detailed stratigraphic logging enhances thermal remedy at

Detailed Stratigraphic Logging Enhances Thermal Remedy at New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Detailed Stratigraphic Logging Enhances Thermal Remedy at New England Superfund Site Mike Apfelbaum , Cathy Rockwell, Peter Nangeroni, Samantha Olney, & Ben Gregory (Woodard & Curran) Renee Pineo, Robin Swift, Steffen Nielsen, & Gorm

  1. Detailed Stratigraphic Logging Enhances Thermal Remedy at New England Superfund Site Mike Apfelbaum , Cathy Rockwell, Peter Nangeroni, Samantha Olney, & Ben Gregory (Woodard & Curran) Renee Pineo, Robin Swift, Steffen Nielsen, & Gorm Heron (TerraTherm) COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  2. Overview  Site Description  Conceptual Site Model  Remedy Description & Design  Pilot Testing  Logging Program  Full-Scale (Phase 1)  Remedy Progress  Shutdown Criteria COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  3. Site Description Lagoon Area Site Location Former er Waste O e Oil Disposal / / Recy ecycl cling Facil ilit ity COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  4. CSM – Lagoon Area  LNAPL Smear Zone Landfill UST  AVOCs Lagoon ASTs  CVOCs Lagoon COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  5. Remedy  SVE/Thermal Remedy  ROD COCs – CVOCs, naphthalene  Majority of mass in LNAPL smear zone (18-26 ft bgs)  ROD stipulated SVE with thermal enhancement  Thermal required for naphthalene Using ng S Steam E Enha nhanc nced Extract ction ( (SEE) Courtesy of TerraTherm Inc. COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  6. Target Treatment Zone (TTZ)  Horizontal: soil COCs < ROD levels ( v. conservative)  Vertical: non-uniform, overall 10-26 ft bgs 5,750 750 yd yd 3 treated v vs. yd 3 hea 13 13,270 270 yd eated ed COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  7. TTZ Hydrogeology  Notable soil heterogeneities  Wet, oil-stained fill material typically found Impl plications ns for S SEE EE between 8 and 10 ft bgs  Thin clay lens found between 16 and 22 ft bgs Remedy COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  8. SEE Modeling  Modeling used to predict steam behavior  Used to evaluate Anisotropy of subsurface soils Outputs: 1:10 10 to o 1:30 30 Temps > 100˚C for or r range of of S anisot otrop opy I t e n a j m COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  9. SEE Pilot Test Test Objective Confirm steam injection rates and pressures; 1. Assess shape and extent of subsurface steam “front”; 2. Compare field vs. modeled data to recommend/verify 3. anisotropy ratios Sand – High K Test Overview (2-well) ll)  2 test networks: varying geology & contaminant distribution  Steam injected between 2-3 zones  Limited Duration: 90 hours Lagoon Liner – Var. K  Low potential for mass movement (3-well) ll)  No liquid/vapor recovery COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  10. Pilot Test Results Temp Profile: Sand – High K (2-well cluster) Implications: 1. Steam from deep zone found its way upward 2. Geologic heterogeneities present 3. Demonstrated low temp response in shallow soils …Heterogeneities COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  11. Pilot Test Results Sh Shallo llow & & Design Implications Intermediate Steam easily injected under  low pressures As result of heterogeneities:  More temp monitoring points o Deep steam well screens o extended 2-feet  Incorporate detailed Bes est F Fit it stratigraphic logging program Potential focused heating in  Deep select sub-areas Bes est F Fit it COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  12. Phase 1 Full-Scale  186 steam wells to inject average of 6,600 lbs steam per hour  31 Multi-phase extraction wells (MPEs) to recover NAPL, groundwater & vapor  Real-time subsurface temperature logging (38 locations)  Duration est.150 total days (17.8 mil lbs of steam or 2.1 mil gal water as steam) Go Goal is s to achieve t temperatures >90 90 ̊ C COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  13. Soil Logging Sampling Protocol  Sonic drilling used  Combination of bagged soils and macro- classification Focus on smear zone soils  ( 16-26’)  Steam injection intervals COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  14. Soil Logging Key Parameters Logged  Observation of clay / low permeability zones  Transitions/contacts  Maximum PID reading and corresponding depth  LNAPL presence (smear zone) Heterogeneities Easily Discerni nibl ble F-M Sa Sand Clayey - C -F Sa Sand Sa Sand Si Silty Sa Sand COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  15. Heating Trends – Day 14  Perimeter Heatup Only Temps > 90 ˚ C at  5 TMPs North side of TTZ  Not otable Differences in Wellfield Heatup (NW vs vs. SE) COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  16. Temp. vs Stratigraphy TMP-21 [NW] TMP-18 [SE] C-F Sand (upper 15’) F-M Sand (lower 15’) Clay 8" thick  at 21 ft bgs. COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  17. Heating Trends – Day 27 90˚ C Goal TTZ Start of interior steam injection  Challenges Presented by Temps > 90 ˚C at 14 locations  Heterogeneities Overcome by Effective Steam Injection Program COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  18. Heating Trends – Day 47 90˚ C Goal TTZ Continue interior steam injection  Temps > 90 ˚C at 17 locations  Temps in NW areas remain greater  COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  19. Shutdown Criteria  Soil sampling used to determine remedy effectiveness (Interim & Final)  Triggered by “diminishing returns” (% mass removed, temperatures >90 ̊ C)  Supported by other lines of evidence (wellfield GW, LNAPL, vapor)  Contingency for focused steam injection points during operation in areas where heat is lagging Realize benefit t to u understanding heterogeneities pr prior t to he heating ng COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  20. Summary In a n ant nticipa pation n of subs bsurface he heterogene neities and nd potentia ial f for dif ifferentia ial heatin ing detail iled so soil il l loggin ing suppo pported:  Early identification of low permeability soil zones – during site investigation, pilot testing and full scale construction  Opportunity to enhance evaluation of real-time temperature profiles  Steam injection enhancements based on temperature response to variable lithologies  Review of logged soils to identify compliance sampling locations & evaluate consistency COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  21. THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? Mike Apfelbaum, P.G. Woodard & Curran Andover, MA (o) 978 557 8150 COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS

  22. Heating Trends – System Restart Temp Re-Start Shutdown  Focused steam injection in 2 areas  Interior – Deep steam (30-32 ft)  SE Corner – Intermediate steam (18-20 ft) Rapid d Temperature Response Re-Start Temp Shutdown COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS


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