dshs grand rounds presenter chesley richards md mph

DSHS Grand Rounds Presenter: Chesley Richards, MD, MPH, Deputy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DSHS Grand Rounds Presenter: Chesley Richards, MD, MPH, Deputy Director for Public Health Scientific Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Logistics Registration for free continuing education (CE) hours or certificate of

  1. DSHS Grand Rounds Presenter: Chesley Richards, MD, MPH, Deputy Director for Public Health Scientific Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  2. Logistics Registration for free continuing education (CE) hours or certificate of attendance through TRAIN at: https://tx.train.org Streamlined registration for individuals not requesting CE hours or a certificate of attendance 1. webinar: http://extra.dshs.state.tx.us/grandrounds/webinar-noCE.htm 2. live audience: sign in at the door For registration questions, please contact Annette Lara, CE.Service@dshs.state.tx.us 2

  3. Logistics (cont.) Slides and recorded webinar available at: http://extra.dshs.state.tx.us/grandrounds Questions? There will be a question and answer period at the end of the presentation. Remote sites can send in questions throughout the presentation by using the GoToWebinar chat box or email GrandRounds@dshs.state.tx.us. For those in the auditorium, please come to the microphone to ask your question. For technical difficulties, please contact: GoToWebinar 1-800-263-6317(toll free) or 1-805-617-7000 3

  4. Disclosure to the Learner Requirement of Learner Participants requesting continuing education contact hours or a certificate of attendance must register in TRAIN, attend the entire session, and complete the online evaluation within two weeks of the presentation. Commercial Support This educational activity received no commercial support. Disclosure of Financial Conflict of Interest The speakers and planning committee have no relevant financial relationships to disclose. Non-Endorsement Statement Accredited status does not imply endorsement by Department of State Health Services - Continuing Education Services, Texas Medical Association, or American Nurses Credentialing Center of any commercial products displayed in conjunction with an activity. 4

  5. Introductions David Lakey, MD DSHS Commissioner is pleased to introduce today’s DSHS Grand Rounds speakers 5

  6. Health Data and Transforming Our Approaches to Improving Population Health Chesley Richards, MD, MPH Deputy Director, Public Health Scientific Services Director, Office of Public Health Scientific Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 6

  7. Heal ealth D Dat ata a and nd Transf nsfor orming ng our our Appr pproa oache ches s to o Impr provi oving ng Popul opulation H on Health h Ch Chesley Ri Richards, MD, D, M MPH PH Deputy Director for Public Health Scientific Services DSHS Grand Rounds – Austin, Texas November 20, 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Scientific Services

  8. Le Learni ning O ng Obj bject ctive ves • Examine the current state of health data and its use in public health • Improve understanding of CDC data systems and tools available to aid policy makers in public health decision making • Encourage use of innovation in data access, visualization, and participant engagement to promote health

  9. Le Learni ning O ng Obj bjective: Cur urrent nt stat ate o e of heal ealth d dat ata a and nd its us use i in publ n public he health

  10. Health lth, U Unite ited S Sta tate tes ht http: p://www.cdc dc.gov gov/nc nchs hs/hus hus.ht htm Annua nnual repor port pr present nts na nationa onal trends nds in n he health s h statistics on s on suc uch h topics a cs as: s: • birth and death rates • infant mortality • morbidity and health status • risk factors • use of ambulatory and inpatient care • health personnel and facilities • financing of health care • health insurance and managed care

  11. Sour ource: Nationa onal Health a h and nd Nut utrition on Examina nation S on Sur urvey

  12. Birth R Rat ates es for U U.S. T Teen eenag ager ers Reac each Historic Lows for Low or A All A Age ge and nd Ethni hnic Groups oups Source: e: N Nat ational al Vital al Stat atistics S System em

  13. Percent nt of of a adul dults age ged 1 d 19-25 with h he health h i ins nsur uranc nce, by by c cov overage ge type pe, a and nd pe percent nt uni unins nsur ured: d: 2 2009 – 2012 2012 Privat ate 35. 35.6 27. 27.0 Source: Cohen RA, Martinez ME. Health insurance coverage: Early release of estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, January – September 2012. National Center for Health Statistics. March 2013.

