digital HARFORD Learning and Leading in a Digital World Create an active and dynamic learning environment using cutting-edge, on-demand content and seamless access to digital tools that will inspire all learners.
ITSLEARNING The introduc-on of itslearning to the English environment was one that I have found very rewarding. It has provided us, as students, a new sense of independence- both to our instructor’s benefit and to our own. itslearning provides students with the founda-on they need to build a self-sufficient and independent character that will allow them to be successful throughout their high school career and ul-mately, their college experience. Student, C Milton Wright High School
OFFICE 365 “Mrs. Gabriel has challenged our class to go completely digital for the en-re quarter. I really enjoy using the tablet to learn and to complete my work. I actually like that I no longer have to worry about carrying a notebook to and from school every day. It also allows me to access the notebook at home in OneNote, so I can update my notebook at home and look at the notes I took. The tablets also are very helpful when gathering and sharing data since it allows me to share the data immediately with my research group, without the hassle of emailing or prin-ng. Also, I tend to type faster than I write, which is helpful when taking notes in class.” Student, Aberdeen High School
BYOT “BYOT as an ini-a-ve is gaining momentum at Edgewood High School. Teachers are seeing the instruc-onal value in using devices to create inquiry based lessons and have students collaborate both inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers are able to create real -me assessments during class that allow them to adjust lessons immediately to meet the needs of their students during that class period.” Brad Spence, Assistant Principal, Havre de Grace High School
GOALS • Implement a fully digi-zed curriculum with devices to support • Upgrade HCPS’ network infrastructure to align with FCC’s Moderniza-on Order (eRate 2.0) guidelines • Align aspects of the school improvement planning process and leadership professional development plan goals with digitalHARFORD ini-a-ves • Con-nue to develop a long-term professional development plan that aligns with digitalHARFORD ini-a-ves • Transi-on technology refresh funding from capital to opera-ng budget
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