
Education Didactic of Engineering Education Requirements on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr. Steffen Kersten Fakultt Erziehungswissenschaften Institut fr Berufspdagogik und Berufliche Didaktiken Teaching Methods in Engineering Education Didactic of Engineering Education Requirements on employees in structures of Socialization

  1. Dr. Steffen Kersten Fakultät Erziehungswissenschaften Institut für Berufspädagogik und Berufliche Didaktiken Teaching Methods in Engineering Education Didactic of Engineering Education

  2. Requirements on employees in structures of Socialization in professional and social life production and service Determine the content „Berufliche Handlungskompetenz“ „Majority“ "Employability" „ Mündigkeit“ Out of it be derived "Flexibility" "Learning" • philosophical positions • educational Didactic psychological Intentions regularities Methodical Procedure „Act - • sociological Theory“ insights • ... Folie 2

  3. Didactic-methodical design of engineering education external side internal side forms of organisation internal structuring (1) of vocational (1) didactic functions lessons/lectures (2) methodical procedure (2) of vocational learning (3) of vocational teaching Folie 3

  4. The Term: Teaching Method “System of rules, which defines classes of possible operational systems, which lead from certain starting conditions to a definite objective.” (Klaus, G; Buhr,M: Philosophisches Wörterbuch Bd.2. Leipzig 1996, S.717) “Method, therefore, is a logical structured step or sequence of operations of actions to achieve a definite objective…. Method is defined by the logic of the subject and the structure of the subject of its object and its contents respectively.” (Klingberg, L.: Einführung in die allgemeine Didaktik. 1974, S.279f) “Teaching methods are these forms and procedures through and with which teachers and students acquire their surrounding natural and social reality under institutionalized conditions.” (Meyer, H.: Unterrichtsmethoden Theorieband. Frankfurt a.M. 1987, S.45) Folie 4

  5. The e Method hod Aspect ect in in a Broad adly ly Inter erpreted preted Method hod Conc ncept pt Method aspect Examples Objective aspect (aimed at Methods for the development of skills, achievement characteristics and attitudes and beliefs behavioral characteristics of personality) Epistemological aspect Reductive and deductive methods, historic-genetic approach Aspect of the didactic function within Methods of introduction, consolidation, the process of imparting and practice, control acquisition Aspect of the interaction of pedagogical Methods of lecturing, demonstration, guidance by the teacher and self- teaching conversation, independent work activity by the learner of learners Aspect of the use of specific teaching Methods for the work with lecture books, aids programmed instruction aids Folie 5

  6. Term: rm: teaching ching method hod By teaching hing method od we describe a system of act orientations by the teacher to initiate learning acts with the aim of shaping personality traits, which are aimed at achieving competence of action. (in a defined area of action) Folie 6

  7. Example ample for in induc uctive ive method thod Thermal mal insulati ulation on insulating material example 1: thermal al insulati ulation on in Germany ny stonework 22°C 10°C vapor barrier example 1: thermal al insulati ulation on in Bangk gkok ok 22°C 35°C Vapor barriers have to put on the warm side of the insulating material. Folie 7

  8. Uges . I Example ample for in induc uctive ive method thod Subject: serial connection of resistances measuring of resistances (measuring of U-voltage and I-current) R2 R1 Uges . (R tot = ) I R 1 R 2 R tot. 10 30 40 generalisation 20 40 60 30 50 80 100 10 110 R 1 + R 2 = R tot. (designations in Ohm) Folie 8

  9. Inductiv uctive e Teaching aching Metho hod d (partic articular lar – general) neral) Analysis of several facts which are supposed to have a common regularity Emphasizing similar features in all facts. Between the features of a fact are essential connections Formulating the realization, that in all examined facts each feature exists because of the other one. Transferring this realization on all facts of the same type under the same conditions that is generalizing the relations between the features through induction. Rose, H.; Thomas, W.: Unterrichtsmethodik Elektrotechnik Berlin 1986 Folie 9

  10. Example ample for deduc ducti tive ve metho hod Thermal mal insulati ulation on insulating material stonework 10°C 22°C vapor barrier g water / m 3 air Why the Vapor barriers have to put on the warm side of the insulating material? satiableness Folie 10

