developing multiplicative thinking

Developing Multiplicative Thinking- Foundations of Multiplicative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing Multiplicative Thinking- Foundations of Multiplicative Thinking with Julie Adams Welcome! Your host Julie Adams Regional Consultant Kentucky Center for Mathematics KCM Website

  1. Developing Multiplicative Thinking- Foundations of Multiplicative Thinking with Julie Adams

  2. Welcome! Your host Julie Adams Regional Consultant Kentucky Center for Mathematics

  3. KCM Website

  4. Agenda • A look at the Ky Academic Standards in the early grades • What is Multiplicative thinking? • Progression of Mathematical Reasoning • Counting Strategies to Additive Strategies • Activities to Support Multiplicative thinking

  5. Standards ●

  6. Multiplicative Thinking: Definition

  7. Progression of Mathematical Reasoning

  8. Development of Reasoning

  9. Why is it important?

  10. What are some consequences? Students should be learning additive reasoning but… 28+12 Students should be learning multiplicative reasoning, but… 99 x 47

  11. Counting Strategies vs. Additive Strategies

  12. Additive Strategies

  13. Multiplicative Thinking

  14. How to assess student reasoning?

  15. Developing Multiplicative Thinking-Introduction to Arrays

  16. Resources from Our Website - KNPIG

  17. Equal Groups

  18. Building Arrays

  19. Moving from Additive to Multiplicative Thinking FZdreqGVWpxeHVwc1lxSnc

  20. Images to Support Multiplicative Thinking

  21. Resources to Support Multiplicative Thinking ● Subitizing to Support Multiplicative Thinking

  22. Same/Different

  23. Illuminating Multiplicative Relationships found in Nature

  24. Examples of Contextual Arrays

  25. Making Decisions Where do you fit in the development of student reasoning? How can you delay traditional algorithms? How can you emphasize reasoning over rote? How can you celebrate students wherever they are while always working to develop further?

  26. Upcoming Virtual Professional Learning

  27. Visit Our Website

  28. KCM is here to support you! Contact me: Julie Adams Regional Consultant Kentucky Center for Mathematics


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