doe phase ii sbir project diagnostics of chlorine induced

DOE Phase II SBIR Project: Diagnostics of Chlorine Induced Stress - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DOE Phase II SBIR Project: Diagnostics of Chlorine Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking Using Laser Ultrasonics SFWST Working Group Meeting May 22-24, 2018 Max Wiedmann and Marvin Klein Intelligent Optical Systems Torrance, CA 90505

  1. DOE Phase II SBIR Project: Diagnostics of Chlorine Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking Using Laser Ultrasonics SFWST Working Group Meeting May 22-24, 2018 Max Wiedmann and Marvin Klein Intelligent Optical Systems Torrance, CA 90505 laserultrasonics

  2. Outline  Laser ultrasonic testing − Introduction − Benefits  Project goals and description  Project team  Project progress and results laserultrasonics

  3. Laser Ultrasonic Testing (LUT): System Layout Remote base station with fiber delivered measurement head Base Station Fiber Umbilical Pulsed Generation Laser Measurement Head Fiber Coupler CW Probe Laser Sample with Crack I Receiver O laserultrasonics

  4. Benefits of Laser Ultrasonic Testing (LUT)  Noncontact: Lasers generate and detect ultrasound  Operates on rough, curved, corroded surfaces  Small laser spots enable isolation of individual cracks  High bandwidth for accurate depth measurement  Small, fiber-delivered measurement head enables access to confined spaces  Purely optical inspection probe, no electronics laserultrasonics

  5. Broad Goals of DOE SBIR  Technical: demonstrate that LUT can measure the depth profile (depth vs. position) of a stress corrosion crack with acceptable accuracy  Integration: demonstrate a practical means for delivering and scanning the beams inside a DCSS, in the presence of radiation and heat laserultrasonics

  6. DOE SBIR Phase II Team  Intelligent Optical Systems : project lead; laser ultrasonic technology  RTT : robotic integration  EPRI : access to mockup and eddy current system for demonstration  Diakont, Structural Integrity : NDE guidance  Randy Granaas – Southern California Edison (SONGS) and Matt Keene – Duke Energy: industry guidance  Prasad Nair – DOE NV: Technical Monitor laserultrasonics

  7. Basic B-Scan Pattern Scan along full length of crack Detection Generation Crack Experiments performed on EDM notches and real SCC cracks laserultrasonics

  8. Beam Configuration: Time of Flight Diffraction Technical objective: detect diffracted longitudinal (L) wave Time delay gives notch or crack depth Scanning into page Generation beam Detection beam Rayleigh wave Generated ultrasonic pulse Skimming L wave from surface ablation Diffracted L wave (LL) Incident L wave EDM notch or crack Sample laserultrasonics

  9. EPRI EDM Notch Samples Curved Shape; Each With Four Notches Sample 6 13.0 mm thick Sample 7 16.6 mm thick Sample 8 16.6. mm thick laserultrasonics

  10. Sample 6, Flaw 1 Rayleigh wave Flaw properties • Apparent notch depth profile is Extent of crack flat, not curved as drawn above • Notch is very tight, as indicated by remnant skimming wave Time signal over notch delay • Measured crack depth of 6.1 mm agrees with stated depth of 6.55 mm. Skimming wave Notch-diffracted LL wave laserultrasonics

  11. Fatigue Crack Sample From Trueflaw (Finland): Crack Specifications Destructive testing: 6.4 mm laserultrasonics

  12. Photo of Crack 30 mm laserultrasonics

  13. Crack B-Scan Physical extent of crack 2L Backwall Rayleigh wave is Skimming L wave LL crack diffracted wave interrupted over crack LL crack diffracted wave shows depth profile laserultrasonics

  14. Crack Depth Profile Determined from LL Arrival 5.7 mm Time of flight measurement is very accurate (20 ns) Crack depth accuracy depends on signal processing algorithm laserultrasonics

  15. Fatigue Crack from FlawTech 25 mm Stated crack depth: 2.64mm laserultrasonics

  16. FlawTech Fatigue Crack Physical extent of crack laserultrasonics

  17. Crack Depth Profile Plot 2.7 mm laserultrasonics

  18. Miniaturization of Measurement Head Generation fiber Detection fiber Miniaturized probe produced for separate application. The probe in development will have similar dimensions and will be modified to measure perpendicular to the direction of the fiber inputs. laserultrasonics

  19. DCSS Inspection Integration Combined Umbilical DCSS Concrete Overpack DCSS Cannister Wall Crack Magnetic Robotic Crawler LUT Measurement Head with inspection laser beams laserultrasonics

  20. 3D Render of IOS Probe on RTT Crawler Inside of a DCSS laserultrasonics

  21. Phase II Progress and Future Work Task Status Demonstrate crack depth Complete profiling with LUT Refine beam configuration and In progress signal processing Design and construct miniature, In progress fiber-delivered probe In progress Integrate probe onto RTT crawler Test and demonstrate full system on EPRI mockup laserultrasonics

  22. Thank You!  Contact information: − − Office: 424-263-6329 − Cell: 805-259-5681 − laserultrasonics


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