dufferin peel extended

DUFFERIN-PEEL EXTENDED FRENCH PROGRAM Grade 5 to Grade 12 Am I at - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DUFFERIN-PEEL EXTENDED FRENCH PROGRAM Grade 5 to Grade 12 Am I at the right session? EXTENDED FRENCH SITE FEEDER SCHOOL * *Based on proof of address Land Acknowledgement We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we


  2. Am I at the right session? EXTENDED FRENCH SITE FEEDER SCHOOL * *Based on proof of address

  3. Land Acknowledgement We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We would like to acknowledge and express gratitude to the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation of the Anishinabek Peoples who continue to share their ancestral lands with us.​

  4. A Prayer for our Students Loving Father, Thank you for your promise to guide us and that your Holy Spirit is within each of us, guiding our thoughts, words and actions. We come to you this evening with decisions to make on behalf of our children We lay out before you our fears and concerns. Help us to have wisdom in our minds and hope in our hearts. Come guide us and inspire us as we seek to choose the right decision. Thank you that whichever way we go, your love always remains with us. Amen.

  5. Elementary FSL Programs: An Overview • 600 hours of French instruction by the end of Core Grade 8 • Approximately 40 minutes per day • Mandatory up to Grade 9 unless students are French enrolled in Extended French or French Immersion • Available in Grades 4-8 • A minimum of 1 credit in French in Grade 9 • 1900 hours of French by the end of Extended Grade 8 • Replaces the Core French Program • 50% of all instruction is offered in French French • Available in Grades 5-8 • A minimum of 7 credits in French in Grades 9-12 French • 3800 hours of French by the end of Grade 8 • Replaces the Core French Program • 90% of French instruction in Grade 1 • 70% French instruction in Grades 2 and 3 Immersion • 50% French instruction in Grades 4 to 8 • A minimum of 10 credits in French in Grade 9- 12

  6. Rationale for Extended French Programs : Strengthens first language skills Benefits of Enhances Provides an studying reasoning, advantage in Canada's problem-solving careers, both in two official and creative Canada and thinking languages internationally Education in two languages develops higher reasoning and analytical skills

  7. What is Functional Bilingualism? Use of French in Real-life, Authentic, meaningful, relevant and engaging situations

  8. Aims of Extended French Programs To have an understanding of the cultures of French- speaking societies To be functionally bilingual by the end of Grade 12 To develop strong skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in French

  9. Extended French: Elementary Curriculum 50% French 50% English 1900 hours of French by Grade 8 + 120 hours of Grade Subjects 4 Core French  Religion and Family Life  Mathematics Subjects  English Language Arts Junior Level: (Gr. 5-6)  FSL(Extended) Subjects in either French or English  Science  Physical Education Social Studies   Music Intermediate Level (Gr. 7-8)  Visual Art  FSL (Extended)  Drama  Science  Geography  Students follow the same curriculum for the other subject(s)  History taught in French as their peers in English-language programs. A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12, page 39

  10. Extended French : Open to ALL Students Including Students with Special Education Needs in French as a Second Language Programs, 2015 The FSL curriculum policy documents outline program and planning considerations to meet the needs of all students. They describe the importance of supporting all learners in FSL and include information about appropriate instructional approaches. (Including Students with Special Education Needs in French as a Second Language Programs, 2015)

  11. Parental Partnership in The Extended French Program From the FSL curriculum (2013)  In connection with their children’s learning of French, parents can also : 1. Encourage their children to talk, read, and write at home in their first language to strengthen their first-language skills, which are the foundation for learning French. 2. Read aloud to their children either in their first language or in French. 3. Encourage their children to write in French (e.g., shopping lists, stories, a letter). 4. Go to the library with their children to borrow books, music, and DVDs in their first language and in French, and talk about them with their children. 5. Join a local group to meet other parents and to find out about French resources and cultural opportunities in the community.

  12. Parental Partnership in the Extended French Program: More Information  Visit this website for more information on how parents and/or guardians can support their child’s learning in French.

  13. Extended French Boundary Map for Mississauga 13

  14. Extended French: Required Documents for Registration If you are coming from a Dufferin-Peel Catholic school:  A Dufferin-Peel Transfer form from your child’s home school. If you are registering for the first time in Dufferin-Peel:  Proof of child’s age using original documents : Appropriate documents would include… Birth Certificate Certificate of registration of birth abroad Certificate of Canadian citizenship Passport Permanent resident card Record of landing  Proof of baptism: Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate or baptismal certificate from an Eastern Rite Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome (of the child and/or of one of the parents/guardians).

  15. Extended French: Required Documents for Registration If you are registering for the first time in Dufferin-Peel (continued):  Proof of immunization: This would include… Immunization Card Peel Health form Letter of Exemption from Public Health Documentation from Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health  A tax form indicating Separate School support Please note that if your child (children) presently attend(s) an elementary Public school, that siblings must transfer to the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. A family can only provide tax support for either the Public or Separate School System, but not both. All documentation must be submitted in English.

  16. Application Process: Grade 5 Entry 16  A completed application package is required. Applications will be accepted in the Extended French school office from February 4, 2020 to February 19, 2020 3:00 p.m.  A completed application consists of:  Application Form signed by one or both parents  Grade 4 Progress Report and/or Term 1 Report Card  Signed Extended French Information Sheet  The application will be dated/timed to document that it was submitted prior to the deadline, and a copy will be given to the parent(s)/guardian(s).  Applications will be given to and/or received from parent(s)/ Guardian(s) only  A copy of all applications is kept in the files at the Dufferin-Peel Board Office.

  17. Application Process: Grade 5 Entry 17  In the case of an application by same-age/same-grade siblings, the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall submit an application for EACH child.  A successful placement in the Extended French School does not guarantee placement of younger siblings in future years.  If one child is successful in obtaining placement in the Extended French program, siblings may apply for flex boundaries (special circumstances for kindergarten). However, transportation is ONLY provided to students in the Extended French program.

  18. Making a Decision: 18 The Random Selection Process IF Necessary  After the deadline, the principal of the Extended French school will advise the board if the number of applications exceeds the school Grade 5 EF capacity.  Following board approved guidelines, a committee of board administrators will make the decision on whether or not to hold a random selection process, in consultation with the principal.

  19. A Random Selection Process is not 19 Always Needed  In schools where the number of applications received is less than the school capacity, all students will be placed.  For one class, the capacity is 27 students.  In schools where two or more classes of Grade 5 are possible, the board reserves the right to cancel the second (or third) class if the total number of applications is too low.

  20. Reviewing the Random Selection Process 20  A random selection process will only be held if the number of applications exceeds the places available for one class(27) or two classes (54) or three (81) where approved.  The random selection process, if needed, will take place on February 20, 2020 at 5:00 pm. Students are not encouraged to attend.  Every application submitted by the deadline of 3:00 pm on February 19, 2020 will be pulled and numbered. This is the only time that applications will be numbered. The numbering will continue until all applications have been pulled. A wait list will be set up for those students whose application number is greater than the school capacity (27, 54 or 81 54 Grade 5 placements).

  21. Applications Received After the Deadline 21  Applications received from parent(s)/ guardian(s) after the February 19, 2020 3:00 pm deadline will be accepted, dated and timed and set aside.  In schools where a random selection process has taken place, late applications will be placed at the end of the wait list.  Grade 5 Extended French wait lists are in effect until the November progress reports of the 2020-2021 school year.  If places are still available, students will be placed in the EF program in Grade 5 on a first-come, first-served basis.


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