digital curators w ho w hat how

Digital Curators: W ho, W hat, & How A Perspective from OCLC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RLG Program s Digital Curators: W ho, W hat, & How A Perspective from OCLC Program s & Research Robin L. Dale 1 9 April 2 0 0 7 DigCCurr 2 0 0 7 Chapel Hill, NC Libraries and Curation Responsibilities I am prepared to predict

  1. RLG Program s Digital Curators: W ho, W hat, & How A Perspective from OCLC Program s & Research Robin L. Dale 1 9 April 2 0 0 7 DigCCurr 2 0 0 7 Chapel Hill, NC

  2. Libraries and Curation Responsibilities “I am prepared to predict that in the next 20 years only 25% to 40% of libraries resources will go into purchasing collections and 40% to 60% will go into curating digital content.” David W. Lewis, A Model for Academic Libraries 2005 to 2025 DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 2 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  3. W ho, W hat, & How : a glim m er . . . the digital curator is store-keeper but he is also closely linked to promoting new [ research] , making sure that his user-base is solid, sufficient, and looking forward to identify new ways to serve present and future researchers. The digital curator should take an active role in promoting and adding value to his holdings, hold exhibitions, run joint events; he should manage the value of his collection. From Data Deluge to Data Curation, Philip Lord, Alison Macdonald, Liz Lyon, David Giaretta DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 3 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  4. Potential Responsibilities Focus On . . . � Digital Collections � Enable data discovery and retrieval � Maintain/ manage quality � Enable use, reuse, new use, new collections � Provide advice on building new collections � Promote and preserve interoperability � Collections Management � Preserve viability � Preserve renderability � Preserve understandability � Preserve authenticity DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 4 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  5. Digital Curators W ill W ork W ith . . . � Products of mass digitization � Products of digitized special materials contributed by institutions � Products of data-intensive research � Products of “new scholarship” activities � Web archive collections � Personal research collections � E-only research � Datasets & databases � Reports, papers, theses, dissertations, etc. � Repositories, writ large DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 5 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  6. Curation and Collection Building � Collection building � Large data aggregations � New scholarly collections � Web archiving � Research data � Data collections � Supporting this will require knowledge of . . . � Metadata � Appraisal � Use expectations (and possibly a crystal ball) � Tools � Repository options and functionalities � Frameworks DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 6 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  7. Curation and Managem ent � Management � Preserve digital objects � Preserve renderability � Support long-term use and reuse � Supporting this will require knowledge of . . . � Metadata � Data structures � Significant properties of formats � Software tools � Repository infrastructure � Sustainability models � Digital preservation strategies DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 7 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  8. Past RLG Curation-Related Activities � Trusted Digital Repositories � Technical metadata for digital still images � NISO Z39.87-2007 � Automatic Exposure (metadata extraction) � Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) � Trusted Repositories Audit and Certification: Criteria and Checklist DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 8 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  9. Curation Tools and Services ( OCLC) � CONTENTdm � Digital collections management software � Digital [ virtual] repository architecture � Web Archiving Workbench � OCLC Digital Archive � Long-term management of digital files � Protects viability of digital files � Secure back-up DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 9 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  10. Curation: OCLC Program s & Research Projects � Curating the Collective Collection � Shared print collections � Harmonizing digitization � Data-mining for management intelligence � Shared infrastructure � Museum collection sharing � New Modes of Research Teaching and Learning � Web archive collections � New scholarly aggregations � Personal research collections DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 10 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research

  11. Thank you. Robin L. Dale DigCCur: an international symposium in digital curation RLG Programs 11 Digital Curation: a view from OCLC Programs & Research


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