Education Group Some things about us …
Facts & figures Based in Linz Founded in 2011 Wholly owned subsidiary of the government of Upper Austria 58 employees 4 departments & 5 staff units
Who we are … Centre for innovation in education with longtime expertise in pedagogics, technology and media
Edugroup & projects Involvement in projects for the MoE, educational board of Upper Austria, European Commission ,… Projects focus on… … media in schools … science and technology … career orientation … tools for evaluation … and much more
Edugroup and young refugees Subject portal on German as a second language and intercultural learning More than 120 learning packages for gaining and improving basic vocabulary including print materials, online exercises ,… „ Philou & Du“ Materials for improving media and language competence (mostly intended for younger children) Multilingual: German, English, Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Romanian, Albanian, Turkish, Arabic Presentations & lectures on migration, refugees, interculturality ,…
Wertekompass OÖ Guidelines for values education in kindergartens and schools Contents: Humanistic view of mankind Legal equality, tolerance, respect Personal freedom, responsibility, solidarity Maturity & democracy Stability of the law and rule-of-law state Willingness to learn and cultural encounters Man and nature
YouRNI – our hopes for the next 3 years Close cooperation with representatives of countries who are affected by the refugee situation Exchange of best practices in working with refugees and in using tablets in education new methodology Partners from Germany and Switzerland DaZ-materials! Higher visibility of Edugroup‘s work Experiences and information/materials collected in the project can be used to enhance the repositories we are providing to schools
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