efficient system enforced deterministic parallelism

Efficient System-Enforced Deterministic Parallelism Amittai Aviram, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Efficient System-Enforced Deterministic Parallelism Amittai Aviram, Shu-Chun Weng, Sen Hu, Bryan Ford Decentralized/Distributed Systems Group, Yale University http://dedis.cs.yale.edu/ 9 th OSDI, Vancouver October 5, 2010 Pervasive

  1. Efficient System-Enforced Deterministic Parallelism Amittai Aviram, Shu-Chun Weng, Sen Hu, Bryan Ford Decentralized/Distributed Systems Group, Yale University http://dedis.cs.yale.edu/ 9 th OSDI, Vancouver – October 5, 2010

  2. Pervasive Parallelism RAM RAM RAM RAM Core Core Core Core CPU CPU CPU Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core RAM Core Core Core Core RAM RAM RAM RAM I/O RAM I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Uniprocessor Multiprocessor Multicore “Many-core” Industry shifting from “faster” to “wider” CPUs

  3. Today's Grand Software Challenge Parallelism makes programming harder. Why? Parallelism introduces: ● Nondeterminism (in general) – Execution behavior subtly depends on timing ● Data Races (in particular) – Unsynchronized concurrent state changes → Heisenbugs: sporadic, difficult to reproduce

  4. Races are Everywhere Write/Write Read/Write ● Memory Access x = 1 x = 2 x = 2 y = x ● File Access open() rename() lock; ● Synchronization lock; x *= 2; x++; unlock; unlock; ● System APIs malloc() malloc() open() open() → ptr → ptr → fd → fd

  5. Living With Races “Don't write buggy programs.” Logging/replay tools (BugNet, IGOR, …) ● Reproduce bugs that manifest while logging Race detectors (RacerX, Chess, …) ● Analyze/instrument program to help find races Deterministic schedulers (DMP, Grace, CoreDet) ● Synthesize a repeatable execution schedule All: help manage races but don't eliminate them

  6. Must We Live With Races? Ideal: a parallel programming model in which races don't arise in the first place. Already possible with restrictive languages ● Pure functional languages (Haskell) ● Deterministic value/message passing (SHIM) ● Separation-enforcing type systems (DPJ) What about race-freedom for any language?

  7. Introducing Determinator New OS offering race-free parallel programming ● Compatible with arbitrary (existing) languages – C, C++, Java, assembly, … ● Avoids races at multiple abstraction levels – Shared memory, file system, synch, ... ● Takes clean-slate approach for simplicity – Ideas could be retrofitted into existing Oses ● Current focus: compute-bound applications – Early prototype, many limitations

  8. Talk Outline ✔ Introduction: Parallelism and Data Races ● Determinator's Programming Model ● Prototype Kernel/Runtime Implementation ● Performance Evaluation

  9. Determinator's Programming Model “Check-out/Check-in” Model for Shared State 1.on fork, “check-out” a copy of all shared state 2.thread reads, writes private working copy only 3.on join, “check-in” and merge changes parent parent fork, copy shared state thread/ thread/ process process parent's child child's working thread/ working state process state join, merge shared state

  10. Seen This Before? Precedents for “check-in/check-out” model: ● DOALL in early parallel Fortran computers – Burroughs FMP 1980, Myrias 1988 – Language-specific, limited to DO loops ● Version control systems (cvs, svn, git, …) – Manual check-in/check-out procedures – For files only, not shared memory state Determinator applies this model pervasively and automatically to all shared state

  11. Example 1: Gaming/Simulation, Conventional Threads main thread actors [0] [1] struct actorstate actor [NACTORS]; t [0] t [1] void update_actor(int i ) { ...examine state of other actors... ...update state of actor[i] in-place... read read } int main() { ...initialize state of all actors... update update for (int time = 0; ; time ++) { thread t [NACTORS]; for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) t [ i ] = thread_fork (update_actor, i ); for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) thread_join ( t [ i ]); } } synchronize, next time step...

