Early Twentieth-Century Fiction e20fic19.blogs.rutgers.edu Prof. Andrew Goldstone (andrew.goldstone@rutgers.edu) Office hours: Murray 019, Thursdays 11:30–1:30 or by appointment September 19, 2019. Woolf (2).
review: Woolf’s own “modern” fiction ▶ “let us record the atoms as they fall” ▶ interruptions and parataxis ▶ stream of consciousness and interior monologue ▶ “no plot, no comedy, no tragedy, no love interest” ▶ then again: “the light in the heart” ▶ “to contrive means of being free” ▶ the “Woolves” and their Hogarth Press ▶ the psychological subject matter ▶ the resistance to the “real”…
Privy Council in Irelanf. � Table of Precedency. 104 Щ)е ILort lieutenant anï JIJÍ0 jnajeetg'ja honourable in ïrflanîj. ttounetl EAIIL OF ABERDEEN, His Excellency JOHN CAMPBELL, к.т., G.M.P., G.C.M.G., of Irelatid, Lord LÚ'Uti4Ktnt'Oenfral and Gsnfrai Gorvntor U.K.». of \Valu.4. Lord Atkinson. t U»G Prince ^Viltlam Drennan Andrews Lord Hemphill. H. H.H. tho Dude of Ctmiumght. Sir David llama. Lord Pirrie, .-Sir Rcnry Campbell -Bann erman. "íeorKo Wvndham. Augustine íiirrell fC'hitf Ar. Л Tho Lord Chancellor� Sir William ken ВЯШПШ Hedge* Куге Chatterton (ficv-Ch,), Jonathan Hogg. Walkor. Bt. I':illc.if/,(/. f'A. Ibiron). Diiku of Devonshire. CbrfitOpbM John ROMS {�Iv.tltff). Duke of Abercorn. Gerald KitzOibbon (Lont Jmticc). Mir Hunrr AiiKustiis Robinson. Huiirv Brnen. Marques« of tjondonderry. Frodericfc Wrench. Win. Moore Johnson (Judge K.K.J, Sir Autour Patrick MacDonnell. ManfaeMOf Ormonde. Sir George Otto Trevely.'in, Karl of Westinoîith- Ifcu-t. Sir John Charlea íteady Colomb. Karl of Mcatli. Sir Aiitirew Marshall Porter, liart. 'Пк'иихя Andruw«. Walter II nine Long, Earl of Fingall. .Sir WiUbiu Hart U.vke, Hart. Karl of M:ivu. Hugh Holm«» /£un/ Jnieiwi. .lame« Brrcc. Karl of Knie. John Morley. Sir Frederick Richard Falkincr. Karl of Bclnioro. John Young. юл Henry Мп.ччеп (^iinpUtll. Karl of Dmnmm and Mount Karl. Arthur James Half our. Sir Kowland Bíirt. ЕЙШВвГЬМВК. Earl of Ranfurly. John Goorgo (iibson f'/ittfy Sir Patrick UolL Karl Roberts. y$. ). Sir Rodvern II. Huiler, Richanl Robert >'ùr. Clierry. Sir Henry Her\4'V Bnicu, Sir Francis Viscount Wolseley. Bart. K. W. MaunoghU'ii, Bnrt. Viscount St. Aldwyn. Sir JoHnfa West 'Hi'lKUWay. Alexander M. Carlisle. Dodgfinn H. MîuliUm fJiubffJ, Lord Clonbroek. Robert Young. Tlioni;w If it were not for Whitaker’s Almanack!—if it were not for the Table of Lord Adiboarop. Lord. O'Iïrbn (Ы. С JJ, Alexander Dickson. Gerald W. Balfuur. %rt Lord Allerton. Thomas Sinclair. o/ fte Cvuncil, Sir Jamen В. Sir Kdward Lord Barrvmore. Henry Caraon. Dougherty, C.B. (Dublin Castle). Precedency! (88) Lord Onmfcll. Ilion. Sir Hortwo Curzoii Plnnkctt. fmbers of the Privy Council of Ireland, like those of England, are addressed as The E: i . I . i Honourable. of {Table Vire -Olí nmbcrlain of Но The Sovereign. Member- 5th Ola« of the Royal :crctariea oí Ht^te under The Prince of Walen. Vietorian Order. i ounger Sons of tbe vounger 8сли of liaron. of the Sovereign. Grandisone Brothers. Viwoimts' elüc-et Sone. of Реегв. Bovereicn'« Earln' уочпдег Sons. youncer Копя. Sovereign's Uncle«. TîarunetH' liaron«' eldest Younger Sonn of Knights in the e&me Sovereign's Nephews. Кчпн. __ light« of the (iarU'r if < ЛтЬаввааогв. 'orninoniin». onh-r as tbeir Tftthei-s. Privy Councillor* if of no higher rank. Naval, Milit-M ,. and other Eequirei Archbishop of Canterbury. Chancellor of tbe Exeho<iuer. Lord High Chancellor. by Office. Chuiiccllorof tin? IhK-hy of [ЛМНЙК ArohMshoi» of York. Lurd Chief Jmlice of England. ЛУотеп Utke the »une rank ne theii Prime Minister. liitnb:iiidn or an their eldest brothei-я ¡ Mnstur of the RolU. bird Cliitneollor »f Ireland. it the daughter of a Peor mnrrying The Lonlti Jtieticee of At>j>cal and л of the ООШНШ* Tx>nl President immuner retniíiH her title of tb'-' Pmluito Court, as I'n'MiilL-iit Lad> Lord Privy Seal. JudRca of the High Omit. or Hunourabli!. 1'auphU-ri* of Peon State Offiren if Dukce: Five following VÍN;.-oiiute' younger Sime. rnnk next imraediatuly after thi ii) Lord Great Ohamberlaln ion duty). of their brother*, IbiroiiH younger Son». «n-en elder and <я\ ' , l Mnrahnl. their younger brother*' wivcn, Sons of Mfe bafon Peer». (3» Lord St^wanl. l»;tUK')itcre of ГМН marrying Pours Bunmctflof eil her К ¡пЫшл. according ol (41 Lonl C'hamborlain. lower »legre« tnko the same onlcr to -liit^ of Patent*. ol Crand M.- of the Bath. '5! The M ¡inter of the Hone. in К0авО0 as that of their ЫшмамЬ Knight« Knight* Orand <.'onim.onders of the ¡litis the daughter of ft Dnke marry líukcü. :.. ..