
DISABILITIES Judith Owens CEO Titanic Belfast NITA Members Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Judith Owens CEO Titanic Belfast NITA Members Meeting 3 rd December 2019 Titanic Belfasts Access Journey Titanic Belfasts Year of Access Disability Access Forum As part of our Year of

  1. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Judith Owens CEO Titanic Belfast NITA Members Meeting 3 rd December 2019

  2. Titanic Belfast’s Access Journey

  3. Titanic Belfast’s Year of Access Disability Access Forum As part of our ‘Year of Access’ initiative, we established a ‘Disability Access Forum’. This forum consisted of representatives from all departments throughout the organisation (both customer facing and back of house) and the remit of this group was to look at our venue through the eyes of guests and employees with access requirements. The forum used operational knowledge and experience to make recommendations as to what changes we could implement to enhance the overall experience of those visiting Titanic Belfast both pre and during their visit.

  4. Year of Access Initiatives • Review of the website to ensure it was compliant to the relevant standards. • Revamp of Accessibility Section on the website allowing our guests to have more information to hand in advance of their visit. • Development of an Autism Sensory Guide and the Event Venue Accessibility Guide for event planners. • Introduction of ‘Quiet’ Sessions at our seasonal events such as our Magical Christmas Experience. • Sharing our story on accessibility with organisations such as Euan’s Guide, Tripability and SAGA to ensure that prospective guests are aware of everything which the venue offers.

  5. Year of Access Initiatives • Partnerships with various local charities including Autism NI, Alzheimer’s Society and Orchardville • Crew training in Disability Awareness, Deaf Awareness, Dementia Friendly and Autism Awareness. • Pin badges for front of house employees for their uniform which indicate they are available to provide assistance if required. • Provision of additional aids for those with ASD including VIP wristbands, ear defenders and black-out tents. • JAM card friendly initiative implemented.

  6. Take Over Day

  7. Education and Learning • Our Education and Learning teams offer a number of initiatives to support groups with accessibility requirements who are visiting Titanic Belfast, this includes: • Free adults for groups up to a 1:1 ratio for students who require extra assistance • Requesting information in advance of visit of any students with additional needs so that we may accommodate them in the most appropriate way on the day • First preference for use of lunch spaces for Special Educational Needs groups • Where additional equipment is required for a group (e.g. hoists) this will be organised by our team in advance of their visit.

  8. Main Blockers • Main Road Blocks • Staff Confidence - afraid of saying the wrong thing - lack of experience • Transport - accessible transport and cost of taxis / hire vehicles • Lack of information about accessible services in Northern Ireland and Belfast • Perception that initiatives such as carers policies are open to abuse • Something that is designed as fully accessible - isn’t always the case - need to assess on a case by case - give the customer the facts and let them decide. • Getting staff to understand the need to plan all areas of our business with a view to access to all • Investment is required – don’t assume that because the building is accessible that the costs stop there. Factor in : carers policy / mobility scooters / wheelchairs / on-going staff training / signers / audio described audio guides

  9. Quick win in measures • Disability Access Action Plans • Disability Access Statements • Carers policy • Collaborative approach – shared access groups / exchange of information • Working with partners across the disability sectors. • Loop systems – trained staff • Large print • Printed transcripts • Wheelchairs / mobility scooters • Involve disabled people in access audits. • Websites should have full up to date information about access to your building


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