discussion of loisel pommeret portier monetary policy and

Discussion of Loisel, Pommeret & Portier: Monetary Policy and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Discussion of Loisel, Pommeret & Portier: Monetary Policy and Herd Behavior in New-Tech Investment Jean-Paul LHuillier EIEF Conference on The Future of Monetary Policy Oct. 1st, 2010 J.-P. LHuillier / EIEF 1/14 The

  1. Discussion of Loisel, Pommeret & Portier: “Monetary Policy and Herd Behavior in New-Tech Investment” Jean-Paul L’Huillier EIEF Conference on “The Future of Monetary Policy” Oct. 1st, 2010 J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 1/14

  2. The Question ◮ “Should monetary policy react to perceived asset-price bubbles?” ◮ Suggested answer: YES ◮ Provide framework where 1. Easy to detect bubble, given publicly available info. 2. Easy to burst bubble ◮ Interesting paper: ◮ Question important and relevant ◮ Thought provoking and clear, simple, model J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 2/14

  3. Summary of Model ◮ Entrepreneurs invest sequentially in technology (“ Old ” or “ New ”) ◮ Fixed cost κ gives prod. fn. Y = f ( A , L ) ◮ κ ( New ) > κ ( Old ) ◮ TFP ◮ A ( Old ): given ◮ A ( New ): aggregate uncertainty ◮ Two states: “Good” or “Bad” ◮ A ( New = Good ) > A ( Old ) and A ( New = Bad ) = A ( Old ) J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 3/14

  4. Summary of Model, cont’ed ◮ Each entrepreneur receives a private binary signal ◮ Sequential, observable, decisions imply informational cascades (Banerjee 1992; Bikhchandani et al. 1992) ◮ Stock market prices based only on publicly available information ◮ Definition: Bubble ⇐ ⇒ Cascade ◮ To invest, entrepreneur first needs to borrow from households ◮ Monetary friction = ⇒ Central Bank can determine real interest rate J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 4/14

  5. Summary of Results Monetary policy can improve welfare ◮ For instance: Assume high cascade is unravelling ◮ Easy to detect ◮ Implies sequence of entrepreneurs investing in new-tech ◮ Actions observable ⇒ Cascade is easily identifiable by Central Bank ◮ Easy to burst ◮ Central bank can increase real interest rate ◮ increase the cost of borrowed funds ◮ make each entrepreneur invest based on private signal ◮ Authors identify conditions in which welfare ↑ J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 5/14

  6. Some Remarks Fragility of cascades ◮ Richer action space ◮ Continuous action space as in Lee 1993 = ⇒ Cascades less likely ◮ Entrepreneur idiosyncratic shocks ◮ Reduces correlation between signals and actions = ⇒ Cascades less likely ◮ Endogenous cost of New technology as in Avery & Zemsky 1998 ◮ Here exogenous ◮ What if supply of New Technology is upward slopping ◮ κ ( New ) increases in high cascade decreases in low cascade = ⇒ Cascades less likely J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 6/14

  7. Relevance for policy? ◮ Another tradeoff: Spill-over effect of monetary policy ◮ Consider 2 sector model ◮ High bubble in one sector and no bubble in the other ◮ Should intervene? ◮ High bubble in one sector and low bubble in the other ◮ Can monetary policy do anything? ◮ Is monetary policy really the best instrument? ◮ Why not tax New Technology directly ◮ Avoids spill-over effects in the economy ◮ Easy to detect? ◮ Enrich info. structure: for instance, idiosyncratic shocks, or noise traders ◮ Can we be sure there is a cascade/bubble? J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 7/14

  8. Behavior of Stock Market ◮ In the model, entrepreneurs do not have access to stock market ◮ Avoids all sorts of tricky issues ◮ For instance: their information is not revealed on the price ◮ But this also leads to particular dynamics of prices J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 8/14

  9. Dynamics of Stock Market Suppose N is large μ 1 μ 0 t J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 9/14

  10. Dynamics of Stock Market, cont’ed Suppose N is large μ 1 μ 0 t J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 10/14

  11. Dynamics of Stock Market, cont’ed Suppose N is large μ 1 μ 0 t J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 11/14

  12. Dynamics of Stock Market, cont’ed Suppose N is large μ 1 μ 0 t J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 12/14

  13. Dynamics of Stock Market, cont’ed In red: no bubble, average beliefs when private signals observable, high state μ 1 μ 0 t J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 13/14

  14. Conclusion Thought provoking paper ◮ Interesting mechanism: in bubble information gets hidden ◮ Policy can make it costlier to imitate Private information can be revealed and welfare increased ◮ For this, really need stock market? Not really ◮ But, probably can use model with dynamic inefficiency ◮ to generate bubble that grows over time ◮ and information gets hidden as well J.-P. L’Huillier / EIEF 14/14


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