economic stimulus technology transfer from federal labs

Economic Stimulus: Technology Transfer from Federal Labs Perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Economic Stimulus: Technology Transfer from Federal Labs Perspective from a DOE & DHS National Laboratory management & operations contractor Sponsored by the American Chemical Society Science & The Congress Project Brett R. Bosley

  1. Economic Stimulus: Technology Transfer from Federal Labs Perspective from a DOE & DHS National Laboratory management & operations contractor Sponsored by the American Chemical Society Science & The Congress Project Brett R. Bosley Vice President / Technology Commercialization & Economic Development Battelle Memorial Institute / 614-424-7397 1

  2. Contractors help deliver scientific & economic out- comes from the Nation’s greatest scientific institutions • Battelle is chartered by the Will of Gordon Battelle as a non-profit, charitable trust to provide “ the greatest good to humanity ” DOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory DOE Idaho National Laboratory • Long history of innovation & commercialization, notable Xerography • Battelle Ventures: affiliated $220MM fund for technology commercialization DOE Lawrence Livermore Nat’l Laboratory DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory • Battelle Technology Partnership Practice: global tech-based economic develop- ment consulting • Strategic intent: To be a major force in scientific discovery and technology DHS National Biodefense Analysis and DOE Brookhaven National Laboratory Countermeasures Center development and in the translation of knowledge into innovative applications that have significant societal and economic impact in order to be a benefactor for education and charitable enterprises. DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory UK National Nuclear Laboratory 2

  3. U.S. global lead in R& D is a strong basis for tech transfer & innovation for economic grow th Source: Battelle, R&D Magazine, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, CIA World Factbook, OECD, NSF 3

  4. Tech transfer at DOE labs has multiple modes and strong record of successes that Battelle seeks to replicate Serendipitous technology transfer from mission-driven research Basic & applied research oriented toward eventual tech transfer • Advanced alloys and • Micropower Impulse materials RADAR • “Fills a critical gap in private • Outgrowth of the world's sector R&D capacity” fastest solid-state digitizer, - Carpenter Steel designed to measure sub- nanosecond events generated • Licensees include Caterpillar by fusion experiments on the and DuPont LLNL's Nova laser • A hallmark of DOE National • 11 licensees, e.g., GE Laboratory capabilities Technology transfer with large economic return on research Technology transfer directly from unique “big science” user facilities • Drug target • Efficient Oil Burner characterization Systems • Protein structures determined at • Award-winning industry National Synchrotron Light collaboration for tech transfer Source and Spallation Neutron (Honeywell, B&W, Source provide bases for design ConEdison, etc) of new drugs • Large commercial & societal • Since 1980, this research has value from machines only resulted in estimated savings accessible at national scale of over $25 billion in fuel (also doing basic science) costs to U.S. consumers 4

  5. Contractors have important role to support tech transfer acceleration initiatives from DOE & labs Supporting small Creating a Translational Engaging business & job supportive culture initiatives & proof- industry creation for tech transfer of-concept centers • Agreements for • Startup America • Strong support of • Facility examples: Commercializing DOE HQ (esp. TT ORNL’s Carbon Technology Coordinator) & Fiber Technology • Kieretsu engage- Laboratory leader- • Receptivity & ment network Center & Mfg ship (incl Nat’l Lab response to public anchored by LLNL Demonstration Directors’ Council) feedback re: more Facility; NREL contemporary • Educating Process Develop- • DOE HQ support contracting terms scientists about for entrepreneurial ment & Integration beneficial role of • Energy Innovation environment Laboratory; LLNL intellectual Portal Open Space property 5


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