1 Drug Information Portal in Europe: Plan information retrieval with multiple health terminologies Introduction Saoussen SAKJI a, b , Catherine LETORD a , Suzanne PEREIRA a, b, c , Badisse DAHAMNA a , Michel JOUBERT b , and Stéfan DARMONI a Matériels et méthodes Résultats Discussion a CISMeF, Rouen University Hospital & GCSIS, TIBS, LITIS EA 4108, Biomedical Research Institute, Rouen. France b LERTIM EA 3283, University of Marseille. France c Vidal Company, Issy les Moulineaux, France 31/08/2009
2 Introduction To have precise information about drugs, an end-user should limit the number increasingly significant of drugs confusion. Since several years, international on-line drug databases (e.g. Vidal database) have been established to give to health professionals drugs information more relevant than it is. 31/08/2009
3 Objective The objective of this work is the creation of a bilingual drug information portal (French/English), in a multi- terminological context To respond as much as possible to drug-related questions. Drug Information Portal (DIP) ≠ Drug Database Grey literature available on the Internet, mostly from institutional resources (e.g. French National Health Autority) Collaboration between CISMeF team and VIDAL Mainly funded by PSIP (Patient Safety through Intelligent Procedures in medication) project (EU Patient Safety Program) 31/08/2009 MIE 2009
4 Background CISMeF : a quality-controlled health portal to catalogue and index the most important resources of institutional health information in French. BackOffice CISMeF (before DIP) : MeSH thesaurus, including MeSH pharmaceutical actions +++ The development of a terminology adapted to the drugs : Integration of the supplementary concepts (of MeSH thesaurus) which reference chemical substances the international ATC (Anatomical, Therapeutic and Chemical) code CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) code, EN (Enzyme Commission Number) code trade (or brand or commercial) names for France and Denmark the International Nonproprietary Names (INN), the French CIP (Presentation Identifying Code), the French CIS (Specialty Identifying Code), the French UCD (Common Dispensation Unit) code, Into the CISMeF backoffice, now multi-terminological Several health professionals could access the DIP using their own terminologies 31/08/2009
Background • All the previous terminologies and codes • Integration to the CISMeF backoffice (secure access via https) • Integration to the CISMeF terminology server (to help CISMeF librarians to index DIP drug resources) • Integration to the Doc’CISMeF search engine => multi- terminology information retrieval • Formal evaluation is mandatory (PhD S. Sakji) • Integration to the MeSH (semi) automatic indexing extractor => multi-terminology automatic indexing • Pereira, S; Sakji, S; Névéol, A; Kergoulay, I; Kerdelhué, G; Serrot, E; Joubert, M & Darmoni SJ. Abstract multi-terminology indexing for the assignment of MeSH descriptors. AMIA symp. , 2009
Adaptation of several drug terminologies and codes Translation (in French) of over 8,000 MeSH Supplementary Concepts (Additional Substance Names) + add-on 6,000 synonyms (e.g. chemical formula BrCs) French drugs and most toxic chemical substances for human (>50K € ) Cooperation with Vidal company Danish brand names Table of correspondence INN-ATC +++ Accentuation of the ATC in French Cooperation with Memodata (10K € )
9 Results The Drug Information Portal contains primarily search tools inspired largely by the Doc'CISMeF search engine, but with some specificities focused on drugs. First prototype developped by the CISMeF team, in collaboration with the Vidal company URL: http://doccismef.chu-rouen.fr/servlets/PIM >25,000 resources in French, >1,000 in English (bilingual, most of them from EMEA) Access restricted by ID/Pwd • Potential commercial product for Vidal The Drug Information Portal was developed in four steps 31/08/2009
Results Step 1: creation of a metaterm “drug” The CISMeF team has manually attached to the new metaterm “drugs” The MeSH descriptors in relation with the drug such as: “pharmacological actions”, “drug marketing authorization”, “drug contamination”. The qualifiers which are used to index the documents concerning drugs namely: "drug action and chemical substances", "pharmacokinetics", "drug therapy" … Creation of several resource types; in particular “information on the drug” and implicitly all the hierarchically lower resource types (e.g. vigilance note, drug evaluation, package leaflet, guideline to use properly a drug) => The regrouping of these terms on the level of the metaterm “drug” makes it possible to join together all the documents related to the drug.
11 Results Step 2: creation of the portal site The DIP search tools contain a bilingual (French and English) simple and advanced search. Simple search can be done at a multi-terminology (or codes) level (e.g. by the brand name or the INN, ATC code, CAS, code, MeSH descriptor or SC, PA, resource type related to drugs. Advanced search allows a specific search by a combination of all the elements describing the drugs. => These various accesses are devoted to various users (pharmacists, pharmacologists, toxicologists…). 31/08/2009
12 Results The Drug Information Portal contains primarily search tools inspired largely by the Doc'CISMeF search engine, but with some specificities focused on drugs. The Drug Information Portal was developed in four steps: Step 1: creation of a metaterm “drug” The CISMeF team has manually attached to the new metaterm “drugs” The MeSH descriptors in relation with the drug such as: “pharmacological actions”, “drug marketing authorization”, “drug contamination”. The qualifiers which are used to index the documents concerning drugs namely: "drug action and chemical substances", "pharmacokinetics", "drug therapy" … The resource type “information on the drug” and implicitly all the hierarchically lower resource types. => The regrouping of these terms on the level of the metaterm “drug” makes it possible to join together all the documents related to the drug. 31/08/2009
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14 Results Step 3: creation of the contextual links Implementation of contextual links towards English speaking data and information bases in particular Drug Information Portal of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), and Entrez search tool of the NCBI, NLM, NIH in health sciences, which includes in particular Pub Med/MEDLINE and the NIH chemical databases. 31/08/2009
19 Results Step 4: development of the “Google selection DIP” specific Google drug search, named “Google DIP”, making it possible to carry out Google searches limited to a selection of health quality- controlled web sites relating to drugs and previously selected by the CISMeF team. These editor sites are the most important French institutional sites (like the High Health Authority or the French National Drug Safety Agency). 31/08/2009
Discussion PSIP DIP = generic approach Could be reused at the European level Possible interest for EMEA drug resources to be indexed using this multi-terminological approach, easily multi-lingual (e.g. ATC in Norwegian) In 2008, the US NLM set up the “NLM Drug Information Portal”. This portal gives access to information concerning more than 12,000 drugs. Search can also be made with the generic name or the trade name, MeSH descriptors, SC, PA To our knowledge, research by CAS code or ATC code is not yet possible in this US Drug Information Portal.
22 Conclusion In this paper, we have described a specific drug information portal, with specific emphasis on its multi-terminological information retrieval Formal evaluation is mandatory to go further 31/08/2009
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24 Results The query results are presented as descriptive notes giving directly access to information. Within each resource, a field named “substance” was defined making it possible to gather and locate the respective substances, the MeSH descriptors linked to it as well as their contextual pharmacological actions and the hierarchical ATC classification. 31/08/2009
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