  14. Le Learni ning O ng Obj bjective: CDC da data s systems and t nd tool ools availabl ble t to a o aid pol d policy makers in publ n public he health de h decision m on making ng

  15. Offic ice of Public lic Healt lth Scie ientif ific ic Ser ervices es Cen enter er for Survei eillan ance, e, Nat ational al Cen enter er Epi pide demiol ology ogy, for H Health S Statistics and nd La Labor borator ory Services Division on of of Epi pide demiol ology ogy, A Ana nalysis, Div ivis isio ion of Vit ital S l Statis istic ics an and L Librar ary Ser ervices es Div ivis isio ion of Healt lth Care S Statis istic ics Division on of of Health I h Inf nfor ormatics Division on of of Health I h Int nterview and S nd Sur urveillanc nce Sta tati tisti tics Division on of of Scient ntific Educ ducation on Division on of of Health a h and nd Nut utrition on and nd Prof ofessiona onal D Developm opment nt Examina nation S on Sur urveys Division of on of La Labor borator ory P Progr ograms, Stan andar ards, an and Ser ervices es OPHSS Mission: To lead, promote, and facilitate science, standards and policies to reduce the burden of diseases in the United S tates and globally. November, 2013

  16. Dat Data a an and Stat atistics

  17. Survey eys an and Dat Data a Co Collec ection System ems

  18. Le Learni ning O ng Obj bjective: Enc ncour ourage ge us use of of i innov nnovation i on in da n data access, visua ualization, on, and pa nd participa pant nt enga ngage gement nt t to o pr prom omot ote heal ealth

  19. Elect ctroni onic H c Health h Recor cords: ds: I Impl plica cations ons Clini nicians ns wor ork at E EHR, not not phone phone, f fax, e email • Moni onitor or the heir ow own pr n practice popul populations ons • Aut utom omate m many ny sur urveillanc nce a and nd repor porting ng tasks • Excha hange nge or or c com ompi pile pa patient nt inf nfor ormation on us using ng • Health h Inf nfor ormation E on Excha hange nge PH repor porting i ng inc ncreasingl ngly from om E EHR us using ng na nationa onal • standa ndards ds Rul ules for or E EHRs start to de o define ne how how publ public he health h • excha hange nges inf nfor ormation on with pr h prov ovide ders

  20. Meani ningf ngful ul U Use se CMS es estab ablished ed Med edicar are an e and M Med edicai aid el elec ectronic he health h recor ord ( d (EHR) pr progr ogram • Provides incentives for eligible professionals (EP), eligible hospitals (EH), and critical access hospitals (CAH) to become meaningful users of EHR • Maximum cash incentives of up to $63,750 for EPs and several million dollars for hospitals • Non-participating Medicare EPs will receive lower fee-for-service payments beginning in 2015

  21. Meani ningf ngful ul U Use se Prior orities Meani ningf ngful ul us use is us using c ng certified d electroni onic he health h recor ord ( d (EHR) technol hnology ogy t to: o: • Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities • Engage patients and family • Improve care coordination • Maintain privacy and security of patient health information • Improve population and public health Sour ource: ht http: p://www.he healthi hit.gov gov/pr prov ovide ders-pr prof ofessiona onals/meani ningf ngful ul-us use-de defini nition on-objec ectives es

  22. Meani ningf ngful ul U Use WHO HO s sets EHR EHR rules? • Office of Nat’l Coordinator for Health Info Tech (ONC at HHS) HOW ar are e rules es ‘ ‘en enforced ed’? • The Medicare and Medicaid in incentiv ive program WHO qua qualifies for or i inc ncent ntives? • Most clinicians and hospitals paid by Medicare &/or Medicaid WHAT q T qual alifies es? • Implement a cer ertified ed EHR • “Meaningfully use” for objectives to improve care and population health, including (in Stage 1) one of: o S ubmit E lectronic Lab R eports for reportable conditions to PH o S ubmit S yndromic S urveillance reports to PH o S ubmit Immunization reports to Immunization R egistries o ALS O: Quality measures, registries, clinical decision support WHEN? HEN? No Now!


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