efficient analysis of pipeline models for wcet computation

Efficient Analysis of Pipeline Models for WCET Computation Stephan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A b s I n t Efficient Analysis of Pipeline Models for WCET Computation Stephan Wilhelm (sw@absint.com) AbsInt GmbH and Saarland University Outline 1. aiTs pipeline analysis 3. Why improve its efficiency? 5. BDD based pipeline analysis 7.

  1. A b s I n t Efficient Analysis of Pipeline Models for WCET Computation Stephan Wilhelm (sw@absint.com) AbsInt GmbH and Saarland University

  2. Outline 1. aiT’s pipeline analysis 3. Why improve its efficiency? 5. BDD based pipeline analysis 7. Generating pipeline analyzers 9. Status and prospects

  3. The aiT-Framework Executable Control-Flow Reconstruction Program Value Analyzer Pipeline Analyzer Cache Analyzer WCET Worst-Case Execution Visualization Path Analysis

  4. Pipeline Analysis Pipeline Pipeline Model CFG a e b d c Abstraction a b instruction A Cache Analysis c d instruction B Timing Anomalies! d e e a State explosion.

  5. Timing Anomalies • local worst case vs. global worst case – cache hit on global worst-case path (Lundquist/Stenström) – “unintuitive behavior” – no upper bound • Caused by features like: caches, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, ... No local worst-case decisions. State explosion.

  6. Symbolic Representation of FSM State Sets FSM state sets characteristic functions BDD’s a = 1 b = 1 a b 01 ¬ a ∧ b a = 1 a = 0 0 1 b = 0 b = 0 a = 0 a ¬ a b = 1 01 00 A 2-bit automaton 0 1 1 01 00 10 11 1 - BDD size depends on variable ordering - worst case: exponential - in most cases better orderings are possible

  7. BDD based Pipeline Analysis 11 Start set 01 11 00 10 00 10 1. Partition the set 01 01 11 00 10 A 2-bit automaton 2. Compute images 00: 01 00 10 00 10 01 11 01: 10 3. Apply inputs 10: 01 10 00 10 01 The program 4. Compute union 00 10 01

  8. Model Specification & Validation • Documentation is often incorrect/incomplete. • Model specification is error-prone. • Trace validation is difficult. Generate analysis from HDL specification. • Verilog and VHDL can be compiled into FSM’s (Cheng, 1994). – Implemented in VIS model checker.

  9. Generating Pipeline Analyzers HDL Abstraction Simplified HDL HDL->FSM compiler Properties FSM specification Program (CFG) Model Checker Pipeline Analyzer

  10. Status and Prospects past 1. Implementation of proof-of-concept. – For simple examples. – Only one basic block. 2. Integration with DFA framework (PAG). today 3. Integration with CFG representation. 4. Specification of a real pipeline. – Infineon Tricore 2 future 5. Compare against “classic aiT”.


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