education group

Education Group Some things about us Facts & figures Based in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education Group Some things about us Facts & figures Based in Linz Founded in 2011 Wholly owned subsidiary of the government of Upper Austria 58 employees 4 departments & 5 staff units Who we are Centre for

  1. Education Group Some things about us …

  2. Facts & figures  Based in Linz  Founded in 2011  Wholly owned subsidiary of the government of Upper Austria  58 employees  4 departments & 5 staff units

  3. Who we are …  Centre for innovation in education with longtime expertise in pedagogics, technology and media

  4. Edugroup & projects  Involvement in projects for the MoE, educational board of Upper Austria, European Commission ,…  Projects focus on…  … media in schools  … science and technology  … career orientation  … tools for evaluation  … and much more 

  5. Edugroup and young refugees  Subject portal on German as a second language and intercultural learning  More than 120 learning packages for gaining and improving basic vocabulary including print materials, online exercises ,…  „ Philou & Du“  Materials for improving media and language competence (mostly intended for younger children)  Multilingual: German, English, Bosnian-Croatian- Serbian, Romanian, Albanian, Turkish, Arabic  Presentations & lectures on migration, refugees, interculturality ,…

  6. Wertekompass OÖ  Guidelines for values education in kindergartens and schools  Contents:  Humanistic view of mankind  Legal equality, tolerance, respect  Personal freedom, responsibility, solidarity  Maturity & democracy  Stability of the law and rule-of-law state  Willingness to learn and cultural encounters  Man and nature

  7. YouRNI – our hopes for the next 3 years   Close cooperation with representatives of countries who are affected by the refugee situation  Exchange of best practices in working with refugees and in using tablets in education  new methodology  Partners from Germany and Switzerland  DaZ-materials!  Higher visibility of Edugroup‘s work  Experiences and information/materials collected in the project can be used to enhance the repositories we are providing to schools

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