclockwise. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 3 / 52

  13. Orientation preserving (reversing) homeomorphisms A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 4 / 52

  14. Orientation preserving (reversing) homeomorphisms Let u : Ω → ∆ an homeomorphism. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 4 / 52

  15. Orientation preserving (reversing) homeomorphisms Let u : Ω → ∆ an homeomorphism. We say that u is orientation-preserving if the image of a clockwise curve is clockwise, and orientation-reversing otherwise. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 4 / 52

  16. Orientation preserving (reversing) homeomorphisms Let u : Ω → ∆ an homeomorphism. We say that u is orientation-preserving if the image of a clockwise curve is clockwise, and orientation-reversing otherwise. • This is well-defined as soon as Ω is simply connected. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 4 / 52

  17. Orientation preserving (reversing) homeomorphisms Let u : Ω → ∆ an homeomorphism. We say that u is orientation-preserving if the image of a clockwise curve is clockwise, and orientation-reversing otherwise. • This is well-defined as soon as Ω is simply connected. Important consequence: to determine whether u is orientation preserving, it is enough to check u | ∂ Ω . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 4 / 52

  18. What about Du ? A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 5 / 52

  19. What about Du ? If u is smooth enough, then O.P. should mean that det Du ( x ) > 0 ∀ x . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 5 / 52

  20. What about Du ? If u is smooth enough, then O.P. should mean that det Du ( x ) > 0 ∀ x . Ok, but how much is “smooth enough”? A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 5 / 52

  21. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  22. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) If u : R n ⊇ Ω → R n admits a differential at x and det Du ( x ) > 0, then we call distorsion of u at x the number � n � � � Du ( x ) K u ( x ) = det Du ( x ) . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  23. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) If u : R n ⊇ Ω → R n admits a differential at x and det Du ( x ) > 0, then we call distorsion of u at x the number � n � � � Du ( x ) K u ( x ) = det Du ( x ) . Idea: for an ellipsis of axes a and b , the distorsion is a / b . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  24. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) If u : R n ⊇ Ω → R n admits a differential at x and det Du ( x ) > 0, then we call distorsion of u at x the number � n � � � Du ( x ) K u ( x ) = det Du ( x ) . Idea: for an ellipsis of axes a and b , the distorsion is a / b . Fact: it is always K u ( x ) ≥ 2 (in dimension 2). A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  25. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) If u : R n ⊇ Ω → R n admits a differential at x and det Du ( x ) > 0, then we call distorsion of u at x the number � n � � � Du ( x ) K u ( x ) = det Du ( x ) . Idea: for an ellipsis of axes a and b , the distorsion is a / b . Fact: it is always K u ( x ) ≥ 2 (in dimension 2). � � Lemma: If both K u ( x ) and K u − 1 u ( x ) are defined, then they coincide. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  26. Mappings of finite distorsion (1/2) If u : R n ⊇ Ω → R n admits a differential at x and det Du ( x ) > 0, then we call distorsion of u at x the number � n � � � Du ( x ) K u ( x ) = n n / 2 det Du ( x ) . Idea: for an ellipsis of axes a and b , the distorsion is a / b . Fact: it is always K u ( x ) ≥ 2 (in dimension 2). � � Lemma: If both K u ( x ) and K u − 1 u ( x ) are defined, then they coincide. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 6 / 52

  27. Mappings of finite distorsion (2/2) A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 7 / 52

  28. Mappings of finite distorsion (2/2) We say that u has finite distorsion if u ∈ W 1 , 1 loc , det Du ≥ 0 a.e., and det Du ∈ L 1 loc . A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 7 / 52

  29. Mappings of finite distorsion (2/2) We say that u has finite distorsion if u ∈ W 1 , 1 loc , det Du ≥ 0 a.e., and det Du ∈ L 1 loc . If K is bounded we say that u has bounded distorsion (or that it is quasiregular). A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 7 / 52

  30. Mappings of finite distorsion (2/2) We say that u has finite distorsion if u ∈ W 1 , 1 loc , det Du ≥ 0 a.e., and det Du ∈ L 1 loc . If K is bounded we say that u has bounded distorsion (or that it is quasiregular). If u is an homeomorphism and u , u − 1 have bounded distorsion, we say that u is quasiconformal. A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 7 / 52

  31. Mappings of finite distorsion (2/2) We say that u has finite distorsion if u ∈ W 1 , 1 loc , det Du ≥ 0 a.e., and det Du ∈ L 1 loc . If K is bounded we say that u has bounded distorsion (or that it is quasiregular). If u is an homeomorphism and u , u − 1 have bounded distorsion, we say that u is quasiconformal. There is a huge bibliography on this (e.g. Ball, Csorney, Hencl, Iwaniec, Koskela, Maly, Sbordone. . . ). A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 7 / 52

  32. Main result A. Pratelli (Pavia) Homeomorphisms and approximations SISSA, June 20–24 2011 8 / 52


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