dr katie davis

Dr. Katie Davis Associate Professor, University of Washington - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dr. Katie Davis Associate Professor, University of Washington Information School, Adjunct Associate Professor, UW College of Education, and founding member and Co-Director, UW Digital Youth Lab Dr. Mega Subramaniam Associate Professor, College

  1. Dr. Katie Davis Associate Professor, University of Washington Information School, Adjunct Associate Professor, UW College of Education, and founding member and Co-Director, UW Digital Youth Lab Dr. Mega Subramaniam Associate Professor, College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland, and founding member and Co-Director of the UMD Youth eXperience (YX) Lab

  2. The ConnectedLib Toolkit Supporting Connected Learning for Youth in Libraries Dr. Mega Subramaniam 1 & Dr. Katie Davis 2 1 Associate Professor, University of Maryland, iSchool e: mmsubram@umd.edu; t: @mmsubram 2 Associate Professor, University of Washington iSchool e: kdavis78@uw.edu; t: @katiebda

  3. The ConnectedLib Toolkit: a set of free, customizable, self-paced modules to help librarians implement connected learning https://connectedlib.github.io/

  4. https://connectedlib.github.io/ 4

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  8. https://connectedlib.github.io/ 8

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  11. The ConnectedLib Toolkit: a set of free, customizable, self-paced modules to help librarians implement connected learning https://connectedlib.github.io/

  12. today’s focus ● what is connected learning? ● what is ConnectedLib? ● Q&A 12

  13. today’s focus ● what is connected learning? ● what is ConnectedLib? ● Q&A 13

  14. What is Connected Learning? ● Interest Driven ● Supported by Relationships with Peers and Mentors ● Opportunity Rich Environments More Info: https://clalliance.org/about-connected-learning/ 14

  15. Examples of Connected Learning Programs Seattle Public Library | Washington 15

  16. Examples of Connected Learning Programs Providence Public Library | Rhode Island 16

  17. Examples of Connected Learning Programs Seattle Public Library | Washington 17

  18. Examples of Connected Learning Programs Kitsap Regional Library | Washington 18

  19. today’s focus ● what is connected learning? ● what is ConnectedLib? ● Q&A 19

  20. Project ConnectedLib “ Helping librarians incorporate digital media into their work with youth to promote connections across learning contexts. Partners: 20

  21. The ConnectedLib Development Process YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 1 July 2016 – June 2017 July 2017 – June 2018 July 2018 – June 2019 June 2015 – June 2016 • Toolkit • CL review of the • Nationwide • Pilot testing with development literature dissemination of partner libraries through toolkit • Interviews and • Refining toolkit participatory • Full utilization of focus groups with design with teen librarians toolkit partner libraries • Site visits to • Short e-course partner libraries offering 21

  22. Review of the Literature – White Paper Libraries are well • positioned as sites for connected learning Library programs using • connected learning often included HOMAGO - Hanging out, Messing around, and Geeking out https://connectedlib.ischool.uw.edu/ 22

  23. Interviews & Focus Groups 67 interviews with public youth library staff focus groups with 25 public youth library staff 40 states & District of Columbia represented https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/699267?mobileUi=0 23

  24. Online + In-Person Participatory Design Sessions 24

  25. Toolkit Development 5 4 3 2 1 Youth Design Thinking Connected Openly Introduction to Development Learning Networked Connected Programming Infrastructures Learning 9 7 8 10 6 Community Community Capacity Assessment & Mentoring Partnerships Mapping Outcome 25

  26. Toolkit Development 5 4 3 2 1 Youth Design Thinking Connected Openly Introduction to Development Learning Networked Connected Programming Infrastructures Learning 9 7 8 10 6 Community Community Capacity Assessment & Mentoring Partnerships Mapping Outcome 26

  27. Toolkit Development • 5 Librarians • 2 SPL, 2 KRL, 1 PPL GitBooks prototype GitHub module page developed for pilot developed after pilot 27

  28. ConnectedLib Modules https://connectedlib.github.io/ 28

  29. Continuing Education w/ConnectedLib YALSA e-course forthcoming 10/20/19 to 11/23/19 (4 weeks) with Kelly Hoffman http://www.ala.org/yalsa/onlinelearning/onlinecourses/connectedlib 29

  30. today’s takeaways You now know about… ● the connected learning framework & its applicability to libraries ● the ConnectedLib Project ● the purpose and layout of the ConnectedLib Toolkit 30

  31. today’s focus ● what is connected learning? ● what is ConnectedLib? ● Q&A 31

  32. Thank You! Any questions? Dr. Mega Subramaniam 1 & Dr. Katie Davis 2 1 Associate Professor, University of Maryland, iSchool e: mmsubram@umd.edu; t: @mmsubram 2 Associate Professor, University of Washington iSchool e: kdavis78@uw.edu; t: @katiebda 32

  33. Credits • Presentation template by SlidesCarnival • Paper backgrounds by SubtlePatterns 33


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