  12. Example 1: Gaming/Simulation, Conventional Threads main thread actors [0] [1] struct actorstate actor [NACTORS]; t [0] t [1] void update_actor(int i ) { read ...examine state of other actors... ...update state of actor[i] in-place... (partial) } update int main() { ...initialize state of all actors... read for (int time = 0; ; time ++) { thread t [NACTORS]; for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) update t [ i ] = thread_fork (update_actor, i ); for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) thread_join ( t [ i ]); } oops! } corruption/crash due to race

  13. Example 1: Gaming/Simulation, Determinator Threads main thread [0] [1] struct actorstate actor [NACTORS]; actors void update_actor(int i ) { t [0] t [1] ...examine state of other actors... fork fork ...update state of actor[i] in-place... copy copy } int main() { ...initialize state of all actors... update update for (int time = 0; ; time ++) { thread t [NACTORS]; for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) t [ i ] = thread_fork (update_actor, i ); join join for ( i = 0; i < NACTORS; i ++) thread_join ( t [ i ]); } merge merge } diffs diffs

  14. Example 2: Parallel Make/Scripts, Conventional Unix Processes $ make read Makefile, compute dependencies # Makefile for file 'result' fork worker shell result: foo.out bar.out combine $^ >$@ stage1 <foo.in >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >foo.out %.out: %.in rm tmpfile stage1 <$^ >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >$@ rm tmpfile stage1 <bar.in >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >bar.out rm tmpfile combine foo.out bar.out >result

  15. Example 2: Parallel Make/Scripts, Conventional Unix Processes $ make -j (parallel make) read Makefile, compute dependencies # Makefile for file 'result' fork worker processes result: foo.out bar.out combine $^ >$@ stage1 %.out: %.in stage1 <bar.in stage1 <$^ >tmpfile <foo.in >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >$@ >tmpfile stage2 rm tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile <tmpfile >bar.out >foo.out tmpfile rm tmpfile rm tmpfile corrupt! read foo.out, bar.out write result

  16. Example 2: Parallel Make/Scripts, Determinator Processes $ make -j read Makefile, compute dependencies # Makefile for file 'result' fork worker processes result: foo.out bar.out copy file copy file combine $^ >$@ system system stage1 %.out: %.in stage1 <bar.in stage1 <$^ >tmpfile <foo.in >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >$@ >tmpfile stage2 rm tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile <tmpfile >bar.out >foo.out rm tmpfile rm tmpfile merge file merge file systems systems read foo.out, bar.out write result

  17. What Happens to Data Races? Read/Write races: go away entirely ● writes propagate only via synchronization ● reads always see last write by same thread, else value at last synchronization point w(x) w(x) r(x)

  18. What Happens to Data Races? Write/Write races: ● go away if threads “undo” their changes – tmpfile in make -j example ● otherwise become deterministic conflicts – always detected at join/merge point – runtime exception, just like divide-by-zero w(x) w(x) trap!

  19. Example 2: Parallel Make/Scripts, Determinator Processes $ make -j read Makefile, compute dependencies # Makefile for file 'result' fork worker processes result: foo.out bar.out copy file copy file combine $^ >$@ system system stage1 %.out: %.in stage1 <bar.in stage1 <$^ >tmpfile <foo.in >tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile >$@ >tmpfile stage2 rm tmpfile stage2 <tmpfile <tmpfile >bar.out >foo.out merge file systems tmpfile: conflict detected!

  20. Repeatability Ability to replay past executions gives us: ● Bug reproducibility ● Time-travel debugging (reverse execution) ● [Byzantine] fault tolerance ● Computation accountability (PeerReview) ● Intrusion analysis/response (ReVirt, IntroVirt) Sometimes need system-enforced determinism – replay arbitrary malicious code exactly

  21. Talk Outline ✔ Introduction: Parallelism and Data Races ✔ Determinator's Programming Model ● Prototype Kernel/Runtime Implementation ● Performance Evaluation

  22. Determinator OS Architecture Grandchild Space Grandchild Space Parent/Child Interaction Child Space Child Space Parent/Child Interaction Address Space Registers Root Space (1 thread) Snapshot Device I/O Determinator Microkernel Hardware

  23. Microkernel API Three system calls: ● PUT: copy data into child, snapshot, start child ● GET: copy data or modifications out of child ● RET: return control to parent (and a few options to each – see paper) No kernel support for processes, threads, files, pipes, sockets, messages, shared memory, ...

  24. User-level Runtime Emulates familiar programming abstractions ● C library ● Unix-style process management ● Unix-style file system API ● Shared memory multithreading ● Pthreads via deterministic scheduling it's a library → all facilities are optional

  25. Threads, Determinator Style Parent: 1. thread_fork(Child1): PUT Child 1: Child 2: 2. thread_fork(Child2): PUT read/write memory read/write memory 3. thread_join(Child1): GET thread_exit(): RET thread_exit(): RET 4. thread_join(Child2): GET 1b. save 2b. save snapshot snapshot writes writes Child1 Space Child2 Space Code Data Code Data Code Data Code Data 1a. copy 3. copy diffs 4. copy diffs 2a. copy into Child1 back into Parent back into parent into Child2 Code Data Multithreaded Process Parent Space


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