effective school turnaround


PILLARS TO EFFECTIVE SCHOOL TURNAROUND & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Mark Comanducci: Executive Vice President & Superintendent of Schools Emily Vanderplough: Regional Vice President 2 ACCELs Turnaround Schools To transform the lives

  1. PILLARS TO EFFECTIVE SCHOOL TURNAROUND & LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Mark Comanducci: Executive Vice President & Superintendent of Schools Emily Vanderplough: Regional Vice President

  2. 2 ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools To transform the lives of the students, families, and educators Our Why / Purpose we serve, while positively impacting the greater community in which we work. Through a codified school turnaround theory of action, rooted in the growth, development, and support of Principals, How We Do It teachers, and staff. Deliver great a educational experience and outcomes as well What We Do as social-emotional growth to as many children as possible.

  3. 3 ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools To transform the lives of the students, families, and educators Our Why / Purpose we serve, while positively impacting the greater community in which we work. Through a codified school turnaround theory of action, rooted in the growth, development, and support of Principals, How We Do It teachers, and staff. Deliver great a educational experience and outcomes as well What We Do as social-emotional growth to as many children as possible.

  4. 4 Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand

  5. 5 Developing Leaders To Ensure Change Administrative Work / Core Pillars for Systemic, Best Practices Tasks Organizational Change Quick Hits Programs Created by Superintendent Created collectively by Principals and Lead by organizational staff, working in support of schools Superintendent Informed by data/school staff Operationalized by Principals and Take as little of the Principals' time as Operationalized by Principals teachers possible Supported and held accountable by Regional Vice President and Superintendent

  6. 6 Developing Leaders To Ensure Change: Our Rocks Coaching / Support / Principal receives intense and For Schools Professional Development frequent coaching. The school’s culture is well defined, articulated Culture For Schools in precise detail, and actionable/measurable. There are tight guardrails around the school’s Academics For Schools academic framework, instructional, curricular resources, and assessment.

  7. 7 Pillars to Effective School Turnaround: Coaching/Support/PD Goal: Principals will participate in intense, regular, highly-focused, and measurable coaching to improve their ability to lead a school turnaround. • Expectations • Re-envisioning • Coaching Cycle • Professional Development

  8. 8 Pillars to Effective School Turnaround: Culture Goal: Principals will clearly articulate (in excruciating detail) a vision for their school’s culture as well as the processes, systems, and plan to achieve said vision. • Cultural Framework (autonomy) • Look, Sound, and Feel • Shared Expectations, Language, and Systems • Train, Model, and Practice

  9. 9 Pillars to Effective School Turnaround: Academics Goal: Principals will articulate their instructional vision and support/develop their teachers to deliver high-quality instruction. • Academic Framework (autonomy) • Buy In • Instructional Block • Curricular Resources • Instructional Planning and Instructional Practice • Use of Data • Progress Monitoring • Increased Instructional Time

  10. 10 Per Pupil Funding: Public Schools in Ohio Akron Cincinnati Cleveland $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $19,320 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $16,034 $15,374 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,632 $8,296 $7,824 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 ACCEL's Turnaround Schools Cleveland Municipal City University Academy Akron Public Schools Riverside Academy Cincinnati Public Schools School District Source: Ohio Department of Education, FY 17 State/Local Revenue

  11. 11 ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools’ Results: Performance Index ACCEL's Turnaround Schools Performance Index 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 SY 15-16 SY 16-17 SY 17-18 Broadway Academy Chapelside Cleveland Academy East Academy HOPE Academy Northcoast HOPE Academy Northwest Lincoln Park Academy Riverside Academy University Academy West Park Academy Average Source: Ohio Department of Education

  12. ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools vs. Local School Districts SY 17-18 Value Added Composite Score SY 17-18 Performance Index Score Year-Over-Year Performance Index Change SY 16-17 to SY 17-18 5.0 120.0 10 3.0 9 3.0 100.0 8 1.0 7 80.0 66.8 6 58.9 -1.0 60.0 4.9 5 4 -3.0 40.0 3 2 -5.0 20.0 1.1 1 -5.9 -7.0 0 0.0 ACCEL's Turnaround District Average ACCEL's Turnaround District Average ACCEL's Turnaround District Average Schools Average (Akron, Cincinnati, and Schools Average (Akron, Cincinnati, and Schools Average (Akron, Cincinnati, and Cleveland) Cleveland) Cleveland) Source: Ohio Department of Education

  13. 13 Value Added: Four Year Trend SY 2014-2015 SY 2015-2016 SY 2016-2017 SY 2017-2018 (White Hat (ACCEL Schools) (ACCEL Schools) (ACCEL Schools) Management) Broadway Academy C A C B Chapelside Cleveland F D D C Academy East Academy F A A A HOPE Academy Northcoast F A A A HOPE Academy Northwest F A A A Lincoln Park Academy F C A A Riverside Academy F A A C University Academy F A A A West Park Academy F C B A Source: Ohio Department of Education

  14. 14 Value Added: Four Year Trend ACCEL's Turnaround Schools Overall Value Added 100% 89% 90% 80% 70% 67% 67% 67% Percentage of Schools 60% A A A 50% F 40% 30% 22% 22% 20% 11% C 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% C 10% B D C D B B F D F A B C D F 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% SY 14-15 SY 15-16 SY 16-17 SY 17-18 White Hat ACCEL Schools ACCEL Schools ACCEL Schools A B C D F Source: Ohio Department of Education

  15. 15 ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools’ Results: Value Added Ranking, SY 17 -18 Among Akron’s Public Schools: University Academy: University earned the 7 th highest Value Added score when compared to the 55 public schools in Akron. Among Cincinnati’s Public Schools: Riverside Academy: Riverside earned the 9 th highest Value Added score when compared to the 72 public schools in Cincinnati. Among Cleveland’s Public Schools: # 6 HOPE Academy Northwest # 9 Lincoln Park Academy # 11 HOPE Academy Northcoast All of ACCEL’s Turnaround Schools ranked in the top 35 # 13 East Academy when compared to the 116 K-8 th public schools in Cleveland. # 14 West Park Academy # 26 Broadway Academy # 35 Chapelside Cleveland Academy Source: Ohio Department of Education


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