developin veloping g wo work rk re ready ady

developin veloping g wo work rk-re ready ady gra raduates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ms Ania Stasinska Professor Colleen Fisher SCHOOL OF POPULATION HEALTH Group p projects cts in in public lic health lth- developin veloping g wo work rk-re ready ady gra raduates uates First Second Third 50 Enrolled Fourth

  1. Ms Ania Stasinska Professor Colleen Fisher SCHOOL OF POPULATION HEALTH Group p projects cts in in public lic health lth- developin veloping g wo work rk-re ready ady gra raduates uates

  2. First Second Third 50 Enrolled Fourth Fifth n=49 8 HlthSc 23 HlthSc 3 Arts 15 Science Com 2 Pop Health 1 Not Pop 15 Pop Health The Students The University of Western Australia

  3. The Unit and Projects  3 hours of compulsory attendance  Asthma Foundation WA 2 hour workshop  Breast Cancer Care WA • 1 hour tutorial  WA Perinatal Mental Health Unit •  Workshops and tutorials focus on  School of Population Health Project Management  Consumer and Community • Participation Program Communication •  Cancer Council WA Professional Behaviour •  Perth South Costal Medicare Local  13 weeks to complete group projects 6-7 members per group • The University of Western Australia

  4. The Evaluation Methods  Students completed an end of semester evaluation survey Questions relating to group project experience • Usefulness of workshops and tutorials to group project • Usefulness of workshops to professional development • Skills develop • Open ended questions • Whelan Court at dusk The University of Western Australia

  5. 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I have developed useful professional skills in doing this project The University of Western Australia

  6. 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The project has increased my knowledge of the health sector The University of Western Australia

  7. 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The project has increased my confidence to were to work in a health related area The University of Western Australia

  8. 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I have developed the ability to solve real world problems The University of Western Australia

  9. If I were to start work tomorrow… I would have the skills to plan a project… 2 30 1.5 1 .5 20 0 B Hlth Sci B Hlth Sci Comb B Arts B Sci 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 I would have the skills to plan a project Greatest Least The University of Western Australia

  10. If I were to start work tomorrow… I would know how to work to the strengths of the team members 25 2 1.5 20 1 .5 15 0 B Hlth Sci B Hth Sci Comb B Arts B Sci 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 workstrengths Greatest Least The University of Western Australia

  11. If I were to start work tomorrow… I would feel more confident about giving feedback to other team members 20 2.5 2 1.5 15 1 .5 0 B Hlth Sci B Hlth Sci Comb B Arts B Sci 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 confidfeedback Greatest Least The University of Western Australia

  12. If I were to start work tomorrow… I would be able to identify appropriate checks and balances to monitor the project progress 25 2.5 2 1.5 20 1 .5 15 0 i b s i c c t m S r S A o h B C B t l H i c B S h t l H B 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 monitorproject Greatest Least The University of Western Australia

  13. If I were to start work tomorrow… I would be able to develop an effective communication strategy for the project 25 2.5 2 1.5 20 1 .5 15 0 B Hlth Sci B Hlth Sci Comb B Arts B Sci 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 effectcomms Greatest Least The University of Western Australia

  14. The Challenges  Open ended question (n=43)  Some students listed more than one challenge  The most common challenge was time pressure and time management (n=11)  Others fell into two main themes • Team challenges – Decision making – Performance of team members • Agency challenges – Misunderstanding of requirements and priorities – Communication with Agency and Stakeholders – Lack of direction The University of Western Australia

  15. The Outcome  Generally responses by students were very positive  The project experience enabled students to develop real world professional and problem solving skills in public health  This experience is highly valued by the students and contributes to the goal of producing work-ready graduates The University of Western Australia


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