ecoregion placemaking approach

Ecoregion Placemaking Approach - The living open access model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Climate Change Adaptation & Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach - The living open access model provides interchangeable elements for a worldwide economy of knowledge to its users. May 12, 2015 Charles M. Beck,

  1. Climate Change Adaptation & Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach - The living open access model provides interchangeable elements for a worldwide economy of knowledge to its users. May 12, 2015 Charles M. Beck, Urban/Environmental Planner, Synthesis Three,

  2. Framework: Synthesis by Design Ten Synthesis Principles Intent: EcoCivilization One Planet, One Ecosystem, One Civilization, Many Neighborhoods…

  3. Synthesis defined… The Synthesis Principle: A synthesis can be created by asking …. “What if?” an action, a place…

  4. Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation Placemaking … Premise:  All sites are habitats governed by Stewardship.  Placemaking is a conscious making of a place. Placemaking can be a transformative and sustainable science and art .

  5. Placemaking within the ecological humanity: Questions and Concerns What are the similarities between social and ecological systems? What are the basics such as matter, energy, space, time and information, connectivity, processes , exchanges and flows that exist within the social and the ecological systems? How are the systems interconnected through these similarities? When and how are these basics influenced by each system when they interface and are blended for sustainability? What commons pattern language can be formed from this for planetary development?  Prime concern is how can an understanding of these basics be communicated with the various members of the earth’s society to further equitable planetary development for an “ecological humanity” ?

  6. Thesis: Develop an Ecoregion Placemaking Interchangeability Mode l Thesis Question: Can a model for Social-Ecological Ecoregion Placemaking be developed from a synthesis framework for duplication at similar ecoregions on the planet? The Ecoregion Model Approach :  Provide options and interchangeability  Synthesize & develop off the shelf concepts, plans, blueprints, components, parts, etc. applicable to a specific Ecoregion.  Develop as an economy of knowledge by providing open access to accumulated knowledge to avoid reinventing the wheel.  Apply the baseline 10 Synthesis Principles

  7. The search for a common ground - common language : - Establish an intent for a common ground through a Pattern language. - Develop with interchangeability in mind. - Develop a pattern language algorithm (?). - Unite through an open access Knowledge Management system. e.g.

  8. Placemaking is a System of Systems (S0S) SOS Placemaking Basics: Setting the project footprint  What are the shapes, forms, and patterns of adaptation and transformation within the project footprint?  Ask what are the: Efficient, sufficient, appropriate, compatible means for implementation? - Who, what, when, where, why, how much and how many? - How and what is and can be connected ?  Outline methods, components, devices, equitable means to implement and maintain a Social-Ecological corridor.  Goal: Create Ecoregion Development Guidelines from S0S

  9. A Synthesis of System of Systems (S0S) to integrate patterns:  Climate & extreme weather forecasts  Ecoregions – watershed envelope  Ecology  Transects – Corridor  Social – Ecology Stewardship  Habitats  Infrastructure  Ecoinfrastructue  Governance  Urban form  Social systems & values  Technology  Circular economics  Knowledge management  Open access providers

  10. Placemaking assessments: considerations for the human social component … A social ecology of placemaking is one that enables value creation through the blending of risk management and human value drivers under the umbrella of S ocial-Ecological Stewardship .  Understand the language of beliefs, fears, nostalgia, aspirations, and heart as shared value drivers of the human within Ecobased places. Define the social contract .

  11. A Pattern Language: Many patterns form a language. The mix of Ecoregion Connect Coupled elements form uses patterns within Project site Branches footprints.