|ifinh- to their Patente of Htarof India. ing a Baron degrade« to the rank Creation : 01 only, while her (datera mar i. Of England ; a. Of Scotland ; 3. Of Knighte Ontnd (.'rose of Ht. Michael DUOMM ricfl to commoners retain their rani <iPCAt nritaiu; and Ht. t.íeorgv. 4. Of Ireland ; KiiighU (iraud í'omniftiuleni of l (tu mid tiike prei'ctlenee of the 5, Those created nnco the Union. Baron*>ws Mpivlv official r;ink on the ЬияЬнлгГ: Elduat none of Dukce of Blood Royal. Indian Emiiiro. Knighte íinmd CÎTO*JO/ th« Royal Hirt ШОИ not give any Bimilar i»re l'ivtuiîXrt'oStnteOfficerflif M апшено^в. For faller tabb-< cedence to the wife. >1агцией*е*. in nime order ял Dukce. Vietorian Order. Knights Oomminaan "WntTAKER's PKEHAGK, BAHOMT of the above Duki*' eldest Son». n, KxiUllTAliE Fire al»ove Stute Officurs if Karle. Urdere. ANI> CoMPANIONAAE,' К nil- lit- Itarhelont. Karl«, in вате order as iHikt?«. I 'P- 73-75- Oimmonderri of tin- Ruval Victoriao Younger sons of Dukes of Blond Royal. Order. MuriiuesîWi' eldeet Sonn. Tliere яге three1 Onlcrs confinai t' fudge« of County Court« ami .Tudgos T>u!ies' rounder Hons. T/t(l im: The OH«r of Victoria »iic Five above State Officers if Viscount*. uf the City "t bin.ion Court. the <-i4>wn of India, anil Alt-crt. Serjeant* at law. th« Viscount*, in name order as Dukce. Itoyal Rtxl Hut members an : . in LurmrV. Сгояя. Ч i i to no special precedence. ЕкгЬ' rldcst Sonn. entitle«! of the R-itb. Star of India, Оаицшиаш younger Soni. Marqueaees' St. Michael and St.. Ueorge, Itidixn of I»mlon, Durham and Bishoi*a � No irrittci Kinpire. I/OCAL PRECKDKXCT. AVinchceter. Memljent 4th Clase of the Royal ОМЯ of coimty or city ortlcr of pre All other ЕпдПяп according IMehops. Victorian Or-ler. ОЮЮОв Ьая lieen iir«-»mulgat«l. пч to their «eniority of ООПЕНПЛяо, in iwiturally the county the Five above SUt« Offinir« if Иягопч. Глчч * Service Order [,ii>utcii.-nit st.-n nlî. first, and oeoondl' of -i .i � if of the degmi -. г. - .., j.- of t lu* Itmwrial Service the In Guiu])aniouH SherifT. London and Oft» nf n Ibiron. Order, Coq »orations, г mils the Mnvor first IlaronJif, in name outer us Dukca. fildeat Sons of уоипксг Hone of I'.-rnt. nfter him the Alderuicii. Hht-rifl Speaker of the ITouee of Commun.*. Tbn.iift« .-l.trtit S-.ÍIÍ. Chief (»ffii-t-r«. and Liven. At Oxfon Тгмпт of H. M. 'и Houwhol.l. l'lii'^: N»ti> ni Kuitflil« iii onler of aiul Cnnibridee tin- Hfirli Sli»rin't:ik.i Comptroller of H.H. 'в Hoiimhold. their 9E9m» precedence of thi- ГШПМЯМШвНт; Joseph Whitaker, An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord 1908 (London: Whitaker, nu» 1907; HathiTrust), 104.
the air of reality (solidity of specification) (James, “Art of Fiction,” 390) real vs. “real” I feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two Archbishops and the Lord High Chancellor to the shadows of shades. (89)
real vs. “real” I feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two Archbishops and the Lord High Chancellor to the shadows of shades. (89) the air of reality (solidity of specification) (James, “Art of Fiction,” 390)
“Curse this war! God damn this war!” (“The Mark on the Wall,” 91) the transfer of confidence Exterior events have actually lost their hegemony, they serve to release and interpret inner events. (Erich Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature , trans. Willard R. Trask [Princeton U.P., 1957], 538) A transfer of confidence: the great exterior turning points and blows of fate are granted less importance. (Auerbach, 547)
the transfer of confidence Exterior events have actually lost their hegemony, they serve to release and interpret inner events. (Erich Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature , trans. Willard R. Trask [Princeton U.P., 1957], 538) A transfer of confidence: the great exterior turning points and blows of fate are granted less importance. (Auerbach, 547) “Curse this war! God damn this war!” (“The Mark on the Wall,” 91)
questions of scale Let us not take it for granted that life exists more fully in what is commonly thought big than in what is commonly thought small. (“Modern Fiction,” 150) He was little or nothing but life. (“The Death of the Moth,” 4)
Literature is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others. ( Room , 73) whose freedom? He was in process of saying that in his opinion art should have ideas behind it. (80)
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