  11. Uges . I Example ample for deduc ducti tive ve metho hod Subject: serial connection of resistances pre-condi onditio ions: ns: laws after Kirchhoff law after Ohm R1 R2 advisement U tot. = U 1 + U 2 I tot. = I 1 = I 2 U 1 U 2 U1 + U2 U tot U tot R tot. = = = I tot I I R2 R1 U1 U2 R tot. = + I I I 1 I 2 R tot. = R 1 + R 2 R 1 + R 2 = R tot. Folie 11

  12. Deduc ductive ive Teac aching hing Metho hod d (gen ener eral al - part rticu icular) lar) Problem or task description Establishing general statements or rules of which at least one has to refer to the relevant fact Step-by-step connection of the statements towards problem or task solution Formulating the final concluding sentence, in comparison with the posed aim If necessary, experimental corroboration of worked out finding Rose, H.; Thomas, W.: Unterrichtsmethodik Elektrotechnik Berlin 1986 Folie 12

  13. An Analyt lytic c Teaching aching Method thod (whole whole - part) rt) Example: Structure of the bacterial cell Starting from the bacterial cell as a whole, the teacher split the cell under the aspects of struc ucture ure and function ion in their parts: Components: the nucleus-equivalent, plasmids, cytoplasm, cytoplasmic membrane, cell envelope Folie 13

  14. Synthe theti tic c Teachi hing g Metho hod (part t - whole) e) Example: Programming a CNC machine - Manufacturing steps for producing a component - Characteristics of the individual production steps - Dependencies between the production steps - Sequence of manufacturing steps Transfer the structure into a CNC program Folie 14

  15. ways ys of cognit gnition ion under der the aspe pect ct of th the charac aracter ter of lo logic ical al conclusion nclusion Deductive (2) path of cognition Relation of logical consequence : example: 1) Petrol in my car is used up 2) The engine in my car stalls. 1) 2) W 1) W F W W F W F 2) F W W W W/F F F W Folie 15

  16. Logical cal equiva valence ce A) A triangel is equilateral (3 equal sides) B) A triangel has equal angels. Logica cal l antil ilog ogies es (1) All students are hard-working No student is hard-working (3) (4) Some students are not Some students are hard-working hard-working (2) Folie 16

  17. Logic gical al consequ nsequence ence - Dedu duct ctive ive path h of cognit gnition ion Beispiel 1: A1: In young sourdoughs, the dough is still not evenly interspersed with strong gas developers. (e.g. yeast) AND A2: Use of dough that is not evenly interspersed with strong gas developers leads to uneven pore structure in the pastry. LC: The use of young sourdoughs in bakery production leads to irregular pore structure in the pastry. Folie 17

  18. Logic gical al consequ nsequence ence - Dedu duct ctive ive way y of cognit gnition ion Beispiel 2: A1: The use of young sourdoughs in bakery production leads to irregular pore structure in the pastry. AndUND A2: Young sourdoughs is used for bread making. LC: The bread has an irregular pore structure. Folie 18

  19. Deductiv ductive e (II) ) Teaching aching metho hode de Deduction duction : initial statements concluding statement thought-process (Premise) (conclusion) Using logical reasoning The deductive proceeding in class is characterized by the logically consistent deduction of the realization from true initial statements. Folie 19

  20. Redu ductiv ctive e Teachin aching g method hod Reduction duction : initial statements thought-process final statement(s) (Premise) Using non-logical reasoning (work with hypotheses) The reductive proceeding in class ist characterized by the development and confirmation of hypotheses. Folie 20

  21. Example ample for regres gressi siv-reductiv eductive e method thod  Initial al point nt: : f fusion ion Chrysler ler – Fiat • example is characteristical for actual economic development What t are the reasons ons fort these e econom onomic ic conc ncent entration ation proces esses es?  Discussion about the implications for the company marketing  fortification of marketing potency, prevention of competition, independent price formation, production  expedient division of labour, coordination of research, rationalization of capital equipment capital  self-financing through profit-shifting, financial independence material  discount, self furnisher personnel  exchange of experts  Implication fort he company if it dosn’t expand: danger of competitive capacity Seite: 9

  22. Example ample for regres gressi siv-reductiv eductive e method thod  proces esses es of econom onomic ic conc ncent entrat ration ion are neces essar ary for companies mpanies to save e their internat rnational ional competit petitive ive capac acity ty (hypot pothesi hesis)  formation of big corporates, syndicates and cartels Seite: 10


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