
Education Special Populations ED Garcia, CTE Specialist Barbara - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Career and Technical Education Special Populations ED Garcia, CTE Specialist Barbara Gonzales, Specialist Region One Education Service Center Region One Education Service Center (956)

  1. Career and Technical Education Special Populations ED Garcia, CTE Specialist Barbara Gonzales, Specialist Region One Education Service Center Region One Education Service Center (956) 984-6243 (956) 984-6154

  2. Focus Objectives:  Introduction to career and technical education  CTE and special populations  Role of Career Technical Teacher

  3. What is CTE? Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners . In total, about 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE across the nation. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by  Introducing them to workplace competencies,  Making academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.

  4. Huffington Post Quote: “For all students and students with disabilities in particular, CTE programs offer more than an opportunity to learn a marketable trade. Enrolling in these programs can also make it more likely that students will complete the academic requirements necessary to graduate from high school”. “Across the country approximately one in five students who participate in CTE has a disability compared to around one in 10 in traditional high schools. Prior work indicates that students with disabilities who enroll in CTE are more likely to be employed as adults and once employed, earn higher wages. This is likewise true for students without disabilities.” “enrolling in a CTE program need not mean letting go of hopes for post - secondary education for students with disabilities .” disabil_b_3767522.html

  5. Special Education & CTE  Over 25% of the more than 500,000 special education students in Texas go through career and technical education classes every year  Studies have shown that students with disabilities who participate in CTE greatly increase their chances for postsecondary success in academia and employment

  6. Definition of Special Populations  In an instructional setting a learner is “at risk” when his/her special needs require some kind of individual intervention in order to successfully participate in the learning process.

  7. Serving Students with Special Needs  The purpose of CTE programs is to enable students to gain entry-level employment in a high-skill, high-wage job and/or to continue their education.  Given this, students with special needs are often placed in CTE classes to give them the best chance of gainful employment or moving on to higher education.  While CTE programs have demonstrated a great deal of success in achieving post-secondary goals for their students, teachers continue to face difficulties in adequately serving students with special needs due to inexperience and training in the area of special education.

  8. Students from Special Populations…..  Require assistance  Support services  Differentiated teaching techniques  Goal of achieving same educational opportunities as overall student population  Graduate  Academic success  Prepared for transitions in their life (i.e. adulthood, post-secondary education, etc.)

  9. Lack of Appropriate Interventions  At Risk Students will:  Fail to achieve his/her full potential  High risk of truancy or dropping out  Not ready to fully participate in society as a competent, productive, and caring adult

  10. CTE Special Population Needs Assessment  Four Critical Areas 1. Legal Issues 2. Transition Assessment 3. Instructional Strategies 4. Classroom and Behavior Management

  11. Legal Issues: Legislation

  12. Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 – Defines Special Populations:  Individuals with Disabilities  Economically Disadvantaged Including Foster Children and Students Receiving PELL Grants Individuals Preparing for Nontraditional Fields   Single Parents Including Unmarried Parents and Single Pregnant Women  Displaced Homemakers  Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

  13. Perkins Definitions: Special Populations Displaced Homemaker - A student who has been dependent on the  income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income and has diminished workforce skills. Economically Disadvantaged - A student who is eligible for financial  aid, pubic need-based assistance, or identifies his/her income as below the federal poverty level (includes Foster Children). Non-traditional Student - A student who is training for an  occupation where fewer than 25% of the workers are of the student’s gender. Learner with a Disability - A student who has a physical or mental  impairment that substantially limits one or more of the individual’s major life activities. Single Parent - A student who is unmarried or legally separated and  has custody or joint custody of a minor child or children. Limited English Proficient Learner (LEP) - A student who comes  from environments where a language other than English is dominant.

  14. IDEA (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004)  Designed to protect the rights of students with disabilities by ensuring that everyone receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of ability  Strives not only to grant equal access to students with disabilities, but also to provide additional special education services and procedural safeguards

  15. IDEA  Autism Blindness  Deaf-Blindness  Other Health Impairments  Deaf ADD/ADHD  Diabetes   Emotional Disturbance Asthma   Hearing Impairment Heart Condition   Mental Retardation Anemia  Lead Poisoning   Multiple Disabilities Epilepsy   Orthopedic Impairment Hemophilia  Leukemia  Other Health Impairment   Specific Learning disabilities  Speech or Language Impairments  Traumatic Bain Injury  Visual Impairment Including

  16. Potential Characteristics – Special Population Students Immature Short Attention Span   Poor Reading Skills Frequent Absences   Poor Math Skills Frequent Tardiness   Poor Language Skills Resents Authority   Poor Social Skills Inability to Work in a Team   Situation Impulsive  No Positive Role Models  Negative Self-Concept  Poor Personal Hygiene  Low Motivation  Problems with the Law  History of Failure  Drug, Alcohol, Substance  Low Level of Aspiration  Abuse Behavior Problems 

  17. Students Protected Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973  ADHD  Communicable Diseases  Temporary Disabilities (i.e. accidents, short term hospitalization, homebound recovery)  Migraine Headaches  Allergies or Asthma  Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease  Drug Addicted or Alcoholic  Environmental Illness  Orthopedic, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis  Visual, Speech, Hearing Impairment

  18. Transition Assessment  Become familiar with the components of transition assessment and methods to match program competencies with student ability  Importance of transition plan at the age of 16 as required by IDEA (State of Texas: Age of 14)  Tools of formal assessment – interests, aptitudes, personality traits and other career-related affective/employability skills

  19. Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD)  Attend the ARD meetings  Ask committee members key questions  Be aware that such issues as instructional aide can be provided for at the meeting  Consider signing the Individualized Education Program (IEP) document on the back if not satisfied about the program or are concerned with lack of acquaintance with the child

  20. IEP (Individual Education Plan)  Mandated by IDEA  Comprehensive evaluation of the student's educational needs at least once every 3 years  Identifies the student's current level of educational performance; measurable goals and objectives; special education, related services, and other accommodations to be provided  extent of participation with nondisabled students  Specifies how the student's progress will be measured, how parents will be informed of progress, and the extent of modification in state- and districtwide tests.  Includes a statement of transition services to prepare a student for leaving school  Modifications and accommodations are listed

  21. Appropriate Class Placement & Success  Learn about informal assessments  Questionnaire – Parent & student  To ensure appropriate placement in your classes:  Attend the ARD/IEP meeting  Carry a detailed program description  Consider preparing a Basic Skills Inventory Checklist

  22. How Do I Measure Student Success?  To ensure that students have acquired all competencies:  Identify exit points  Use standards based evaluations  Create a comprehensive program skills inventory

  23. Instructional Strategies  Appropriate use of accommodations and modifications for blended classrooms  Become familiar with blended classrooms  Learn how to identify multiple modalities or learning styles in your classroom  Select appropriate instructional strategies


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