Efficient Execution of Dependent Tasks on Many-Core Processors Hamza Rihani, Claire Maiza, Matthieu Moy Univ. Grenoble Alpes Verimag RTSOPS 2016, July 5, 2016
Context PE PE PE PE High Level Language PE PE PE PE i 1 o τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 PE PE PE PE τ 4 i 2 τ 5 τ 6 PE PE PE PE ◦ Hard real-time systems ◦ Dependent tasks statically scheduled, on a many-core processor ! Unpredictable delays due to shared resource interference 2 ,
Context PE PE PE PE High Level Language PE PE PE PE i 1 o τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 PE PE PE PE τ 4 i 2 τ 5 τ 6 PE PE PE PE ◦ Hard real-time systems ◦ Dependent tasks statically scheduled, on a many-core processor ! Unpredictable delays due to shared resource interference Use tightly estimated upper bounds on delays 2 ,
Context PE PE PE PE High Level Language PE PE PE PE i 1 o τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 PE PE PE PE τ 4 i 2 τ 5 τ 6 PE PE PE PE ◦ Hard real-time systems ◦ Dependent tasks statically scheduled, on a many-core processor ! Unpredictable delays due to shared resource interference Use tightly estimated upper bounds on delays Connect existing approaches for an optimally efficient execution 2 ,
Outline 1 Solved Problems Code Generation Task Mapping WCRT Analysis 2 Toward a Solution 3 The Open Problem 3 ,
Solved Problems High-level Timing models Program Code Generation (static analysis) Probabilistic Models Local WCRT Tasks Analysis + Dependencies Tasks WCRT Static + Mapping/Scheduling WC Access Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 4 ,
Solved Problems High-level Program Code Generation Tasks + Dependencies Static Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 4 ,
Solved Problems: Code Generation i 1 o τ 1 τ 2 τ 3 High-level Program Code Generation τ 4 i 2 Tasks τ 5 τ 6 + Dependencies Static Mapping/Scheduling Outputs ◦ Task binaries Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution ◦ Task dependency graph Order Release ◦ Execution models: (Pellizzoni et al.[6]) Dates Binary Generation ◦ Single phase execution ◦ acquisition, execution, replication phases Executable Binary 5 ,
Solved Problems: Task Mapping/Scheduling τ 4 τ 5 PE 2 wcrt 4 wcrt 5 High-level Program Code Generation τ 3 τ 2 PE 1 wcrt 3 wcrt 2 Tasks + Dependencies τ 0 τ 1 wcrt 0 wcrt 1 PE 0 Static Mapping/Scheduling Mapping (*)wcrt x : safe WCRT WCRT with Execution Interferences Order Release Dates Binary Generation ◦ Respect the dependency constraints Executable Binary ◦ Optimize the overall response time Puffitsch et al. 2013 [7], Giannopoulou et al. 2013 [4], Walter et al. 2015 [8] 6 ,
Solved Problems: WCRT Analysis τ 4 τ 5 wcrt + wcrt + PE 2 4 5 High-level Program Code Generation τ 3 τ 2 wcrt + wcrt + PE 1 3 2 Tasks + Dependencies τ 0 τ 1 wcrt + wcrt + PE 0 Static 0 1 Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with (*)wcrt + x : refined WCRT Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation ◦ Take the interference into account Executable Binary ◦ Update the release times 7 ,
Solved Problems: WCRT Analysis τ 4 τ 5 wcrt + wcrt + PE 2 4 5 High-level Program Code Generation τ 3 τ 2 wcrt + wcrt + PE 1 3 2 Tasks + Dependencies τ 0 τ 1 wcrt + wcrt + PE 0 Static 0 1 Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with (*)wcrt + x : refined WCRT Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation ◦ Take the interference into account Executable Binary ◦ Update the release times The overall response time may not be optimal 7 ,
Toward a Solution High-level Program Code Generation Tasks + Dependencies Static Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Provide new timing information to the Binary Generation mapping/Scheduling analysis Executable Binary 8 ,
Toward a Solution ◦ Mapping/Scheduling: ◦ Taking into account new timing information ◦ Co-schedule communications and High-level Program Code Generation computations (Melani et al. 2015 [5]) ◦ Clustering non-interfering tasks Tasks (Choi et al. 2016 [2]) + Dependencies Static Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 9 ,
Toward a Solution ◦ Mapping/Scheduling: ◦ Taking into account new timing information ◦ Co-schedule communications and High-level Program Code Generation computations (Melani et al. 2015 [5]) ◦ Clustering non-interfering tasks Tasks (Choi et al. 2016 [2]) + Dependencies ◦ WCRT Analysis: Static ◦ Trade-off: run-time/ pessimism Mapping/Scheduling Altmeyer et al. 2015 [1], Dasari et al. 2015[3] Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 9 ,
Toward a Solution ◦ Mapping/Scheduling: ◦ Taking into account new timing information ◦ Co-schedule communications and High-level Program Code Generation computations (Melani et al. 2015 [5]) ◦ Clustering non-interfering tasks Tasks (Choi et al. 2016 [2]) + Dependencies ◦ WCRT Analysis: Static ◦ Trade-off: run-time/ pessimism Mapping/Scheduling Altmeyer et al. 2015 [1], Dasari et al. 2015[3] Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary Fixed-point search algorithms 9 ,
The Open Problem Iterate until an optimal solution is found What about convergence? High-level Program Code Generation Tasks + Dependencies Static Mapping/Scheduling Mapping WCRT with Interferences Execution Order Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 10,
The Open Problem Iterate until an optimal solution is found What about convergence? High-level Program Code Generation Tasks + Dependencies Suboptimal: Static Mapping/Scheduling ◦ Compute several solutions, Mapping WCRT with choose the best one Interferences Execution Order ◦ How many iterations? Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary 10,
The Open Problem Iterate until an optimal solution is found What about convergence? High-level Program Code Generation Tasks + Dependencies Suboptimal: Static Mapping/Scheduling ◦ Compute several solutions, Mapping WCRT with choose the best one Interferences Execution Order ◦ How many iterations? Release Dates Binary Generation Executable Binary Multi/Many-core processors are a game changer in the interaction between WCRT analysis and task mapping/scheduling 10,
Efficient Execution of Dependent Tasks on Many-Core Processors Hamza Rihani, Claire Maiza, Matthieu Moy Univ. Grenoble Alpes Verimag 11,
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