ecen 5022 cryptography

ECEN 5022 Cryptography Elementary Algebra and Number Theory Peter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n ECEN 5022 Cryptography Elementary Algebra and Number Theory Peter Mathys University of Colorado Spring 2008 Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of

  1. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n ECEN 5022 Cryptography Elementary Algebra and Number Theory Peter Mathys University of Colorado Spring 2008 Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  2. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Divisibility, Primes ◮ Definition. N denotes the set { 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . } of natural numbers and Z denotes the set of integers { . . . , − 2 , − 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . } . R denotes the real numbers and C denotes the complex numbers. ◮ Definition. The integer n is divisible by the integer d , denoted by d | n , if a , d = n for some integer a . ◮ Definition. A positive integer p , p > 1, is called a prime if it is divisible only by ± p and ± 1. Any integer greater than 1 which is not prime is called composite . ◮ Theorem. (Euclid, 300 B.C.) There are infinitely many primes. ◮ Proof. Assume that the set of primes is finite, e.g., { p 1 , p 2 , . . . , p n } . Then the integer N = 1 + p 1 p 2 · · · p n is not divisible by any of the primes p 1 , . . . p n . Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  3. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Prime Numbers ◮ Between any two primes there can be arbitrarily large gaps. For instance, the sequence n ! + 2 , n ! + 3 , . . . n ! + n contains n − 1 consecutive composite numbers. ◮ Definition. The prime counting function π ( x ) is defined by π ( x ) = |{ p prime | p ≤ x }| , i.e., π ( x ) is equal to the number of primes less than or equal to x . ◮ Example: π (50) = 15 since 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 , 29 , 31 , 37 , 41 , 43 , 47 are all primes p ≤ 50. ◮ Prime Number Theorem . (Hadamard, de la Vall´ ee Poussin, 1896) π ( x ) satisfies π ( x ) ln( x ) x lim = 1 = ⇒ π ( x ) ≈ ln x . x x →∞ Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  4. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Example ◮ Using π ( x ) ≈ x / ln x , the number of primes with n decimal digits is n ( n − 1) 10 n − 1 log 10 e ≈ 10 n 9 n − 1 π (10 n ) − π (10 n − 1 ) ≈ 3 n . ◮ Approximate numerical values are π (10 n ) − π (10 n − 1 ) n bits ≈ 3 . 5 × 10 36 38 128 ≈ 5 . 9 × 10 74 77 256 ≈ 3 . 9 × 10 97 100 332 ≈ 3 . 4 × 10 151 154 512 ≈ 1 . 9 × 10 305 308 1024 ≈ 1 . 7 × 10 613 617 2048 ◮ As can be seen, there is no shortage for the number of primes with n digits. Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  5. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Greatest Common Divisor ◮ Definition: The greatest common divisor of two integers n 1 and n 2 , denoted gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ), is the largest positive integer that divides both n 1 and n 2 . ◮ Definition: If gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) = 1, then n 1 and n 2 are said to be relatively prime . ◮ Example: Fermat’s (little) theorem states that for p prime p | ( a p − 1 − 1) , if gcd ( a , p ) = 1 , e.g., 5 divides 3 4 − 1 = 80, or 7 divides 2 6 − 1 = 63. ◮ Definition: The least common multiple of two integers n 1 and n 2 , denoted lcm ( n 1 , n 2 ), is the smallest positive integer divisible by both n 1 and n 2 . Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  6. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Division Algorithm ◮ Theorem: Division Algorithm . Given a pair of integers, c and d � = 0, there is a unique pair of integers q and r , called quotient and remainder , such that c = q · d + r , 0 ≤ r < | d | . ◮ Proof: Assume that there are two solutions, i.e., c = q 1 · d + r 1 = q 2 · d + r 2 , with 0 ≤ r 1 < | d | and 0 ≤ r 2 < | d | . Thus, ( q 1 − q 2 ) · d = r 2 − r 1 and −| d | < r 2 − r 1 < | d | . But since r 2 − r 1 must be a multiple of d , this implies that r 2 − r 1 = 0. Since d � = 0, this also implies that q 1 − q 2 = 0 and thus q and r are unique. QED Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  7. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Remainders ◮ Definition: The notation r = R d ( c ) , means that r is the remainder of c when divided by d . ◮ Note: Another notation that is often used in connection with remainders is r ≡ c (mod d ) . This means that “ r is congruent to c modulo d ”. In this case 0 ≤ r < | d | is not guaranteed and thus r is not unique. For example, 9 ≡ 16 (mod 7) as well as 2 ≡ 16 (mod 7). ◮ Theorem: Computations with remainders satisfy � � (i) R d ( a + b ) = R d R d ( a ) + R d ( b ) . � � (ii) R d ( a · b ) = R d R d ( a ) · R d ( b ) . ◮ Proof: Left as an exercise. Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  8. