e n t r o p y s t r u c t u r e entropy versus resolution

E N T R O P Y S T R U C T U R E Entropy versus resolution Tomasz - PDF document

E N T R O P Y S T R U C T U R E Entropy versus resolution Tomasz Downarowicz MOTIVATION Entropy measures exponential complexity in a topological dynamical system: topological entropy very crude, entropy function on invariant

  1. E N T R O P Y S T R U C T U R E Entropy versus resolution Tomasz Downarowicz

  2. MOTIVATION Entropy measures exponential complexity in a topological dynamical system: • topological entropy – very crude, • entropy function on invariant measures – tells “where” the complexity is located. But, neither tells • how and where the complexity emerges on refining scales.

  3. There are many different ways of computing entropy of in- variant measures in a general topological dynamical system. Each of the methods involves computation of a sequence of functions (on measures) reflecting the complexity “de- tectable” in a certain finite “resolution” (scale). The en- tropy function is then obtained as the limit as the resolution refines. (see the other slide...) What do these sequences have in common? Is there a unified approach which includes all of them? Is there a deeper sense behind the emergence of entropy in ever refining resolution?

  4. • The Misiurewicz’s topological tail entropy h ∗ is roughly the limit (as resolution refines) of the following: how much en- tropy (globally) remains “undetected” at a given scale. This is a rather crude measurement, but it is part of the phenom- enon which we want to capture. • In a symbolic extension (equivalently, in an expansive ex- tension) every complexity, even the microscopic one, has to be “magnified” so it becomes detectable at the coarse reso- lution determined by the expansive constant, often leading to increased entropy. Thus the entropy theory of symbolic extensions is also related to the phenomenon under study.

  5. • In zero-dimensional systems we have used a refining sequence of clopen partitions A k ( k ∈ N ) and the sequence of func- tions h k : M T → [0 , ∞ ) , where h k ( µ ) = h µ ( T, A k ) . The interesting phenomena depended on the “faults of uni- formity” of the convergence h k → h . It was important, that the functions h k and h k +1 − h k were affine and upper- semicontinuous. • In general spaces none of the mentioned definitions of en- tropy leads to a sequence with all these properties. • Even if we could define such ( h k ), it would not be a topo- logical invariant.

  6. SOLUTION We introduce a very simple equivalence relation among non- decreasing sequences of real-valued functions (abstractly, on any domain), and we define the entropy structure of a topo- logical dynamical system ( X, T ) as a carefully specified equiv- alence class of sequences of functions on M T . The entropy structure so defined satisfies the following: • it is a topological invariant, • it covers most of known entropy invariants, including h ∗ and the symbolic extension entropy functions, • it includes most of the sequences arising from the mentioned earlier methods of computing entropy.

  7. DETAILS Uniform equivalence Definition. Let F = ( f k ) and F ′ = ( f ′ k ) be two non- decreasing sequences of functions on an arbitrary domain P . We say that F ′ uniformly dominates F (we write F ′ uni ≥ F ) if ∀ k ∀ ϵ ∃ k ′ f ′ k ′ > f k − ϵ. We say that F and F ′ are uniformly equivalent if both F ′ uni uni ≥ F ′ . ≥ F and F

  8. Some notation We will consider nonnegative functions defined on a compact domain P . For a bounded function f we let � f := inf { g : g ≥ f, g continuous } (the u.s.c. envelope ) , ... f := � f − f (the defect ) . ... If f is unbounded then � f ≡ f ≡ ∞ .

  9. Superenvelopes Definition. Let F = ( f k ) k ∈ N be a nondecreasing sequence of functions defined on a compact space P , with a bounded limit f . By a superenvelope of F we mean any function E ≥ f defined on P , which, at every x ∈ P , satisfies the condition: ............. lim ( E − f k )( x ) = 0 . k → 0 In any case (including f unbounded or infinite), we admit the constant ∞ function as a superenvelope of F .

  10. Lemma. If f is bounded then the function E − f is u.s.c. Definition. Denote by E F the infimum of all superenvelopes of F . This function is either bounded or it is the constant ∞ . Lemma. E F is itself a superenvelope of F . Lemma. Let F = ( f k ) be such that f k +1 − f k is u.s.c. for each k , and let E ≥ f be a function on P . Then E is a bounded superenvelope of F if and only if E − f k is u.s.c. for every k . Lemma. If F defined on a Choquet simplex P has u.s.c. differences and consists of affine functions, then E F coin- cides with the pointwise infimum of all affine superenvelopes.

  11. Transfinite sequence, order of accumulation Definition. Let F be a nondecreasing sequence on a com- pact domain P , with a bounded limit f . Let τ k = f − f k . We define the transfinite sequence associated to F by setting u 0 = u F (0) 0 : ≡ 0 , then, for an ordinal α we let k →∞ � u α +1 = u F ( α + 1) α +1 := lim u α + τ k . Finally, for a limit ordinal β let u β = u F β := � ( β ) sup u α . α<β If f is unbounded or infinite, we set u α ≡ ∞ for all α ≥ 1.

