Cumberland Valley School District What Type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide to Families and Taxpayers?
Cumberland Valley School District Understanding the Backdrop Ten Year Trends of Educational Challenges
The Cumberland Valley School District has seen an Unprecedented Rise in Enrollment, Poverty Levels, English Language Learners, and Special Education Students. Cumberland Valley School District CV Minority Population Student Body 30.00% 9000 8900 8800 25.00% 8700 8600 8500 20.00% 8400 Number of Students 8300 8200 15.00% 8100 8000 7900 10.00% 7800 7700 7600 5.00% 7500 7400 7300 0.00% 7200 7100 7000 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Series1 7328 7322 7325 7431 7565 7665 8308 8361 8439 8883 School Year Since 2007/08 CV’s Minority Population has doubled. 5.53% of the Since 2007/08 CV’s Student Population has Grown by population are both minorities and economically disadvantaged. More than 1200 Students % of Students in from Economically ESL % of ESL % of Pop. Disadvantaged Homes ESL 244 72.19% 2.66% 25.00% 1st Year Monitor 56 47.86% 0.61% 20.00% 2nd Year Monitor 38 8.35% 0.41% 15.00% ESL Current Total 338 74.29% 3.68% 10.00% Exited 117 25.71% 1.27% 5.00% ESL Past/Present 455 4.95% 0.00% Never ESL 8731 95.05% Since 2007/08 CV’s student population from economically disadvantaged homes Currently 5% of the student population has passed has doubled. 1/5 of the student population currently identifies as economically through our ESL programs. disadvantaged and currently 45 students are identified as homeless.
% Change in IU 15 District Enrollments for the Past Decade
Why are Families Coming to the Cumberland Valley School District Response Percent Answer Options (122 Responses) No specific programs. This is simply where we took residence. 57.4% A specific elementary school. 15.6% Cumberland Valley High School. 14.8% Elementary Curriculum 13.1% Advanced Placement Courses 11.5% Athletics 9.0% Other (please specify) 7.4% Other: Elective Courses 5.7% A job transfer to Harrisburg Music and Performing Arts 5.7% A new job in Carlisle but we're strongly advised to move into the Cumberland valley. A new job in Chambersburg - Math Curriculum 4.9% Child went to private full-day kindergarten and now started first grade. Autistic Support and Behavioral Support Classes 4.1% Closer to work. English Language Arts Curriculum (Writing, Reading, Language Arts) 4.1% Family International Baccalaureate (IB) Program 4.1% Foster care A specific middle school. 3.3% Had been homeschooling Homeschool to public Learning Support Classes 3.3% Lived in Hampden Township for approx. 34 years. Specific Special Education Needs that CV Can Meet 3.3% Low taxes compared to other reputable schools in Central PA Visual Arts Curriculum (Fine Arts, Photography, Film, and Computer Animation) 3.3% Lower taxes Agriculture Curriculum 2.5% Moved from India, got to know that Cumberland valley is having the best schools Articulation Agreements that Allow CV Students to take College Courses (Dual Enrollment, Moved from Virginia for better job opportunities. Jobs are both in York however we chose to 2.5% live in Hampden Township due to family, schools, and quality of life. College in the High School) CV's Student Body 2.5% My child went to private Kindergarten (all day) so he didn't start with the school district last year. Therefore, we were new this year. Junior ROTC 2.5% Science Curriculum 2.5% My son attended a private Kindergarten and now enrolled in public school for 1st grade. World Language Curriculum 2.5% Business Education Curriculum 1.6% My son was enrolled at a private academy and we determined he should make a change. Family and Consumer Science Curriculum 1.6% Relocated for job not in Cumberland county, chose to purchase in Hampden Twp for school system and lower taxes Social Studies Curriculum 0.8% unhappy with previous private school and academics Vocational Courses (Cumberland Perry Area Vocational Technical School) 0.8% We are hosting a foreign exchange student and we reside within the district. Technical Courses (Project Lead the Way) 0.0% We were not happy at our previous school
Where are our new families coming from? 71% of New CV Families Came from Within a 50 Mile Radius
Cumberland Valley School District Understanding Revenue and Expenditures Eight Year Trend of Revenues and Expenditures
