development of silicon photo multipliers sipms for future

Development of Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) for Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Development of Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) for Future Scintillation and Cherenkov Light Detectors. Dr. Pietro Giampa TRIUMF Physical Science Division accelerated Discovery, Imperial College 24 - April - 2019 Outline 2

  1. 1 Development of Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) for Future Scintillation and Cherenkov Light Detectors. Dr. Pietro Giampa TRIUMF Physical Science Division accelerated Discovery, Imperial College 24 - April - 2019

  2. Outline 2 ● Introduction / Motivation. ● How Do SiPMs Work. ● Characterization Model for SiPMs. ● Development of 3DSiPM. ● Boosting SiPMs VUV Efficiency. ● Precisions-Physics / Commercial Applications ● Conclusions.

  3. Introduction / Motivation 3

  4. ● 1897: Discovery of the electron (J.J. Thomson). ● 1956: Discovery of the electron 4 neutrino (Cowan-Reines). ● 1962: Discovery of the muon neutrino (Lderman-Schwartz). ● 1968: Discovery of the up, down quarks (SLAC). ● 1974: Discovery of the charm quark (SLAC and BNL). ● 1977: Discovery of the bottom quark (FERMIlab). ● 1978: Discovery of the gluon (DESY) ● 1983: Discovery of the W and Z bosons (CERN). ● 1995: Discovery of the top quark (CDF and D0). ● 2000: Discovery of the tau neutrino accelerated Discovery, (DONUT). ● 2013: Discovery of the Higgs boson (CERN).

  5. The Standard Model Works at an Extremely High Precision 5 accelerated Discovery,

  6. …. But There Are Still Open Questions 6 ● What is Dark Matter? ● Why Neutrinos have masses? ● What causes the Matter-AntiMatter Asymmetry? accelerated Discovery, ● What drives large-scale Galaxies formations? ● What about Gravity? ● MORE …….

  7. Life at the Frontier of the Standard Model 7 l e Coupling g d o M d r a d n a t S We can generally parametrize new effects in terms of coupling (g) and energy accelerated Discovery, distance -1 scale. Scale M

  8. Life at the Frontier of the Standard Model 8 l e Coupling g d o Energy Frontier M d r a d n a t S We can generally parametrize new effects in terms of Precision Frontier coupling (g) and energy accelerated Discovery, distance -1 scale. Scale M

  9. Life at the Frontier of the Standard Model 9 l e Coupling g d o Energy Frontier M d r a d n a t S We can generally parametrize Madness new effects in terms of Precision Frontier coupling (g) and energy accelerated Discovery, distance -1 scale. Scale M

  10. Life at the Frontier of the Standard Model 10 l e Coupling g d o Energy Frontier M d r a d n a t S This requires new ideas and Madness innovative technologies. Precision Frontier accelerated Discovery, [Me: Dark Matter, Neutrino and Ultra-Cold Neutron] Scale M

  11. Timeline of Particle Physics and Technology Development 11 1987 1920 1936 1968 1983 1995 1932 Electron Isotopes Muon Up, Down Quarks W, Z Bosons Top Quark Neutron (J.J. Thompson) (E.W. Aston) (C. Anderson) (SLAC) (C. Rubia) (CDF and D0) (J. Chadwick) Proton 1956 1978 1911 2013 2000 E-Neutrino Gluon (C. Anderson) Atomic Nucleus Higgs Boson Tau Neutrino (Reines-Cowan) (DESY) (E. Rutherford) (ATLAS/CMS) (DONUT) 1900 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1890 1910 1920 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1939 1911 1974 1983 p-n Junction Cloud Chamber TPC Si Strip Det. (R. Ohl) 1968 (C.T.R. Wilson) (D. Nygren) (J. Kemmer) MWPC 1936 (C. Charpak) 1928 Nuclear Emulsion accelerated 1971 Discovery, Geiger-Muller Tube (M. Blau) Drift Chamber 1953 (H. Geiger, W. Muller) (A. H. Walenta) Bubble Chamber 1934 (D. Glaser) Photomultiplier Tubes (H. Iams, H. Salzberg)

  12. How Do SiPMs Work? 12

  13. How Do SiPMs Work? 13 Silicon Solid State Devices, using the photoelectric effect to convert photons to electron/hole pair. Primarily, rely on p-n junctions for carrier amplification. accelerated Discovery,

  14. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 14 p-n junctions micro-cells operated in Geiger-mode, with an added quenching resistor. Each SiPM is composed by multiple micro-cells. P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery, Coating Layer Avalanche Region

  15. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 15 p-n junctions micro-cells operated in Geiger-mode, with an added quenching resistor. Each SiPM is composed by multiple micro-cells. P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery, Coating Layer Avalanche Region

  16. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 16 An incoming photon enters the junction and it is absorbed (wavelength dependent process). P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery,