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Euclid’s Algorithm ◮ Euclid’s Algorithm . The greatest common divisor, gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ), of two integers n 1 , n 2 , n 2 � = 0, is computed by repeated application of the division algorithm as follows: n 1 = q 2 n 2 + n 3 n 2 = q 3 n 3 + n 4 . . . 0 ≤ n i +1 < | n i | n m − 2 = q m − 1 n m − 1 + n m n m − 1 = q m n m + 0 . The process stops when a zero remainder is obtained. The last nonzero remainder is the desired result, i.e., gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) = n m . ◮ Proof: Sketch. Use the fact that gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) = gcd ( n 1 + kn 2 , n 2 ), for any integer k . Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  9. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Euclid’s Extended Algorithm ◮ Corollary: For any integers n 1 and n 2 � = 0 there exist integers a and b such that gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) = a n 1 + b n 2 . That is, gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) can be expressed as a linear combination of n 1 and n 2 . ◮ Proof: Use Euclid’s algorithm, starting with the last equation and work backwards to the first equation, to compute n m − 2 − q m − 1 n m − 1 gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) = n m = n m − 1 = n m − 3 − q m − 2 n m − 2 . . . n 1 − q 2 n 2 . n 3 = Then successively eliminate all the intermediate remainders n m − 1 , n m − 2 , . . . , n 3 , to obtain gcd ( n 1 , n 2 ) as a linear combination of n 1 and n 2 with integer coefficients. QED Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  10. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Eu lid's Algorithm ST AR T for g d Initialize 2 i 1 ; 0 a b 1 1 0 ; 1 a b 2 2 Input n ; n 1 2 n � i � 1 � q n i n n q n i +1 i � 1 � i no y es = 0 ? n i +1 Output n ; a ; b i i i + 1 = g d ( n ) i i n ; n i 1 2 = + a n b n i 1 i 2 a a q a i i � 2 � i � 1 STOP b b q b i i � 2 � i � 1 Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  11. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Groups, Rings, Fields ◮ Over the reals R (or rationals Q or complex number C ) one can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. ◮ Over the integers Z one can add, subtract, and multiply. ◮ Group: Set of mathematical objects for which “addition” and “subtraction” are defined. ◮ Ring: Set of mathematical objects for which “addition” , “subtraction” and “multiplication” are defined. ◮ Field: Set of mathematical objects for which “addition” , “subtraction” , “multiplication” and “division” are defined. ◮ Note: “addition” , “subtraction” , “multiplication” and “division” are not necessarily the usual ‘+’, ‘ − ’, ‘ × ’ and ‘ ÷ ’. Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  12. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Some Definitions ◮ Definition: A set S is an arbitrary collection of elements, without any predefined operations between the set elements. ◮ Definition: The cardinality |S| of a set S is the number of objects in the set. |S| can be finite , countably infinite , or uncountably infinite . ◮ Examples: The set of tea cups in a kitchen cabinet is a finite set. The set Q of rational numbers is countably infinite. The set R of real numbers is uncountably infinite. Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  13. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Axioms Let S denote a set of mathematical objects. For any a , b , c ∈ S define the following axioms: (A.1) a + b ∈ S Closure wrt + (A.2) a + ( b + c ) = ( a + b ) + c = a + b + c Associativity wrt + (A.3) a + 0 = 0 + a = a , 0 ∈ S Identity element wrt + (A.4) a + ( − a ) = ( − a ) + a = 0 , ( − a ) ∈ S Inverse element wrt + (A.5) a + b = b + a Commutativity wrt + (B.1) a · b ∈ S Closure wrt · (B.2) a · ( b · c ) = ( a · b ) · c = a · b · c Associativity wrt · (B.3) a · 1 = 1 · a = a , 1 ∈ S−{ 0 } Identity element wrt · (B.4) a · ( a − 1 )=( a − 1 ) · a = 1 , a , ( a − 1 ) ∈ S−{ 0 } Inverse element wrt · (B.5) a · b = b · a Commutativity wrt · (C.1) ( a + b ) · c = a · c + b · c Distributivity Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography

  14. Primes Groups, Rings, Fields Ring of Integers Modulo n Groups, Rings, Fields ◮ Depending on the subset of axioms that are satisfied the following arithmetic systems are defined: Axioms satisfied Name (A.1) . . . (A.4) Group (A.1) . . . (A.4),(A.5) Commutative Group (A.1) . . . (A.5),(B.1) . . . (B.3),(C.1) Ring with Identity (A.1) . . . (A.5),(B.1) . . . (B.3),(B.5),(C.1) Commutative Ring with Identity (A.1) . . . (A.5),(B.1) . . . (B.5),(C.1) Field ◮ Note: Commutative groups (rings, fields) are also called Abelian groups (rings, fields) in honor of Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829). Peter Mathys ECEN 5022 Cryptography


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