Tax Rates for School Districts in Cumberland County 2001-02 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 School District Real Estate Rates Millage Millage Millage Millage Millage Millage Millage Millage Act 1 Index NA 2.90% 2.90% 1.70% 1.70% 2.10% 1.90% 2.40% Cumberland County Camp Hill 9.900 16.2100 12.9577 13.1622 13.3860 13.7573 14.4828 15.4876 Carlisle Area 10.250 14.8300 12.2606 12.3706 12.5809 19.9333 13.2436 13.6409 Mechanicsburg 10.800 14.7000 12.0168 12.2890 12.4979 12.5350 12.5350 12.8000 Big Spring 9.100 16.0720 12.0980 12.3640 12.5742 12.9771 13.2885 13.7004 East Pennsboro 10.750 12.8990 10.3090 10.5255 10.7044 11.2378 11.5749 11.8411 Shippensburg Area 8.190 13.5500 10.0100 10.2200 10.3937 10.6808 10.9475 11.0890 West Shore 9.800 10.6100 9.0000 9.3000 9.4581 9.6800 10.1788 10.9162 South Middleton 10.500 11.5507 8.9245 8.9245 9.0762 9.1525 9.3288 9.5526 CUMBERLAND VALLEY 8.809 10.2520 8.5700 8.7150 8.7150 8.8980 9.0670 9.2840
State and Local Revenue Change for the Past Decade STATE REVENUE TREND 2008-2015 While CV’s enrollment, PSERS obligations, and Health Care Costs have climbed dramatically over the past decade, state funding as a function of enrollment has not. Over the past decade, on average CV’s funding it is below the per student in 2009. At the same time, 18 of the 24 districts in the IU losing enrollment did not see their funding levels drop proportionally. LOCAL REVENUE TREND SINCE 2008 for the Cumberland Valley School District LOCAL REVENUE TREND 2008-2015 As a result of record enrollments and the resulting need for staff, a doubling of economically disadvantaged and minority students, increased ESL and special education programs and costs, the PSERS crisis, rising health care costs, increasing state and federal unfunded mandates, and no logical funding formula from the state, the obligation to educate our children fell to the local tax payer. It is also important to note that the ability to raise revenue is controlled by the State through Act 1 and that the Cumberland Valley School District has never asked for exceptions to going beyond the Act 1 Index.
General Fund Expenditures for the Past Decade Facing record enrollments and the resulting need for staff, a doubling of economically disadvantaged students, ESL and special education populations and associated costs dramatically on the rise, the PSERS crisis, soaring employer health care costs, and increasing unfunded state and federal mandates our General Fund Expenditures per student are virtually unchanged from 2008. The school districts in our region and school districts across the state both show a 25% increase in per student costs over the same period.
Cumberland Valley School District What type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide Based on the State Measures
What type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide Regardless of size, dollars spent per student, increase/decrease in enrollments, economically disadvantaged children, ESL and special education populations, and changes in student demographics only 52 out of 500 Pennsylvania school districts scored better on the PA Assessments than CV and only twelve school districts spent less per child per % proficient/ advanced on the PA Assessment regardless of the district’s level of achievement. Of the twelve districts that spent less, only one out performed CV.
What type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide Twelve school districts spent less per student per % Proficient or Advanced on the PA Assessment/Keystone. Of the twelve districts that spent less per student only one out performed CV.
What type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide Of all the schools that scored higher than CV, regardless of their Size, Dollars Spent Per Student, Increase/Decrease in Enrollments, Changes in Economically Disadvantaged Children, Increase/Decrease in ESL and Special Education Populations, and Changes in Student Demographics Only 52 Out of 500 PA School Districts Scored Better Than CV on the PSSA’s and Only 1 spent Less Dollars per Student.
What type of Educational Value Does the Cumberland Valley School District Provide Only one school district in the Intermediate Unit had a higher percent of students proficient or advanced on the PA Assessment than Cumberland Valley. While scoring 2% higher that district spent $1726.00 more than Cumberland Valley per student per percent proficient/advanced.
How Does CV’s Achievement Compare to School Districts in Intermediate Unit 15 CV has the second highest level of Comparatively, CV’s level of achievement is equally as high in achievement in the Intermediate Unit on English Language Arts, Math, and Science as compared to the PSSA’s. other districts within the Intermediate Unit.
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