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Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I currently have, or have - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I currently have, or have had over the last two years, an affiliation or financial interests or interests of any order with a company or I receive compensation or fees or research grants with a commercial

  1. Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I currently have, or have had over the last two years, an affiliation or financial interests or interests of any order with a company or I receive compensation or fees or research grants with a commercial company : Speaker's name : Erwan, Donal, Rennes ☑ Je déclare les liens d'intérêt potentiel suivants : Subvention : GE Healthcare, Novartis, BMS-Pfizer, Abbot Speaker's name : Gilles, Barone-Rochette, Grenoble ☑ Je ne déclare pas de les liens d'intérêt potentiel

  2. L'essentiel de 2018 CARDIO-VASCULAR IMAGING Pr DONAL Erwan Pr BARONE-ROCHETTE Gilles Rennes University Hospital and LTSI, INSERM1099 CHU-GA, and LRB INSERM1039 RENNES, France GRENOBLE, France erwan.donal@chu-rennes.fr GBarone@chu-grenoble.fr

  3. Best clinical care will need an appropriate use of one or more imaging modalities.

  4. 2118 patients (mean [SD] age, 47 [18] years; 1525 [72.0%] male), 1881 (88.8%) had BAV with fusion raphe, whereas 237 (11.2%) had BAV without raphe JAMA Cardiol. 2017;2(3):285-292.

  5. High native T1 value on noncontrast T1 mapping CMRis a novel, independent predictor of adverse outcome in patients with J AmColl Cardiol Img 2018;11:974 – 83 significant AS.

  6. 356 primary MR patients MVP patients with LV fibrosis had the highest event rate for arrhythmic events. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;72:823 – 34

  7. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:872 – 901

  8. Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the Human Echocardiographer? Clinical Considerations Circulation. 2018;138:1639 – 1642.

  9. Using 14 035 echocardiograms spanning a 10-year period

  10. Lack of a Tricuspid Regurgitation Doppler Signal and Pulmonary Hypertension by Invasive Measurement J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7:e009362. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.118.009362

  11. CT: SCOT-HEART 2015 2018 More Antiplatelet therapy 40 vs 50% P = 0.004 Statin 50 vs 59 % Beta-blocker 28 vs 35 % SCOT-HEART investigators. NEJM 2018

  12. CT: CT-FFR and CAD management 3,674 patients, single-center observational from May 2014 and 5083 patients, 38 international sites from 15 July 2015 to 20 October 2017 December 2016, CTA and CT-FFR CTA and CT-FFR The endpoint : all-cause death, MI, hospitalization for unstable angina, and unplanned coronary revascularization Fairbairn et al. EHJ 2018; 39: 3701 – 3711 Nørgaard et al. JACC.2018;72:2123 – 34

  13. CT: new image of instable coronary plaque Coronary artery inflammation inhibits adipogenesis in adjacent perivascular fat A novel imaging biomarker — the perivascular fat attenuation index (FAI) 1872 participants in the derivation cohort / 2040 patients in the validation cohort End-point: all-cause and cardiac mortality HRs adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking status, epicardial adipose tissue volume, extent of coronary artery disease (Duke coronary artery disease index), number of high-risk plaque features, and tube voltage. Oikonomou et al. Lancet 2018; 392: 929 – 39

  14. CMR: Coronary microvascular disease Stress Without Gadolinium 𝚬 T1 values were defined as: ([stress T1 rest T1] / rest T1 * 100) Liu et al. JACC 2018;71:957 – 68

  15. CMR: Coronary microvascular disease True positive: obstructive coronary arteries (FFR <0.8) Liu et al. JACC 2018;71:957 – 68

  16. CMR: Myocarditis new expert Recommendation Ferreira et al. JACC 2018;72:3158 – 76

  17. CMR: Cardiac Amyloidosis T2 mapping 100 AL amyloidosis, 186 with cardiac ATTR amyloidosis,, and 30 healthy volunteers Kotecha et al. JACC 2018;71:2919 – 31

  18. Nuclear medicine: Instable plaque coronary 51 prospectively enrolled patients (93 stenoses) PET CT/ PET IVUS OCT Lee et al. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;10:e006704

  19. Nuclear medicine: Cardiac sarcoidosis 51 suspected CS PET/MR endpoint : death, aborted sudden cardiac death, sustained ventricular arrhythmia, complete Multivariable Cox models for death, heart heart block, and hospital admission with decompensated heart failure. transplant, or ventricular arrhythmia requiring defibrillation With 203 patients evaluated by PET adjusted for age, sex, and LVEF Wicks et al. EHJ- CI 2018; 19: 757 – 767 Sperry et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2018;11:336 – 45

  20. FILIALE D’IMAGERIE CARDIOVASCULAIRE de la SFC Echocardiographie et Imagerie de coupes Formation initiale Formation continue Soutenir la recherche clinique Développer l’enseignement Expertise auprès Recommandations des patients www.echowebline.com Webcasts Articles scientifiques Interviews Cas cliniques Vignettes DPC & cours en ligne Recommandations

  21. The large number of studies and patients in this meta-analysis demonstrate clear findings that SMR may be a marker of adverse outcomes independent of how it has been detected or graded. However, because SMR is an intrinsic consequence of LV- dysfunction, causality between SMR and mortality should not be implied JAMA Cardiol. 2017;2(10):1130-1139


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