  12. A commons knowledge and a Pattern Language Definition: Pattern Language  A language develops by looking for patterns, shapes, and associations fundamental for achieving a common ground of, thinking, communications, and application. The language is evolutionary in the aspect that it develops forms, structure, grows, changes, adapts and transforms.  A social, planning and design language  Why a pattern language? To be able to communicate at multiple scales through a system of systems language .  Also part of the question of does one size fit all? Examples of the pattern language quest:

  13. A grouping of the pattern language concepts : Nature Shapes Flow Cycles Growth Function Branching Patterns Transform Information Matter Space Time Energy Circuits Close Capture Open Measure store Feedback Infrastructure Input Store Distribute Regulate Collect Appropriate Use Scales Output Efficiency Sufficient Infrastructure Integrate Node Container Channel Surface Decentralize Blending Patterns Function Networks Centralize Interface/ Branches coupling Ecosystems Patches Cycles Resources Corridors Nutrients

  14. Vernacular Matrix : A Typology PLANNING SITE ARCHITECTURAL MATERIALS DEVICES CONTEXT FEATURES ACTIVE/PASSIVE Envelop design, edge Proportionality ratio, design with nature URBAN DESIGN & treatment Public participation, population & resource HOUSING projections, open space, public and private space, infill, incentives, housing rehab. Traffic calming, narrow Round-abouts, narrow lanes, medium Cobbles at intersections, TRANSPORTATION Connectivity, trail system, streets, transit stations, with landscaping street plan, integrated land pedestrian sheds uses, traffic noise impacts & CIRCULATION Site orientation Sunken patios, Movable shading devices, lattice ENERGY USE & General Plan Energy air ponding spacing, window fenestration Element, weatherization CONSERVATION programs, energy audits Financial incentives for conservation, low impact development (LID), meter retrofit program Mixed use development, Distribution, recycling INDUSTRY & landfill cycle planning ECONOMY Financial incentives for Soil storage Permeable pavers Tank storage, leak reduction, low-flush WATER SUPPLY & conservation, low impact toilets development (LID), meter CONSERVATION retrofit program Desert eco-regions Connectivity, ecological BIODIVERSITY & footprint ECOLOGY Soli Conditioning AGRICULTURE Permaculture Public open space RECREATION City wide recycling program, Drop-off stations Trash enclosures BYPRODUCTS composting program Impacts, Resilience, Safe place design, Pedestrian pockets, courtyards, windows Plants,colors Sidewalks 6’ – 8’, park benches, shading adaptation measures, walkable environment, overlooking parks devices demographics, social equity, reduced setbacks SOCIAL ECOLOGY “healthy community” Health Impact de sign, “The Nature -Human assessments Blend” Carrying capacity, social Closely spaced units, Compact geometry High-heat capacity materials High reflectivity structures ECOLOGY & density subterranean construction ANTHROPOLOGY

  15. DEVICES: Vernacular SITE ARCHITECT ACTIVE Matrix PLANNING FEATURES MATERIALS CONTEXT Typology PASSIVE Envelope design, edge treatment  Standards & URBAN DESIGN & Specifications HOUSING Site orientation  Best Practices  Performance Solar Standards & ENERGY USE & Measurements CONSERVATION  Social-Ecological Connectivity, ecological Development footprint Indicators BIODIVERSITY & Safe place design,  Designs ECOLOGY walkable environment,  Plans reduced setbacks, carbon sinks SOCIAL ECOLOGY

  16. Site Patterns: Microcaptures = small scale resource management Incorporation of Resource-Element Microcapture within a site: - Capturing air, energy (solar), water in small amounts: - Microcapture components of circuits exist throughout the site and add to the overall site element equations for collection and use. Occurrences: Design for drops in elevations, angles, joining, flows, funneling, surfaces. - Micro capture can be obtained by incorporating structure, devices, design features, angles, elevations, etc.

  17. - Ecoregion Social-Ecological Placemaking as an approach to planetary transformations -A Social-Ecological pattern language is identified and designed for corridor development applications

  18. Development Overlay Implementation: Planning in incremental stages for transformation considering current and possible materials, technologies, adaptive ecologies , resource conservation, social and economic networks. - Developing Overlay codes: Oasis Centers “All sites are habitat governed by stewardship .” e.g. 1. Infrastructure: a. Energy Through b. Water Connected Polycentric c. Transportation Circuits: d. Information Governance e. Social f. Eco


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