
e S- b4t or^t1 fu e t - t "RSA-640", a 640 bit - PDF document

kg* M'rnclf6 -a c ct- /cl.eV t Cr utl17-? M ?tl * 5a l,ila cv naw *V olqtl'-t eqolrr44lV hov nrb* v? gt-a,sb t*1h1"'7 t fn(7rl* 'e e S- b4t or^t1 fu e t - t "RSA-640", a 640 bit (193-digits) number was factored in

  1. kg* M'rnclf6 -a c ct- /cl.eV t Cr utl17-? M ?tl * 5a l,ila cv naw *V olqtl'-t eqolrr44lV hov nrb* v? gt-a,sb t*1h1"'7 t fn(7rl* 'e e S- b4t or^t1 fu e t - t

  2. "RSA-640", a 640 bit (193-digits) number was factored in 2005 using 30 CPU-years on a cluster of 2.2 GHz Opterons (5 months elapsed). The 9 n log 2 H n L graph below extrapolates this to other lengths, assuming complexity scales as: 3 64 ‰ In[150]:= f @ n _ D : = Exp @H 64 ê 9 * n * Log @ n D ^2 L ^ H 1 ê 3 LD Show @ LogPlot @ f @ n D ê f @ 640 D * 30, 8 n, 350, 640 * 2 < , AxesLabel Ø 8 "Length H bits L ", "Effort H CPU - years L " <D , ListLogPlot @88 640, 30 << , PlotMarkers Ø 8 Automatic, Medium <DD Effort H CPU - years L 10 8 10 5 Out[151]= 100 Ê 0.1 Length H bits L 400 600 800 1000 1200 If you're worried about someone spending 30 CPU-years to crack your email chatter, what could you do? Double your key length. That will slow en-/decryption by < 8 x (they're sub-cubic algorithms), but slow factoring by 10^8 x.

  3. 'Eqf-640", gO (1g3-digits) a 640.bit number was factored in 2OO5 using CPU-years on a cluster ot 2.2 (5 GHz Opterons months elapsed). Tne graph below extrapolates this to other lengtha, assuming cbmplbxity scates as: ff nlog2ln) l(r-i .- '''tlG. / 9.n.rastlt^2) ^ '.. r. (1/3)t tlortrogrldtttrl / rI5a01 r30, (!, 35o, 6ao, 2L "!!tort (c!u-Fas.) ")l, . (.r..!gth (blr!)", rt € l!.Ll (5t0, 30} tl.tr.grtotl ), ?lotxart.r! + {rutdtic, { r.diu} 1 1 you?e g0 lf worried about someone spending your Cpu-years to crack emaif chatter, what could do? Double kei lenoth. vou vour That n;ill slow (rhey?e en-/decryption by **i g.glklic atgoritnmS;, but stow tactorins by 1ry. 4 t;, Ze"ttC_ = yulla-.vtt (.s*.'blo- tg a-\vtJ<1lry.r^q irt f,,<*"nry B"t u l Or a. b'rcrf++$u 1rrr/u*r .M

  4. € (W")= . f t x ' 9 v* r tl, kl ,t {.lry k;fro*-V S --) ?4v (x 1 vr) *n ) oJrJ, i( nze v*-^ t ) = ?a.rC r, E JrnD | = l- wr{ *t i f 1 f 1 o & f l - I . { v*..us 7 Tt'q i lnr;,.-t n n l.e/./ Ll'n

  5. ,Jr, Te>17 Priu, ll-( 1fr;tr) it U i', frar4 A € iF .*'.* t glu) ( +l^ rts*''r9^ '"+'.* rl e&ftlfr, +e, "!:2 iI vr +{*,. ,.r. a} {rr 4ra Cdirc.|A. {-rL'e1 z'*,] rJrr ,1,;!: r n it a, Cryx. r&.,0 tf -tt| %*A,..rt aFtt @r) F-cll a _. tU a r ' t c . n . b < l o c ecuToltd a u h e f . 4 ) r / i - ^ ' l Bf \rr< (c.r.l ir wtrrTotlu. tlv.fu2l bt3+v*l si

  6. a y = t ( Yt= | trfTt i{1 r € t $471 t) uAp +f *r X 2.1@rl?) ol 1o*i. T.la1,b ullr, + x1, I .^lt t) \(r? ? f i (r-r ) )(r+r (Jt+r ( (r'r) ,. p ) QrtL P tr € ( ,1. X; -f (4) (v-t c ) ntz I E {*-1 ('||,Jc) ,r* \ , It :, *1.t&, a a l at*r

  7. yl (avu, Cer;&ll f ece,pfr-, @e ^ d ert&t- n*'* t $clv) 'L l lg r (ur 4.,\ l*) icu-# l+tttw.. h) {wrtv.a &*Vry q 4.1 h ) . t1-t2 ?*( @ ?.r+L'---a >, L-d ru lgq _a &'t h-J *4,u lotryJy. h.l+ ,7 t. (J0..* lr * tu 1 frF t ?fcA l*lor *ty tfu f$? teTf g?t il'\a,r,'}''-ll r a.{ ?vw, q 2l-e %'Mta. v\ "? v.b[l

  8. h..'l(r,;-R*llrrr ft f*f* .r4el ' n,ldl 9rhl4 v.tJ, E + \rr +fu' for hrTr );Sh*fbt7 +1'*, atu,)a1s i t furl,}vt* ,,p r..,"j ,, *.1 AteAe;lrt t b* (,.rcl" .crt*. ad* ?lcb.*hh ) alue,,lf tlr' *rle,p1Jr/g, , g*, ( n , 3 " 1 , k c f c / t % i r . r y e . .- flrD . , ?nlo.b'(* rt Ss tA , 4rl - dd1url4 v qtre^ ,ir e vJ c64vd tal rlur4 ut{0. 7.rl oJl*r, rr{t r mt!-tr o4o ?tft al, 7ra urtry vi.h .a3 hll*ulas ltelt ?qbb,lr{2, A Frr.f $f4t d,otuvrtfit/+. *"++ !?rrrntf2@ (_Alvav41 k1a,/.1S.eq , z*z1 t{rt ,tu).t wvlrl q4,h{ go letf wz&J ,.t{ St+qu ?, ?"4*14., dig2sl* itt obttcrt *Qa'e4 dr"-jz..ivq


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