early education funding update

Early Education Funding Update Extended entitlement (30hrs) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Early Education Funding Update Extended entitlement (30hrs) Payment and claim process changes The Local Provider Agreement June 2017 www.portsmouth.gov.uk Aims and Objectives By the end of this session you will: Have an understanding of

  1. Early Education Funding Update Extended entitlement (30hrs) Payment and claim process changes The Local Provider Agreement June 2017 www.portsmouth.gov.uk

  2. Aims and Objectives By the end of this session you will: • Have an understanding of the successes achieved during the 30hr Trial • Understand the requirements of the extended entitlement from Sept 2017 • Have an understanding of the changes being made to both claiming and payment processes • Have an outline of the proposed local provider agreement

  3. The extended entitlement

  4. 30hr Trial - the successes • 569 children received funding • 34% single parent families (15 % average for the trial LAs) • 56% of children had received the Two Year Funding (27% average for the trial LAs) • Positive feedback from parents and providers • 31% of parents also paid for additional hours • New partnerships formed between providers to offer flexibility for parents

  5. 30hr Trial Evaluation - Parents’ views • Some parents reported being put off by the application process • Some parents reported concerns about the impact on tax credits • 70% of parents involved in the evaluation survey had found out about the 30 hour trial from providers

  6. 30hr Trial Evaluation - Providers ’ views on sufficiency • Stretch the offer and create additional spaces • Expand the provision and increase occupancy levels • Alter ways of working and make most of ratios, e.g. bring 2, 3 and 4 year olds together. • Set certain limitations about how parents are able to use their 30 hours in order to maximise staffing levels and capacity. • Case Studies - West Sussex • Portsmouth case studies being gathered

  7. Business planning support Wide range of business tools and guidance available West Sussex LA financial tool; range of information including case studies describing how settings have overcome challenges posed by the trial Gov.UK guidance on running a sustainable early years business Childcare Works bank of resources, case studies and guidance on implementing the 30 hour entitlement DfE Mixed Model Partnership Toolkit support on mixed model partnership approaches to delivering the extended entitlement Foundation Years Business Sustainability best practice examples, guidance documents and tools. Portsmouth Working Budget Planner spreadsheet to enable providers to calculate income based on varying occupancy rates for the 2, 3 and 4 and extended funding streams

  8. September 2017 - being prepared • Spread the word! Parents need to apply online before 31 August 2017 or will miss out on the additional entitlement until January 2018. • Speak to working parents of 2 year funded children • Read updates and bulletins from Early Years - new format being launched to bring all emails into a fortnightly bulletin. • Online help-sheets, video tutorials and guidance being launched.

  9. Tax Free Childcare • New scheme to support payments for additional hours as well as after school and holiday clubs when child starts school • Not for everyone - parents must weigh up the benefits and impact before applying! • Cannot access this alongside any other tax credits/universal credit • Range of information and calculator tools online at www.portsmouth.gov.uk/childcare (Go to PCC website, search ‘Childcare’ and select the first link: Childcare Guide)

  10. Frequently asked questions Compiling a list of FAQs to go on the website Any questions to add?

  11. Codes will begin 5000xxxxxxx In some cases parents may have a temporary code beginning 11xxxxxxxxx You only need to take action once your LA tells you which parents are no longer eligible

  12. Verifying eligibility • Parents must complete and sign the ‘Parent Declaration Form’ before the provider checks eligibility • Providers will use the Provider Portal to verify eligibility before offering the funded place • Providers will be responsible for checking validity dates of eligibility code as parents have to reconfirm every three months

  13. 30 Hours voucher example

  14. Grace Period - scenario Example: • Child turns three on 3rd March; parent successfully applies for 30 hours on 15th March (can take up a place from 1st April). Parent is issued a code with a validity start date of 15th March and end date of 15th June. • Parent is able to reconfirm their eligibility for 30 hours up to four weeks before their validity end date (i.e. from 15th May). The parent reconfirms on this date but their circumstances have changed (e.g. job loss) and they are no longer eligible. Therefore, the parent’s eligibility ends on 15th June. • The grace period will apply from 16th June until 31st December.

  15. Running a new check

  16. Reviewing previous checks

  17. Grace Periods • Effective when a parent falls out of eligibility • From the point of validation to the end of the funding period • A parent may: Become eligible again o Agree to end their additional hours o Start to pay for their additional hours o

  18. Claiming and paying for early education funding

  19. Process overview Forecast task issued for following funding period Payment made at beginning of next funding period Headcount task issued to confirm/adjust forecast task ( Amendment task available if required for last minute changes ) Payments reconciled within that term

  20. Claiming early education funding Forecast task issued via Provider Portal prior to the beginning of the following funding period For children registered to For children registered to For children registered to access in Autumn term 2017 access in Spring term 2018 access in Summer term 2018 Forecast task issued 10th July 2017 20 th November 2017 26 th February 2018 Submission deadline date 21 st July 2017 24 th November 2017 2 nd March 2018 During first week of Autumn During first week of Spring During first week of Summer Payment made 2017 funding period 2018 funding period 2018 funding period

  21. Claiming early education funding • Must include all relevant data for eligible 2, 3 and 4yr olds registered with the Provider to access a funded place in the following funding period. • It should include the relevant data in order for the local authority to verify eligibility for Early Years Pupil Premium. • Payment will be made based on the information submitted on the forecast task in the first week of the following funding period.

  22. • Headcount task via provider portal in the first half of the term • Informs LA of any changes to the data submitted on the forecast task. Includes children starting or leaving the setting or an increase/decrease in funded hours • Providers to request an amendment task if required for any changes to the headcount data…won’t be available during last two weeks of the term • In-term adjustments will be made based on the data submitted on the headcount (and amendment) tasks. • The total payment allocated to a Provider during a funding period will be reconciled within that period; adjusting over and under payment. Payment will be made at the end of each period.

  23. For children accessing in Autumn For children accessing in Spring For children accessing in Summer term 2017 term 2018 term 2018 Headcount task available Wk beg: 11 th September 2017 Wk beg:15 th January 2018 Wk beg: 23 rd April 2018 from Headcount date 25 th January 2018 Spring term only for census Headcount task submission TBC TBC TBC date Amendment task available As requested by provider As requested by provider As requested by provider Amendment task submission 8 th December 2017 16 th March 2018 17 th August 2018 date By 31 March 2018 Payment made By 31 December 2017 31 August 2018

  24. Transition to new processes For this term we will issue the 30 hour claim form via Anycomms at the same time as the forecast task is issued via the provider portal • Universal 15 hours to be entered onto the forecast task (up to 15 hrs) • Extended entitlement hours (up to 15 hrs) entered onto the 30 hour claim form • Shared funding - parent declaration form

  25. Provider portal updates…

  26. The Local Provider Agreement

  27. Local Provider Agreement • Statutory guidance for local authorities - early education and childcare • Local authority standing orders and audit • ‘Commissioning’ relationship

  28. The ‘givens’… • Providers will need to sign an LPA in order to remain on the ‘local directory’ • Top-up charges • Mandatory charges • Payment rates 2017-18

  29. The areas for discussion… • Outline of your ‘offer’ • Deposits and notice periods • Parental declaration • Flexibility • Admissions policy

  30. LPA - next steps… • Copy available on the council website and will be emailed to all providers • Open discussion until 30 June • Let us know your thoughts - respond to the questions • Issued early July for signing and returning


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