  12. Definition. The smallest ordinal α 0 for which u α 0 +1 = u α 0 (and then automatically u α = u α 0 for every α ≥ α 0 ) will be called the order of accumulation of F . This is always a countable ordinal. Lemma. Let F be an increasing sequence of u.s.c. func- tions with u.s.c. differences, converging to a bounded limit f . Then E F = f + u α 0 . It is immediately seen that u α ≤ αu 1 for any integer α . Thus, with the assumptions of the above lemma, if the order of accumulation α 0 happens to be finite, then E F ≤ f + α 0 u 1 .

  13. Theorem. Let F = ( f k ) and F ′ = ( f ′ k ) be two uniformly equivalent non-decreasing sequences of functions. Then • lim F = lim F ′ , ⇒ F ′ → f uniformly, • F → f uniformly ⇐ α = u F ′ • u F for every ordinal α , α 0 = α F ′ • α F 0 , • F and F ′ have the same superenvelopes, • E F = E F ′ .

  14. The entropy structure Theorem. Every finite entropy dynamical system ( X, T ) admits a zero-dimensional principal extension ( X ′ , T ′ ) . Definition. By a reference entropy structure for a finite en- tropy dynamical system ( X, T ) we shall mean the sequence H ref = ( h ref ) of functions on M T ′ , where h ref ( µ ′ ) = h µ ′ ( T ′ , A ′ k ) k k for a refining sequence of clopen partitions A ′ k . By an entropy structure of ( X, T ) we shall mean any non- decreasing sequence H = ( h k ) of functions defined on M T such that for any choice of a zero-dimensional principal ex- tension ( X ′ , T ′ ) and any choice of clopen partitions A ′ k in X ′ , the lift of H to M T ′ is uniformly equivalent to the cor- responding reference entropy structure H ref .

  15. Theorem. Let ϵ k → 0 , and let U k be a sequence of open covers of X with diam( U k ) ≤ ϵ k . The following sequences are entropy structures: • the Katok’s entropy h ( µ, ϵ k | σ ) for any fixed 0 < σ < 1 , • the Brin-Katok entropy h ( µ, ϵ k ) , • the Romagoli’s entropy h ( µ, U k ) , • the Ornstein-Weiss type entropy h ( µ, ϵ k ) , • the modified Bowen’s entropy h ( µ, ϵ k ) , • the (reversed) Newhouse’s local entropy h ( µ ) − h ( X | µ, ϵ k ) . Alternative definition. Entropy structure of ( X, T ) is the uniform equivalence class on M T containing any (all) of the above sequences.

  16. The perfect definition of entropy Definition. For a finite family F of continuous functions on X with values in [0 , 1] let H ( µ, F ) := H ( µ × λ, A F ), where λ denotes the Lebesgue measure on the interval. 1 n H ( µ, F n ). h ( µ, F ) := lim n →∞ • H ( µ, F ) is a continuous function of µ . • h ( µ, F ) is an affine u.s.c. function of the invariant measure. • If F ⊂ G then h ( µ, G ) − h ( µ, F ) is a u.s.c. function. • We can arrange an increasing (wrt. inclusion) sequence of families F k such that the partitions A F k refine in the prod- uct X × [0 , 1]. Theorem. The sequence h ( µ, F k ) belongs to the entropy structure. Proof : see other slide

  17. Realization theorem Theorem. A uniform equivalence class defined on an arbi- trary (abstact) metrizable Choquet simplex is (up to affine homeomorphism) an entropy structure for some topological dynamical system (and then also for some minimal zero- dimensional one) if and only if it contains a nondecreasing sequence of nonnegative affine u.s.c. functions with u.s.c. differences.

  18. Elementary properties Theorem. • If ( X, T ) is a factor of ( Y, S ) , then H S uni lifted H T . ≥ • The entropy structure is a topological invariant. • If ( X ′ , T ′ ) is a principal extension of ( X, T ) then H T ′ and lifted H T are uniformly equivalent. • If H = ( h k ) is the entropy structure for ( X, T ) and m ∈ N then ( mh k ) is the entropy structure for ( X, T m ) .

  19. Master invariant theorems Theorem. • h = lim H , h top = sup h . • The family of all bounded affine superenvelopes E of H coin- cides with the family of all extension entropy functions h π ext of symbolic extensions. In particular, • h sex = E H = h + u α 0 and h sex = sup E H . • The function h sex is attained as h π ext for a symbolic extension π if and only if E H is finite and affine. • The topological tail entropy h ∗ equals sup u 1 (!) • ( X, T ) is asymptotically h -expansive ⇐ ⇒ H converges uni- formly ⇐ ⇒ α 0 = 0 ⇐ ⇒ ( X, T ) has a principal symbolic extension. We define the tail entropy function by h ∗ := u 1 . At each measure µ it bounds from above the defect of h at µ .


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