  17. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 17 The absorbed photons generates an electron-hole pair in the absorption region. P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery,

  18. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 18 The internal field of the junction brings the generated carrier (e/h) to the avalanche region. P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery,

  19. How Do SiPMs Work? Solid-State Approach 19 This triggers an avalanches, with gain ~10 6 -10 7 , which produces a readable signal. P+ N Rq Single Micro-Cell SiO 2 accelerated Discovery,

  20. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 20 S C j V bd accelerated Discovery, R d

  21. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 21 R q S C j V bd accelerated Discovery, R d

  22. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 22 R q R q V bias S S C j C j V bd V bd accelerated Discovery, R d R d

  23. SPAD How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 23 R q R q V bias S S C j C j V bd V bd accelerated Discovery, R d R d

  24. SPAD Microcell How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 24 R q R q V bias S S C j C j V bd V bd accelerated Discovery, R d R d

  25. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 25 Linear Mode: Simple diode function, ArXiv:1705.07028 simply extract the generated carrier (e/h) after photon-absorption. accelerated Discovery, Linear

  26. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 26 Linear Mode: Simple diode function, ArXiv:1705.07028 simply extract the generated carrier (e/h) after photon-absorption. Proportional Mode: Simple Avalanche-Photo-Diode (APD), the generated carrier (e/h) undergoes gentle amplification (gain ~10-100). accelerated Discovery, Linear Proportional

  27. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 27 Linear Mode: Simple diode function, ArXiv:1705.07028 simply extract the generated carrier (e/h) after photon-absorption. Proportional Mode: Simple Avalanche-Photo-Diode (APD), the generated carrier (e/h) undergoes gentle amplification (gain ~10-100). Geiger Mode: SiPM range. Here the generated carrier (e/h) is subject to strong amplification (gain ~10 6 -10 7 ). accelerated Discovery, Linear Proportional Geiger

  28. How Do SiPMs Work? Electronics Approach 28 Linear Mode: Simple diode function, ArXiv:1705.07028 simply extract the generated carrier (e/h) after photon-absorption. Proportional Mode: Simple Avalanche-Photo-Diode (APD), the generated carrier (e/h) undergoes gentle amplification (gain ~10-100). Geiger Mode: SiPM range. Here the generated carrier (e/h) is subject to strong amplification (gain ~10 6 -10 7 ). Breakdown Voltage: Corresponds to the accelerated Discovery, bias voltage value at which the device switches from Proportional to Geiger mode. Linear Proportional Geiger

  29. SiPM vs Other Photo-Sensor Techniques 29 Technology PMT APD SiPM 10 6 - 10 7 10 6 - 10 7 Gain <100 Bias Voltage ~1200 V ~200 V ~50 V Timing Sub-ns ns Sub-ns (ps) Photo Counting Good Good Excellent Temp Sensitivity Low High Medium Magnetic Fields Shielding Needed Immune Immune accelerated Warm Up Time Required (min) Instantaneous Instantaneous Discovery, Ambient Ɣ Exposure Can Cause Damage No Damage No Damage

  30. SiPM Challenges 30 ● Radiopurity: Easy to make very radiogenically pure SiPMs, but very difficult to package them with equally pure encapsulation and substrates. ● Size: Currently individual SiPM vary in size from 1x1 mm to 12x12 mm and more, challenge is to scale up to m 2 (without being limited by noise effects). ● Timing: Current SiPM are somewhat limited by the recovery time (comparable to fast PMTs), innovative approaches could get push timing to few ps. ● Noise: At room temperature thermionic noise is still a limiting factor (reduced by several order of magnitudes at Cryogenics temperature). However, other accelerated correlated noise effect are also prominent in current SiPM. Discovery,

  31. Characterization Model for SiPMs 31

  32. Photon Counting Abilities 32 DEAP-3600 PMT: DarkSide-20k SiPM: ArXiv:1705.10183 ArXiv:1705.07028 Hamamatsu R5918 8” PMTs Fondazione Bruno Kessler 1x1 cm accelerated Discovery, Because of their discrete structure SiPM are outstanding photo-counters. Well separated single to multiple Photo-Electrons Peaks.

  33. Output Signal and Pulse Shape 33 Rise Time: Parasitic Spike: Recovery Time: k: relative contribution of t S and t L . accelerated Discovery,

  34. SiPM Gain and Dark Noise 34 Example using Hamamatsu VUV4 SiPMs. ● Dark Noise pulses (DN) are charge signals generated by the formation of electron-hole pairs due to thermionic or field enhanced processes. ● Free carrier will undergo the standard avalanche process. ● Temperature dependent. ● Bias voltage dependent. ArXiv:1705.10183 DN Rate ~ 0.1 [Hz/mm 2 ] at LXe ● accelerated Temperatures (163 [K]). Discovery, Over Voltage = Bias V - Breakdown V


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