discord bot

Discord Bot CHRIS L Discord What is it? Why does it need bots? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Discord Bot CHRIS L Discord What is it? Why does it need bots? Existing bots Why does it need more bots? Wanted Features Convenience Information Grabbing Administration Technologies used Node.js Discord JS

  1. Discord Bot CHRIS L

  2. Discord  What is it?  Why does it need bots?  Existing bots  Why does it need more bots?

  3. Wanted Features  Convenience  Information Grabbing  Administration

  4. Technologies used  Node.js  Discord JS  YouTube DL  MySQL  Python  Opus

  5. APIs used  uselessfacts.jsph.pl  icanhazdadjoke.com  pokeapi.co  taco-randomizer.herokuapp.com  meme-api.herokuapp.com  api.nasa.gov  jservice.io  api.tronalddump.io  api.adviceslip.com  api.openweathermap.org  artii.herokuapp.com

  6. Features (Info Grabbing)  Time  Wikipedia Search  YouTube Playback  Trump Quotes  Weather Information  Random Taco Recipes  Ascii Art  Trivia  Random Jokes  Nasa Picture of the day  Random Facts  Random Meme  Pokemon Stats  HTML Tag Search

  7. Features (Convenience)  Ping Pong  Dice Roller  Magic 8 Ball  ToDo List  Help

  8. Features (Server Administration)  Create Channels  Create Roles  Remove Inactive Users  Assign Roles to Users  Member Lists by Status  Ban User  Kick User  Mute/unmute user  Clear Channel

  9. Issues with Dictionary APIs  Server Side vs Client Side  Authentication Methods  Solution

  10. Issues with Programming Documentation  Why it worked for HTML  Redirection  Non-standard Documentation  Bad Searches

  11. Conclusion  Expectations vs Reality  Lessons Learned  Future Plans

  12. Questions?


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