devops my name is fung

DevOps My name is Fung NCCU ALPHA Camp Back-end developer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DevOps My name is Fung NCCU ALPHA Camp Back-end developer DevOps in iCook DevOps in team

  1. DevOps ⽇旦常

  2. My name is Fung • NCCU • ALPHA Camp • Back-end developer • DevOps in iCook

  3. DevOps in team

  4. 當⼤夨家在開發的時候

  5. 當⼤夨家在部署的時候

  6. 當服務成功上線之後

  7. 當夜深⼈亻靜的時候

  8. 所以我們到底在幹⿇麼 ?

  9. ⼀丁個 support 的概念

  10. Environment Deploy Monitor Maintenance

  11. Elasticsearch Upgrade

  12. Instance Security Configurations

  13. EC2 + ELB

  14. Instance Security Configurations

  15. IAM • 動作 • 對象 • 可以做 / 不可以做

  16. IAM • 動作 => Read S3 • 對象 => elasticsearch • 可以做 / 不可以做 => Allow

  17. Security Group • port • group

  18. Security Group • port => 9200-9300 • group => ec2-elasticsearch-group

  19. Instance Security Configurations

  20. Chef • write infrastructure as code • online resources

  21. Recipe include_recipe "monit" include_recipe "java" include_recipe "elasticsearch"

  22. Recipe if url = node[ :elasticsearch ][ :corpus ][ :ik ] script "install_ik_data" do interpreter "bash" user "root" cwd node[ :elasticsearch ][ :default_path ] code <<-EOH wget #{url} tar -zxf ik.tar.gz EOH end end

  23. AWS Opswork

  24. Environment Deploy Monitor Maintenance

  25. Review code Deploy flow

  26. Pull request on Github

  27. Hound CI

  28. Travis CI

  29. Review code Deploy flow

  30. Hubot

  31. hubot deploy iCook

  32. Hubot Heaven Github AWS Opswork

  33. Environment Deploy Monitor Maintenance

  34. Log Server Schedule

  35. Papertrail

  36. Loggly

  37. Fluentd

  38. Log Server Schedule

  39. Monit “mysql” running “nginx” running “elasticsearch” execute failed “td-agent” restarting

  40. Librato

  41. Pingdom

  42. Log Server Schedule

  43. Pagerduty

  44. Environment Deploy Monitor Maintenance

  45. Code Climate

  46. Bugsnag

  47. Skylight

  48. Lots of tools and service

  49. It works not only on my machine

  50. Thank you


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