developing a theological vision in education

Developing a Theological Vision in Education EdComms Aspiring - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing a Theological Vision in Education EdComms Aspiring Leaders Network Professor Trevor Cooling 20 th June 2018 Evangelical Theology l Let me define evangelical theology as a higher form of biblical interpretation in which one

  1. Developing a Theological Vision in Education EdComms Aspiring Leaders Network Professor Trevor Cooling 20 th June 2018

  2. Evangelical Theology l Let me define evangelical theology as a “higher form” of biblical interpretation in which one reads the gospel in the context of the whole of authoritative Scripture and responds to the gospel in the context of the contemporary situation. Kevin Vanhoozer in Evangelical Futures p65.

  3. 1. Start with Our Context and Clarify the Questions

  4. Characteristics of a Secular Age l Science as the ultimate route to knowledge l Values relativism and values non-negotiables l Decreasing loyalty to institutional religion l Increasing proportions of “nones” l Fear of extremism l Secular or secularist public space? l Esoteric spirituality and interest in Big Questions

  5. Church of England Vision Statement 2016 Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good

  6. The Purpose of Education l Knowing stuff? l Success for the country andhe school? l Developing critical thinking? l Formation of Christian young people? l Making wise judgments?

  7. The Church of England Flourishing as God’s Image Bearers I have come l Wisdom that you might l Hope & Aspiration have life in all l Community & Living Well Together its fullness (John 10:10) l Dignity & Respect

  8. NICER Research

  9. Our Research Findings l “Weird” l “Levering or shoe- horning in” l “Banging in a plenary” l The impulse to tell

  10. What If Learning

  11. Primary Character Project l Government values of respect, tolerance, community spirit and neighbourliness l Hospitality

  12. Hospitality l Being good listeners l Able to explain why certain things are important to other people l Being good welcomers l Empathy (walking in others shoes) l Expressing their own views with respectful conviction l Able to adapt to unfamiliar circumstances in appropriate ways. l Welcoming the stranger l Generosity of spirit and action l Desire and ability to promote the common good

  13. Investigating Durability of Rocks (Year 5) l Curiosity towards other people’s views. “We need to communicate well with each other as each other’s opinion counts”

  14. The approach Seeing anew: How could a Christian understanding of God, people and the world provide a different way of seeing a lesson/unit? Choosing Engagement: How could the students engage with this new way of seeing? Reshaping practice: What changes to my practice do I need to make as a teacher? What if Learning…? Connecting Christian faith and teaching

  15. The Framing Matters (Contextualisation)

  16. Framing of Pedagogy with a Biblical Anthropological Vision not Delivery of Doctrinal Content.

  17. Understanding Christianity l Text l Impact l Connections

  18. 2. Understanding of our Christian Knowledge

  19. Positivist Christianity Young Woman

  20. Relativist Christianity Old Woman or Young Woman? Or Goat?

  21. Constructivism and Learning l Creativity l Change l Context and Diversity Can a Christian embrace these?

  22. The Clash for Christian Teachers l Commitment to Truth leads them to positivism l Commitment to Learning leads them to relativism l Is there another way?

  23. Critical Realist Christianity Old Woman or Young Woman? That’s an important question!

  24. Critical Realist Learning l Ontological Realism : Framing by Christian truth interpreted through a biblical worldview l Epistemic Humility : Knowing as interpretation through the lens of worldview. Recognition of human fallibility. l Judgemental Rationality : Development of critical thinking and wise judgement.

  25. 3. Critical Realist Understanding of Biblical Authority

  26. Learning as Responsible Hermeneutics (Anthony Thiselton) l Hermeneutics of retrieval l Hermeneutics of trust l Role of pre- understanding l Hermeneutics of self-suspicion

  27. Learning as Contextualization (Kevin Vanhoozer) l A determinate meaning from the authoritative biblical teaching with inexhaustible significances for different contexts (musical score)

  28. 4. Our Response to Diversity

  29. Responding to Diversity in our Schools? l Consensus: Conformity to an Agreed Position

  30. Responding to Diversity in our Schools? l Coalition: Living Well Together

  31. Two Mindsets for Christian Education Positivist Critical Realist l Transmission l Interpretation l Persuasion l Debate l Monolithic l Accepts diversity l Apologetic emphasis l Hermeneutical & Contextualization emphasis

  32. Theological Method l Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method l John G Stackhouse Jr. (Ed) l Baker Books, 2000.

  33. Teaching End of Life Issues l Three arguments for and three arguments against assisted suicide l Fixed positions l The Bible as a source of proof texts l Christian ethics is all about winning arguments.

  34. Hospitality as Holiness (Luke Bretherton)

  35. Teaching End of Life Issues


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